OmegaT 3.5 - User's Guide

Vito Smolej


This document is the official user's guide to OmegaT, the free Computer Aided Translation tool. It also contains installation instructions.

Table of Contents

1. About OmegaT - introduction
1. OmegaT highlights
2. Summary of chapters
2. Learn to use OmegaT in 5 minutes!
1. Set up a new project
2. Translate the file
3. Validate your tags
4. Generate the translated file
5. Few more things to remember
3. Installing and running OmegaT
1. Windows Users
2. Linux (Intel) Users
3. Mac OS X Users
4. Other Systems
5. Drag and drop
6. Using Java Web Start
7. Starting OmegaT from the command line
8. Building OmegaT From Source
4. The user interface
1. Main OmegaT window, other windows and dialogs
2. OmegaT main window
3. Other windows
5. Menu and Keyboard shortcuts
1. Main Menu
2. Keyboard shortcuts
6. Project properties
1. Generalities
2. Languages
3. Options
4. File locations
7. File Filters
1. File filters dialog
2. Filter options
3. Edit filter dialog
8. OmegaT Files and Folders
1. Translation project files
2. User settings files
3. Application files
9. Files to translate
1. File formats
2. Other file formats
3. Right to left languages
10. Editing behavior
11. Working with plain text
1. Default encoding
2. The OmegaT solution
12. Working with formatted text
1. Formatting tags
2. Tag operations
3. Tag group nesting
4. Tag group overlapping
5. Tag validation options
6. Tag group validation
7. Hints for tags management
13. Translation memories
1. Translation memories in OmegaT
2. Reusing translation memories
3. Sources with existing translations
4. Pseudo-translated memory
5. Upgrading translation memories
14. Source segmentation
1. Segmentation rules
2. Rule priority
3. Creating a new rule
4. A few simple examples
15. Searches
1. Search window
2. Using wild cards
3. Search methods and options
4. Search results display
5. Filter entries in editor according to search
16. Search and Replace
1. Search window
17. Regular expressions
1. Regex tools and examples of use
18. Dictionaries
1. How to download and install dictionaries
2. Problems with dictionaries
19. Glossaries
1. Usage
2. File format
3. How to create glossaries
4. Priority glossary
5. Using Trados MultiTerm
6. Common glossary problems
20. Using TaaS in OmegaT
1. Generalities
2. Creating a key
3. Accessing the TaaS service
21. Machine Translation
1. Introduction
2. Google Translate
3. OmegaT users and Google Translate
4. Belazar
5. Apertium
6. MyMemory (machine)
7. Microsoft Translator
8. Yandex Translate
9. Machine translation - trouble shooting
22. Spell checker
1. Installing spelling dictionaries
2. Using spelling dictionaries
3. Hints
23. Miscellaneous subjects
1. OmegaT Console Mode
2. Automatic Java Properties Aligner
3. Font settings
4. Preventing data loss
A. Languages - ISO 639 code list
B. Keyboard shortcuts in the editor
C. OmegaT Team Projects
1. Version control - introduction
2. Sharing a project using SVN
3. Using the team project in OmegaT
D. Tokenizers
1. Introduction
2. Languages selection
E. LanguageTool plugin
1. Introduction
2. Installation and Use
F. Scripts
1. Introduction
2. Use
3. Scripting languages
G. OmegaT on the web
1. OmegaT sites and OmegaT SourceForge project
2. Bug reports
3. Contributing to OmegaT project
H. Shortcuts customization
1. Shortcuts customization
2. Project Menu
3. Edit Menu
4. GoTo Menu
5. View Menu
6. Tools Menu
7. Options Menu
8. Help Menu
I. Legal notices
1. For the documentation
2. For the application
J. Acknowledgements
1. Thank you all!

List of Figures

4.1. OmegaT main window
4.2. Matches pane
4.3. Matches pane setup
4.4. multi-word entry in the glossary
4.5. Comments pane
4.6. Tag validation window
4.7. project statistics
4.8. Match statistics
8.1. OmegaT project
8.2. OmegaT projects and subfolders
10.1. Editing behavior options
12.1. Tag validation entry
17.1. Regex Tester
18.1. Merriam Webster dictionary - use
19.1. Glossary pane
19.2. multiple words entries in glossaries - example
21.1. Google Translate - example
22.1. Spellchecker setup
22.2. Using spellchecker
E.1. The LanguageTool in OmegaT

List of Tables

4.1. Main OmegaT window
4.2. Other windows
4.3. Settings dialogs
4.4. Pane widgets
4.5. Main Window - counters
4.6. Match pane setup
5.1. Main Menu
5.2. Project menu
5.3. Copy/cut/paste shortcuts
5.4. Edit menu
5.5. Go To menu
5.6. View menu
5.7. Tools menu
5.8. Options menu
5.9. Help menu
5.10. Project management shortcuts
5.11. Editing shortcuts
5.12. Moving around shortcuts
5.13. Various shortcuts
17.1. Regex - Flags
17.2. Regex - Character
17.3. Regex - Quotation
17.4. Regex - Classes for Unicode blocks and categories
17.5. Regex - Character classes
17.6. Regex - Predefined character classes
17.7. Regex - Boundary matchers
17.8. Regex - Greedy quantifiers
17.9. Regex - Reluctant (non-greedy) quantifiers
17.10. Regex - Logical operators
17.11. Regex - Examples of regular expressions in translations
A.1. ISO 639-1/639-2 Language code list
B.1. Key behavior in the editor
H.1. Project Menu
H.2. Edit Menu
H.3. GoTo Menu
H.4. View Menu
H.5. Tools Menu
H.6. Options Menu
H.7. Help Menu