

Comments pane, Comments pane
Customizing OmegaT
Linux, KDE 4 Users
Launch parameters, Running OmegaT


Editing Behavior, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs
Central and Eastern European, The OmegaT solution
Plain text files, Default encoding
Unicode, The OmegaT solution
Western, The OmegaT solution


File filters, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs
Dialog, File filters dialog, Target filename
Editing, Edit filter dialog
File type and name pattern, Source file type, filename pattern
global vs project file filters, Options
Options, Filter options
Project specific file filters, File Filters
Source, target - encoding, Source and Target file encoding
File formats
formatted, Formatted text files
(see also Source files)
Unformatted, Plain text files
(see also Source files)
Font, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs


Glossaries, Glossary pane, Glossaries
Creating a glossary, How to create glossaries
File format, File format
Glossary pane
multiple-words entries, Usage
Location of the writable glossary file, How to create glossaries
Microsoft Terminology collection, File format
Priorities, Priority glossary
Problems with glossaries, Common glossary problems
TBX format, File format
Trados MultiTerm, Using Trados MultiTerm
Glossaries, Glossary pane, Usage


Installing OmegaT
Linux, Linux (Intel) Users
OS X, Mac OS X Users
Other systems, Other Systems, Installing OmegaT
Windows, Windows Users
ISO language codes, Languages - ISO 639 code list


Keyboard shortcuts, Keyboard shortcuts
Editing, Editing
Goto, Editing, Moving around
Other, Other
Project, Project management


Languages, Languages - ISO 639 code list
Legal notices, Legal notices
For the application, For the application
For the documentation, For the documentation
Lucene (see Tokenizer)


Machine Translation, Machine Translation
Apertium, Apertium
Belazar, Belazar
Google Translate, Google Translate
Introduction, Introduction
Microsoft Translator, Microsoft Translator
MyMemory, MyMemory (machine)
Troubleshooting, Machine translation - trouble shooting
Yandex Translate, Yandex Translate
Match Statistics, Match statistics
(see also Menu Tools)
Matches pane - figure, Fuzzy matches pane
Matches pane setup - figure, Customizing the Fuzzy matches pane
Matches statistics, Tools
Menu, Main Menu
Edit, Edit
Goto, Go to
Help, Help
Options, Options
Editing behavior..., Editing behavior
Project, Project
Tools, Tools
View, View
Menu Help
Help browser, Help browser
User Manual..., Help browser
Menu Options
Editing behaviour
Converting numbers, Editing behavior
Empty translation, Editing behavior
Exporting the current segment, Editing behavior
Inserting fuzzy matches, Editing behavior
Segments with alternative translation, Editing behavior
Translation equal to source, Editing behavior
Font..., Font settings
Spell checking, Installing spelling dictionaries
Menu Project
New..., Set up a new project
Properties, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs
Menu Tools
Match statistics, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs
statistics, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs
Miscellanea, Miscellaneous subjects
Automatic aligner for Java properties, Automatic Java Properties Aligner
Font settings, Font settings
OmegaT console mode, OmegaT Console Mode
Preventing data Loss, Preventing data loss


Team projects, OmegaT Team Projects
(see also Team projects)
OmegaT console mode, OmegaT Console Mode
(see also Miscellanea)
OmegaT on the web, OmegaT on the web
Contributing to OmegaT, Contributing to OmegaT project
Development, Localizing, Contributing to OmegaT project
Donating to OmegaT, Contributing to OmegaT project
Financial support, Contributing to OmegaT project
Reporting bugs, Bug reports
SourceForge Project, OmegaT sites and OmegaT SourceForge project
OmegaT windows, OmegaT main window
(see also Windows and panes in OmegaT)
Restoring to factory setup, OmegaT main window


LanguageTool, LanguageTool plugin
Create / open new, Set up a new project
Match statistics, Tools
Options, Source segmentation
Pretranslation, tmx folders - location and purpose
Project management shortcuts, Project management
Properties, Project properties, Source segmentation, Languages - ISO 639 code list
(see also Languages)
Statistics, Tools
Project files
Application files, Application files
File omegat.project, Top folder
Glossary subfolder, Usage
ignored_words and learned_words, Subfolder omegat
Source subfolder, Subfolder source
statistics file, Subfolder omegat
Subfolder omegat, Subfolder omegat
Target subfolder, Subfolder target
Translation project files, Translation project files
User files, File format
(see also Glossaries)
User settings files, User settings files


Regular expressions, Regular expressions
(see also Searching)
(see also Segmentation)
Examples of use, Regex tools and examples of use
Tools, Regex tools and examples of use
Right to left languages, Right to left languages
Creating RTL target files, Creating translated RTL documents
Creating RTL target text, Creating translated RTL documents
Mixing RTL and LTR strings, Mixing RTL and LTR strings in segments
OmegaT tags in RTL languages, OmegaT tags in RTL segments
Target files, Creating translated RTL documents
Running OmegaT
Building OmegaT from source, Building OmegaT From Source
Command line launching, Starting OmegaT from the command line
Command line mode, OmegaT in the command line mode
Drag and drop, Drag and drop
Launch script arguments, Launch command arguments
Google Translate V2, Launch command arguments
Memory assignment, Launch command arguments
Microsoft Translator, Launch command arguments
Proxy host IP address, Launch command arguments
Proxy host port number, Launch command arguments
User country, Launch command arguments
User interface language, Launch command arguments
Yandex Translate, Launch command arguments
Linux, Running OmegaT
OS X, Running OmegaT
Other systems, Running OmegaT
Using Java Web Start, Using Java Web Start
Windows, Running OmegaT
INI file, Running OmegaT


Scripts, Scripts
Search, Search and Replace, Using TaaS in OmegaT
Searches, Searches
Methods and options, Search methods and options
Using wild cards, Using wild cards
Segment marker, Editor pane
Segmentation, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs
Creating a new rule, Creating a new rule
(see also Regular expressions)
Examples, A few simple examples
global vs project rules, Options
Rules, Segmentation rules
Break rule, Segmentation rules
Exception rule, Segmentation rules
Rules priority, Rule priority
Sentence level segmentation, Source segmentation
Source level segmentation, Source segmentation
Case selection - Shift+F3, Edit
Copy text - Ctrl+C, Statistics
copy text - Ctrl+C, Match statistics
Customization, Shortcuts customization
Help - F1, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs, Help browser
Insert text - Ctrl+I, Fuzzy matches pane
Machine Translate - Ctrl+M, OmegaT users and Google Translate
Paste text - Ctrl+V, Statistics, Match statistics
Project files list - Ctrl+L, Project files
Project properties - Ctrl+E, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs, Problems with dictionaries
Replace text - Ctrl+R, Fuzzy matches pane
Search - Ctrl+F, Search window
Search and replace - Ctrl+K, Search window
Select All - Ctrl+A, Statistics, Match statistics
Selecting the match - Ctrl+N, Fuzzy matches pane
Tag validation - Ctrl+Shift+V, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs
Tag validation - Ctrl+T, Tag group validation
Shortcuts Customization
View Menu, View Menu
Source files
Adding files to the project, Project files
Encoding, Source and Target file encoding, Default encoding
File formats, File formats
File type and name pattern, Source file type, filename pattern
Formatted text, Working with formatted text
Formatted text files, Formatted text files
Mixing RTL and LTR strings, Mixing RTL and LTR strings in segments
Other file formats, Other file formats
PDF files, PDF files
Plain text files, Plain text files, Working with plain text
PO as bilingual files, Plain text files
Right to left languages, Right to left languages
Translating updated source, Customizing the Fuzzy matches pane
Spell checker, Spell checker
Hints, Hints
Spell checker setup, Installing spelling dictionaries
Statistics, Statistics
(see also Menu Tools)
Stemmer (see Tokenizer)


Tag validation, Tag validation
(see also Shortcuts, Tags)
Window - figure, Tag validation
(see also Tags)
Tags, Formatting tags
Duplication, Tag operations
Group deletion, Tag operations
Group nesting, Tag group nesting
Group overlapping, Tag group overlapping
Group validation, Tag group validation
Hints, Hints for tags management
Inserting missing source tags, Edit
Inserting next missing tag, Edit
Naming, Formatting tags
Numbering, Formatting tags
Operations, Tag operations
Pairs and singles, Formatting tags
Target files
Encoding, Source and Target file encoding
File conversion tools, Other file formats
File formats, File formats
Filenames, Target filename
Formatted text, Working with formatted text
Formatted text files, Formatted text files
(see also Tagged text)
Mixing RTL and LTR strings, Mixing RTL and LTR strings in segments
Other file formats, Other file formats
PDF text files, PDF files
Plain text files, Plain text files
Right to left languages, Right to left languages
Team projects
Creating SVN repository, Creating a repository
Subversion, Sharing a project using SVN
TMX (see Translation memories)
Tokenizers, Tokenizers
Translation memories, Translation memories
Alternative language pairs, Using TMX with alternative language pairs
Backup, tmx backup
compressed, tmx folders - location and purpose
Importing and exporting, Importing and exporting translation memories
Language, tmx files and language
Matches, Fuzzy matches pane
multilingual, handling of, tmx files and language
Orphan segments, Fuzzy matches pane, Orphan segments
PO and OKAPI TTX files, Sources with existing translations
(see also Translation memories Subfolder tm/auto)
Project main folder, tmx folders - location and purpose
Pseudotranslation, Pseudo-translated memory
Reusing translation memories, Reusing translation memories
Sharing, Sharing translation memories
(see also Project,Download Team Project...)
Subfolder omegat, tmx folders - location and purpose
(see also Project files)
Subfolder tm, tmx folders - location and purpose
(see also Project files)
Subfolder tm/auto, tmx folders - location and purpose
(see also Project files)
Subfolders tm/penalty-xxx, tmx folders - location and purpose
(see also Project files)
Upgrading to sentence segmentation, Upgrading translation memories


Upgrading OmegaT
Windows, Upgrading OmegaT
User Interface
Main OmegaT window, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs
Match pane setup, Customizing the Fuzzy matches pane
User interface
Other windows, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs
Settings dialogs, Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs
(see also Project Settings)


Windows and panes in OmegaT
Counters, OmegaT main window
Dictionary pane, Dictionary pane
Editor pane, Editor pane
Fuzzy matches pane, Fuzzy matches pane
Customizing, Customizing the Fuzzy matches pane
Glossary pane, Glossary pane, Glossaries
Machine Translation pane, Machine Translation pane
Main window, OmegaT main window
Matches pane - figure, Fuzzy matches pane
Matches pane setup - figure, Customizing the Fuzzy matches pane
Multiple Translations pane, Multiple Translations pane
Pane widgets, OmegaT main window
Project files, Project files
Search pane, Search window
Tag validation, Tag validation
(see also Tags)