platformio remote device

Remote Device: monitor remote device or list existing.

platformio remote device list


platformio remote device list [OPTIONS]
pio remote device list [OPTIONS]

# List devices from the specified agents. Multiple agents are allowed.
platformio remote --agent NAME device list [OPTIONS]


List Serial Ports on remote machines where PIO Remote Agent is started.

You can list devices from the specified remote machines using --agent NAME option between “remote” & “device” sub-commands. For example, you have run platformio remote agent start --name command with “home” and “office” options:

  • platformio remote agent start --name home

  • platformio remote agent start --name office

Now, to list devices from office machine please use platformio remote --agent office device list.

Multiple agents are allowed ( platformio remote --agent lab1 --agent lab3 device ...).



Return the output in JSON format


> platformio remote device list

Agent innomac.local
Hardware ID: n/a
Description: n/a
Hardware ID: n/a
Description: n/a
Hardware ID: USB VID:PID=2A03:0043 SER=75435353038351015271 LOCATION=250-1.4.3
Description: Arduino Uno
Hardware ID: USB VID:PID=0403:6001 SER=A6004003 LOCATION=253-1.3.1
Description: FT232R USB UART - FT232R USB UART
Hardware ID: USB VID:PID=10C4:EA60 SER=0001 LOCATION=253-1.3.2
Description: CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller - CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller
Hardware ID: USB VID:PID=16C0:0483 SER=589560 LOCATION=250-1.4.1
Description: USB Serial

platformio remote device monitor

Remote Serial Port Monitor


platformio remote device monitor [OPTIONS]
pio remote device monitor [OPTIONS]

# Connect to a specified agent
platformio remote --agent NAME device monitor [OPTIONS]
platformio remote -a NAME device monitor [OPTIONS]


Connect to Serial Port of remote device and receive or send data in real time. PIO Remote Agent should be started before on a remote machine.

To control monitor please use these “hot keys”:

  • Ctrl+C Quit

  • Ctrl+T Menu

  • Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H Help


-p, --port

Port, a number or a device name

-b, --baud

Set baud rate, default 9600


Set parity (None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark), one of [N, E, O, S, M], default N


Enable RTS/CTS flow control, default Off


Enable software flow control, default Off


Set initial RTS line state, default 0


Set initial DTR line state, default 0


Enable local echo, default Off


Set the encoding for the serial port (e.g. hexlify, Latin1, UTF-8), default UTF-8.

-f, --filter

Add text transformation. Available filters:

  • colorize Apply different colors for received and echo

  • debug Print what is sent and received

  • default Remove typical terminal control codes from input

  • direct Do-nothing: forward all data unchanged

  • nocontrol Remove all control codes, incl. CR+LF

  • printable Show decimal code for all non-ASCII characters and replace most control codes


End of line mode (CR, LF or CRLF), default CRLF


Do not apply any encodings/transformations


ASCII code of special character that is used to exit the application, default 3 (DEC, Ctrl+C).

For example, to use Ctrl+] run platformio remote device monitor --exit-char 29.


ASCII code of special character that is used to control miniterm (menu), default 20 (DEC)


Diagnostics: suppress non-error messages, default Off

-d, --project-dir

Specify the path to project directory. By default, --project-dir is equal to current working directory (CWD).

-e, --environment

Process specified environments.

You can also specify which environments should be processed by default using default_envs option from “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File).


  1. Show available options for monitor

> platformio remote device monitor --help

Usage: platformio remote device monitor [OPTIONS]

  -p, --port TEXT       Port, a number or a device name
  -b, --baud INTEGER    Set baud rate, default=9600
  --parity [N|E|O|S|M]  Set parity, default=N
  --rtscts              Enable RTS/CTS flow control, default=Off
  --xonxoff             Enable software flow control, default=Off
  --rts [0|1]           Set initial RTS line state, default=0
  --dtr [0|1]           Set initial DTR line state, default=0
  --echo                Enable local echo, default=Off
  --encoding TEXT       Set the encoding for the serial port (e.g. hexlify,
                        Latin1, UTF-8), default: UTF-8
  -f, --filter TEXT     Add text transformation
  --eol [CR|LF|CRLF]    End of line mode, default=CRLF
  --raw                 Do not apply any encodings/transformations
  --exit-char INTEGER   ASCII code of special character that is used to exit
                        the application, default=29 (DEC)
  --menu-char INTEGER   ASCII code of special character that is used to
                        control miniterm (menu), default=20 (DEC)
  --quiet               Diagnostics: suppress non-error messages, default=Off
  -h, --help            Show this message and exit.
  1. Communicate with serial device and print help inside terminal

> platformio remote device monitor

--- Available ports:
--- /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port n/a
--- /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Modem n/a
--- /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller
--- /dev/cu.obd2ecu-SPPDev n/a
Enter port name:/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
--- Miniterm on /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART: 9600,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+C  |  Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
Hello PlatformIO!
--- Ctrl+]   Exit program
--- Ctrl+T   Menu escape key, followed by:
--- Menu keys:
---    Ctrl+T  Send the menu character itself to remote
---    Ctrl+]  Send the exit character itself to remote
---    Ctrl+I  Show info
---    Ctrl+U  Upload file (prompt will be shown)
--- Toggles:
---    Ctrl+R  RTS          Ctrl+E  local echo
---    Ctrl+D  DTR          Ctrl+B  BREAK
---    Ctrl+L  line feed    Ctrl+A  Cycle repr mode
--- Port settings (Ctrl+T followed by the following):
---    p          change port
---    7 8        set data bits
---    n e o s m  change parity (None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark)
---    1 2 3      set stop bits (1, 2, 1.5)
---    b          change baud rate
---    x X        disable/enable software flow control
---    r R        disable/enable hardware flow control
--- exit ---