Appendix J. Acknowledgements

1. Thank you all!

1. Thank you all!

Whatever the inconsistencies, omissions and straightforward errors you may find in the present version, I declare them all my own. This manual, however, would not be possible without the help and support from a number of people. Explicit thanks to:

  • Marc Prior: correcting my first draft was an act of love for OmegaT and the English language.

  • Didier Briel: I could not do without Didier's patient and persistent help with DocBook intricacies. Not to mention his care and diligence, keeping repositories intact and in good order.

  • Samuel Murray: for the introductory chapter "Learn to use OmegaT in 5 minutes".

  • Will Helton: his final reading of the draft has spared me a lot of embarrassment. One could only wonder, how many the and a prepositions would still be missing without his invaluable help.

  • Jean-Christophe Helary: special thanks to JC for his concise description of OmegaT run, command line parameters and all other details, I have yet to notice.

  • Last but not least: my thanks to all the contributors to OmegaT documentation tracker for all the inconsistencies found in the previous versions of the documentation. Keep up your good work!