Chapter 5. Menu and Keyboard shortcuts

1. Main Menu
1.1. Project
1.2. Edit
1.3. Go to
1.4. View
1.5. Tools
1.6. Options
1.7. Help
2. Keyboard shortcuts
2.1. Project management
2.2. Editing
2.3. Moving around
2.4. Other

1. Main Menu

All of OmegaT's functions are available through the menu bar at the top of the Editor window. Most functions are also available via keyboard shortcuts. Shortcuts are activated by pressing Ctrl and a letter. Some shortcuts involve other keys. For readability purposes, letters are written in uppercase here. Ctrl is used on Windows, UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems with keyboards featuring a Ctrl or Control key. Mac users should instead use Cmd+key instead. The "Cmd" key either has a "command" label or an apple symbol on Apple keyboards.

You can customize existing shortcuts or add new ones according to your needs. See Appendix - Shortcuts Customization

Table 5.1. Main Menu

Project Edit Go to View Tools Options Help

1.1. Project

Table 5.2. Project menu

New... Ctrl+Shift+N Creates and opens a new project. The dialog to create a project is the same as to edit the project. See Chapter 6, Project properties
Download Team Project...   Creates a local copy of a remote OmegaT project.
Open... Ctrl+O Opens a previously created project.
Open Recent Project   Give access to the five last edited projects. Clicking on one will save the current project, close it and open the other project.
Copy Files to Source Folder...   Copies the selected files to the source folder and reloads the project to load the new files.
Download MediaWiki Page...   Downloads units from MediaWiki pages, based on the URL entered.
Reload F5 Reloads the project to take external changes in source files, legacy translation memories, glossaries and project settings into account.
Close Ctrl+Shift+W Saves the translation and closes the project.
Save Ctrl+S Saves the internal translation memory to the hard disk. OmegaT automatically saves translations every 10 minutes as well as when you close the project or quit OmegaT.
Create Translated Documents Ctrl+D Creates the target documents based on your translation of the documents' text. The created target documents are located in the target folder.
Create Current Translated Document Ctrl+Shift+D Creates the target document corresponding to the current document in translation.
Properties... Ctrl+E Displays Project properties dialog to edit project languages and folder locations.
Project Files... Ctrl+L Closes or opens the Project files window (depending on whether it is open or closed).
Access Project Contents Gives access to the project folders.

In addition, two menu entries allow opening directly the current source and target documents and the writable glossary. The documents are opened by the application chosen by the operating system. If the documents are not available, the entry is greyed out.

Quit Ctrl+Q Saves the project and quits OmegaT. If you haven't yet saved the project, this manually confirms whether you really wish to quit.

1.2. Edit

Note: Items that are found in most applications (copy/cut/paste) are not displayed in this menu, but are available using your system shortcuts. For example:

Table 5.3. Copy/cut/paste shortcuts

Copy Ctrl+C Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
Cut Ctrl+X Copies the selected text to the clipboard and deletes the selected text.
Paste Ctrl+V Pastes the text from the clipboard at the cursor position.

The Edit menu itself contains the following items:

Table 5.4. Edit menu

Undo Last Action Ctrl+Z Restores the status before the last editing action was taken. This command does not work once the modified segment has been validated.
Redo Last Action Ctrl+Y Restores the status before the last editing action was cancelled. This command does not work once the modified segment has been validated.
Replace With Match or Selection Ctrl+R Replaces the whole target segment with the currently selected fuzzy match (by default the first match is selected).

If some texts are selected within the fuzzy match, only this selection will replace the whole target segment.

Insert Match or Selection Ctrl+I Inserts the currently selected fuzzy match at the cursor position. If part of the target segment has been selected, this function overwrites the selected portion.

If some texts are selected within the fuzzy match, only this selection will be inserted at the cursor position.

Replace with Machine Translation Ctrl+M Replaces the target segment with the translation, provided by the selected Machine Translation service. No action is taken, if no Machine Translation service has been activated (see Menu > Options below).
Replace With Source Ctrl+Shift+R Replaces the whole target segment with the source.
Insert Source Ctrl+Shift+I Inserts the source at the cursor position.
Insert Missing Source Tags Ctrl+Shift+T Inserts the source tags (if they where missing) at the cursor position.
Insert Next Missing Tag Ctrl+T Inserts only one tag (among the missing ones) at the cursor position.
Export Selection Ctrl+Shift+C Exports the current selection to a text file for processing. If no text has been selected, the current source segment is written to this file. When the user exits OmegaT, this file is not emptied, in order to be consistent with usual clipboard behavior. The exported contents are copied to the file selection.txt located in the User's preference files folder (see Chapter 8, OmegaT Files and Folders).
Create Glossary Entry Ctrl+Shift+G Allows the user create an entry in the default glossary file.

If you select a text string (in any pane) before pressing Ctrl+Shift+G, the text will be pasted by default in the Source term field.

Search Project... Ctrl+F Opens a new Search window.

If you select a text string (in any pane) before pressing Ctrl+F, the text will be pasted by default in the Search for field.

Pressing Ctrl+Shift+F displays the last already opened Search window (instead of opening a new one).

Search and Replace... Ctrl+K Opens a new Search and replace window.

If you select a text string (in any pane) before pressing Ctrl+K, the text will be pasted by default in the Search for field.

Switch case to Shift+F3 (see text) Changes the case of the highlighted text in the target segment to the selected option (Lower case, Upper case, Title case or Sentence case). Use Shift+F3 to cycle through the four alternatives. If no text is selected, OmegaT selects the word that contains the letter immediately to the right of the cursor.
Select Match Ctrl+#N (#N is a digit from 1 to 5) - Selects the Nth fuzzy match displayed in the match viewer to replace or insert it to the segment. The Section 2.2, “Fuzzy matches pane” describes the color coding in detail.
Use as Default Translation   If there's several alternative translations available for the active segment, you can label the alternative selected as the default translation. The entry will be greyed, if there's just one translation available.
Create Alternative Translation   The one and the same segment may, depending on the context, require different translations. Select this menu item, if the current translation does not apply and enter the alternative translation.
Remove Translation   Deletes the translation and set the segment as untranslated.
Set empty translation   Define the translation as being empty. In the target document, nothing will appear for this segment. In the Editor, the translation is displayed as <EMPTY>
Register Identical Translation Ctrl+Shift+S Use this command to register the translation to be identical to the source, even if "Allow translation to be equal to source" (in Options/Editing Behaviour...) is not checked.

1.3. Go to

Table 5.5. Go To menu

Next Untranslated Segment Ctrl+U Moves to the next segment that has no equivalent in the translation memory.
Next Translated Segment Ctrl+Shift+U Moves to the next already translated segment, ignoring untranslated segments.
Next Segment Ctrl+N or Enter Moves to the next segment. If the current segment is the last segment in a file, it moves to the first segment of the next file.
Previous Segment Ctrl+P or Ctrl+Enter Moves to the previous segment. If the current segment is the first one in a file, it moves to the last segment of the previous file.
Segment number... Ctrl+J The segment is opened when either its segment call-out or segment number is entered.
Next Note   The next segment with a note attached to it, will open.
Previous Note   The previous segment with a note will open.
Source of Selected Match Ctrl+Shift+M Moves to the segment that does correspond to the current selected match in the Fuzzy matches pane.
Forward in history... Ctrl+Shift+N OmegaT remembers the segments executed. With this command you can step forward to the segment, you have previously left by the Back in history...command.
Back in history... Ctrl+Shift+P With this command you can move backward one segment at a time, to return later to the current segment using Forward in history... command below.

1.4. View

Table 5.6. View menu

Mark Translated Segments If checked, the translated segments will be marked in yellow.
Mark Untranslated Segments If checked, the untranslated segments will be marked in violet.
Display Source Segments If checked, source segments will be shown and marked in green. If not checked, source segments will not be shown.
Mark Non-Unique Segments If checked, non-unique segments will be marked in pale grey.
Mark Segments with Notes If checked, segments with notes will be marked in cyan. This marking has priority over Mark Translated Segments and Mark Untranslated Segments.
Mark Non-breakable Spaces If checked, non-breakable spaces will be displayed with a grey background.
Mark Whitespace If checked, white spaces will be displayed with a small dot.
Mark Bidirectional Algorithm Control Characters This option displays bidirectional control characters
Mark Auto-Populated Segments If checked, the background of all segments where the target segment has been auto-populated (from TMXs placed in /tm/auto for example) are displayed in colour. The colours are displayed as long as the "Save auto-populated status" (in Options/Editing behaviour..) option is checked. Usual translations inserted from the auto folder are displayed in orange. Other translations, identified specifically in the TMX, can be displayed using different colours. For technical details, see the Request For Enhancement
Aggressive Font Fallback Check this option in case OmegaT does not display some glyphs properly (even if the fonts containing the relevant glyphs are installed on your machine). Note: on Windows it seems that this manual font fallback mechanism can interfere with standard font fallback, causing undesirable font substitution. For that reason, it is OFF by default.
Modification Info Setting the Display Modification option to Current segment will display the time and the author of the last change in the current segment. Setting it to All segments shows this information for all segments and None turns this option off.

Note: colors are customizable through the Options / Custom colours... dialog.

1.5. Tools

Table 5.7. Tools menu

Validate Tags Ctrl+Shift+V: Checks for missing or displaced tags in formatted files. Will display a list of segments with tag errors and possible inconsistencies. See Tag Validation and Chapter 12, Working with formatted text.
Validate Tags for Current Document Same as above, but only for the current document in translation.
Statistics Opens a new window and displays the project statistics, i.e. the project totals and totals for every file in the project.
Match Statistics Displays the Match Statistics for the project: the number of repetitions, exact matches, fuzzy matches and no-matches, for segments, words and in characters.
Match Statistics per File Displays the Match Statistics for each file of the project: the number of repetitions, exact matches, fuzzy matches and no-matches, for segments, words and in characters.
Scripting... Opens a dialog box where the location of scripts can be set, and where scripts can be written, run and associated with a shortcut (see Scripts window)

1.6. Options

Table 5.8. Options menu

Use TAB To Advance Sets segment validation key to Tab instead of the default Enter. This option is useful for some Chinese, Japanese or Korean character input systems.
Always Confirm Quit The program will see confirmation before closing down.
Machine Translate Allows you to activate/deactivate the Machine Translation tools offered. When active, Ctrl+M will insert the suggestion into the target part of the current segment.

For confidentiality reasons, you may want to not send all the segments to the Machine Translation tool. By unchecking Automatically Fetch Translations option, machine translations will be fetched only upon invoking Ctrl+M (Cmd+M on OS X) on the current segment. Then you must use Ctrl+M a second time, to insert the suggestion.

Check Untranslated Segments Only option to deactivate Machine Translation tools on already translated segments. Note: in that case, Ctrl+M can still be used, to force a Machine Translation call on an already translated segment.

Glossary The Display Context Description for TBX Glossaries option allows to show or hide contextual information with the terms (that come from TBX glossaries located in glossary folder) in the Glossary pane.

If Use Terms Appearing Separately in the Source Text option is ON, the glossary entry "itema itemb" will be found in the source text "itema other word itemb". If the option is OFF, the glossary entry above will not be found.

If Use Stemming for Glossary Entries option is ON, with an English source text, the glossary entry "element" will be found if the source text contains "elements". If the option is OFF, the glossary entry above will not be found.

The Replace Glossary Hits when Inserting Source Text option allows to replace automatically glossary hits with the target term when source text is inserted. This is effective upon Edit > Replace with Source, Edit > Insert Source, and when entering a segment when Options > Editing Behavior > [Insert] The source text is enabled. When multiple target terms are available, the first one (as shown in the Glossary pane) will be used. Glossary matching does not use stemming or stop words, but is case-insensitive. An attempt is made to match the capitalization of the source word.

The 3 other options are described in the specific page concerning TaaS (Terminology as a Service).

TransTips Allows you to activate/deactivate TransTips feature and set its option Exact Match. With TransTips activated a right click on a highlighted word in the source will open a pop up menu with the glossary entries for the word you clicked. You can then click on the preferred translation to insert it into the target segment at the current position. With TransTips/Exact Match checked, only complete words will be checked, otherwise parts of words will be matched as well.

Click on Glossary... to configure the Auto-completer Glossary View.

Click on Auto-text... to configure Auto-text options and to add or remove entries.

Click on Character Table... to set the Character table auto-completer options.

Auto-completer is launched within the target segment via Ctrl+Space shortcut.

If Show Relevant Suggestions Automatically option is checked, Auto-completer is launched automatically by typing the first letter of a translated glossary entry, or by typing "<" in case of tags.

Font... Shows the dialog to modify the text display font. Users of old computers who feel window resizing is very slow can try changing the font. See font settings in Miscellanea
Custom colours...

Allows you to choose different colours for each part of the User Interface.

Pre-defined themes can be set through a script. A default script called Switch Colour Themes provides a default "Dark".
File Filters... Displays the File filters dialog to configure file handling and parsing.
Segmentation... Opens the Source segmentation dialog to configure text segmentation.
Spell checking... Displays the Spell checker setup window to install, configure and activate the spell checker.
Editing Behavior... Displays the Translation editing dialog to configure.
Tag Processing... When translating software-related files: Allows you to configure the Tag Validator options to check also programming (%...) variables. It also allows to define various options related to tag validation and to define custom tags.
Team... Enter your name here and it will be attached to all segments translated by you.
External TMXs... Allows the user decide, how tags in foreign TMX files (i.e. not generated by OmegaT) are to be treated.

The fuzzy matches can be also sorted in different ways (for displaying only; no influence on statistics). The Match Display Template area also allows changing how fuzzy matches are displayed, through the use of pre-configured variables.

View... Contains options for displaying texts and modification information in different ways.
Saving and Output... Allows the user select the interval - in minutes and seconds - between consecutive automatic saves of the project. The minimum is 10 seconds.

The dialog box allows also to set external Post-processing commands (that are executed after Create Translated Documents command

Proxy login... Enter your user name and your password, if you use a proxy to access your projects.
Restore Main Window Restores the components of the main OmegaT window to their default state. Use this feature when you have undocked, moved, or hidden one or more components and you are unable to restore the desired arrangement. It can also be used when panes do not appear as expected following an OmegaT upgrade.
Language Checker When selected, LanguageTool checks the translations, and underline potential issues in blue.

1.7. Help

Table 5.9. Help menu

User Manual... F1: Opens this manual in the default browser.
About... Displays copyright, credits and license information.
Last Changes... Displays the list of new functionalities, enhancements and bug fixes for each new release.
Log... Displays the current log file. The title of the dialog reflects the file actually used (which depends on how many instances of OmegaT are running concurrently).

2. Keyboard shortcuts

The following shortcuts are available from the main window. When another window is on the foreground, click on the main window to bring it to the foreground or press Esc to close the other window.

Shortcuts are activated by pressing Ctrl and a letter. Some shortcuts involve other keys. For readability purposes, letters are written in uppercase here.

Ctrl is used on Windows, UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems with keyboards featuring a Ctrl / Control key. Mac users should instead use the cmd+key. On Apple keyboards the cmd key either has a command label or an Apple icon on it.

  • Project management

  • Editing

  • Moving around

  • Reference windows

  • Other

2.1. Project management

Table 5.10. Project management shortcuts

Open project Ctrl+O Displays a dialog to locate an existing project.
Save Ctrl+S Saves the current work to the internal translation memory (file project_save.tmx located in the project's omegat folder).
Close Project Shift+Ctrl+W Closes the current project.
Create Translated Documents Ctrl+D Creates the translated documents in the project's Target folder and creates translation memory files (level1, level2 and omegat tmx files) in the project's root folder.
Project properties Ctrl+E Displays the project's settings for modification, if required.

2.2. Editing

Table 5.11. Editing shortcuts

Undo last action Ctrl+Z Undoes the last editing actions in the current target segment
Redo last action Ctrl+Y Redoes the last editing actions in the current target segment
Select match #N Ctrl+#N #N is a digit from 1 to 5. The shortcut selects the Nth match displayed in the match window (the first match is selected by default)
Replace with match Ctrl+R Replaces the current target segment contents with the selected match (the first match is selected by default)
Insert match Ctrl+I Inserts the selected match at the cursor position in the current target segment (the first match is inserted by default)
Replace with source Ctrl+Shift+R Replaces the current target segment contents with the source text contents
Insert source Ctrl+Shift+I Inserts the source text contents into the target segment at the cursor position
Insert Source Tags Ctrl+Shift+T Inserts the source tags into the target segment at the cursor position
Search project Ctrl+F Displays a dialog to conduct searches in the project
Replace with Machine Translation Ctrl+M Replaces the target segment with the machine translation of the source. No action, if machine tools are deactivated (see Menu > Options > Machine Translate)
Export Selection Shift+Ctrl+C Exports the current selection to a text file for processing.
Create Glossary Entry Shift+Ctrl+G Allows the user create an entry in the default glossary file.

2.3. Moving around

Table 5.12. Moving around shortcuts

Next Untranslated Segment Ctrl+U Moves the editing field to the next segment that is not registered in the project's translation memory
Next Segment Ctrl+N, Enter or Return Moves the editing field to the next segment.
Previous Segment Ctrl+P Moves the editing field to the previous segment
Segment number... Ctrl+J Moves to the segment number entered
Back in history... Ctrl+Shift+P Moves one segment back in history
Forward in history... Ctrl+Shift+N Moves one segment forward in history

2.4. Other

Table 5.13. Various shortcuts

Project files listing Ctrl+L Displays the Project files listing
Validate Tags Ctrl+T Opens the Tag validation window.
Export Selection Shift+Ctrl+C Exports the current selection or the current source, if no text has been selected. The text is exported to a plain text file.
Search Project Ctrl+F Opens a new Search window.
Help files F1 Displays the OmegaT help files in a separate window