Section [platformio]

The platform.ini platformio section is used for overriding the default configuration options for PlatformIO Core (CLI).


Relative path is allowed for directory option:

  • ~ will be expanded to user’s home directory

  • ../ or ..\ go up to one folder

There is a $PROJECT_HASH template variable. You can use it in a directory path. It will by replaced by a SHA1[0:10] hash of the full project path. This is very useful to declare a global storage for project workspaces. For example, /tmp/pio-workspaces/$PROJECT_HASH (Unix) or $[sysenv.TEMP}/pio-workspaces/$PROJECT_HASH (Windows). You can set a global workspace directory using the system environment variable PLATFORMIO_WORKSPACE_DIR.

See the available directory ***_dir options below.

Generic options


Type: String | Multiple: No

Short description of the project. PlatformIO uses it for PlatformIO Home in the multiple places.


Type: String | Multiple: Yes

The platformio run command processes all environments [env:***] by default if the platformio run --environment option is not specified. default_envs allows one to define which environments that should be processed by default.

Also, PIO Unified Debugger checks this option when looking for debug environment.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_DEFAULT_ENVS.


default_envs = uno, nodemcu

platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = uno

platform = espressif8266
framework = arduino
board = nodemcu

platform = teensy
framework = arduino
board = teensy31

platform = timsp430
framework = arduino
board = lpmsp430g2553
build_flags = -D LED_BUILTIN=RED_LED


New in version 4.0.

Type: String (Pattern) | Multiple: Yes

This option allows extending a base “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File) with extra configuration files. The format and rules are the same as for the “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File). A name of the configuration file can be any.

extra_configs can be a single path to an extra configuration file or a list of them. Please note that you can use Unix shell-style wildcards:




matches everything


matches any single character


matches any character in seq


matches any character not in seq


If you declare the same pair of “group” + “option” in an extra configuration file which was previously declared in a base “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File), it will be overwritten with a value from extra configuration.


Base “platformio.ini”

extra_configs =

; Global data for all [env:***]
platform = espressif32
framework = espidf

; Custom data group
; can be use in [env:***] via ${common.***}
debug_flags = -D RELEASE
lib_flags = -lc -lm

board = esp-wrover-kit
build_flags = ${common.debug_flags}


board = esp32dev
build_flags = ${common.lib_flags} ${common.debug_flags}

platform = espressif32
framework = espidf
board = lolin32
build_flags = ${common.debug_flags}


# Override base "common.debug_flags"
debug_flags = -D DEBUG=1

build_flags = -Og

After a parsing process, configuration state will be the next:

debug_flags = -D DEBUG=1
lib_flags = -lc -lm

platform = espressif32
framework = espidf
board = esp-wrover-kit
build_flags = ${common.debug_flags}

platform = espressif32
framework = espidf
board = esp32dev
build_flags = ${common.lib_flags} ${common.debug_flags}

platform = espressif32
framework = espidf
board = lolin32
build_flags = -Og

Directory options


New in version 4.0.

Type: DirPath | Multiple: No

The core_dir variable points out the directory used for all development platform packages (toolchains, frameworks, SDKs, upload and debug tools), global libraries for Library Dependency Finder (LDF), and other PlatformIO Core service data. The size of this folder will depend on the number of installed development platforms.

The default value is the user’s home directory:

  • Unix ~/.platformio

  • Windows %HOMEPATH%\.platformio

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_CORE_DIR.


core_dir = /path/to/custom/pio-core/storage


New in version 4.0.

Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “core_dir/lib”

Global library storage for PlatfrmIO projects and Library Manager where Library Dependency Finder (LDF) looks for dependencies.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_GLOBALLIB_DIR.


New in version 4.0.

Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “core_dir/platforms”

Global storage where PlatformIO Package Manager installs Development Platforms.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_PLATFORMS_DIR.


New in version 4.0.

Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “core_dir/packages”

Global storage where PlatformIO Package Manager installs Development Platforms dependencies (toolchains, Frameworks, SDKs, upload and debug tools).

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_PACKAGES_DIR.


New in version 4.0.

Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “core_dir/cache”

PlatformIO Core (CLI) uses this folder to store caching information (requests to PlatformIO Registry, downloaded packages and other service information).

To reset a cache, please run platformio update command.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_CACHE_DIR.


New in version 4.0.

Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: None (Disabled)

PlatformIO Core (CLI) uses this folder to store derived files from a build system (objects, firmwares, ELFs). These files are shared between all build environments. To speed up a build process, you can use the same cache folder between different projects if they depend on the same development platform and framework.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_BUILD_CACHE_DIR.

The example of “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File) below instructs PlatformIO Build System to check build_cache_dir for already compiled objects for STM32Cube and project source files. The cached object will not be used if the original source file was modified or build environment has a different configuration (new build flags, etc):

; Set a path to a cache folder
build_cache_dir =

; Examples:
; (Unix) build_cache_dir = /path/to/cache/folder
; (Windows) build_cache_dir = C:/path/to/cache/folder

platform = ststm32
framework = stm32cube
board = bluepill_f103c6

platform = ststm32
framework = stm32cube
board = nucleo_f411re


New in version 4.0.

Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “Project/.pio

The path to a project workspace directory where PlatformIO keeps by default compiled objects, static libraries, firmwares, and external library dependencies. It is used by these options:

The default value is .pio and means that folder is located in the root of project.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_WORKSPACE_DIR.



PLEASE DO NOT EDIT FILES IN THIS FOLDER. PlatformIO will overwrite your changes on the next build. THIS IS A CACHE DIRECTORY.

Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “workspace_dir/build”

PlatformIO Build System uses this folder for project environments to store compiled object files, static libraries, firmwares and other cached information. It allows PlatformIO to build source code extremely fast!

You can delete this folder without any risk! If you modify “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File), then PlatformIO will remove this folder automatically. It will be created on the next build operation.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_BUILD_DIR.


If you have any problems with building your project environments which are defined in “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File), then TRY TO DELETE this folder. In this situation you will remove all cached files without any risk. Also, you can use “clean” target for platformio run --target command.


Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “workspace_dir/libdeps”

Internal storage where Library Manager will install project dependencies (lib_deps).

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_LIBDEPS_DIR.


Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “Project/include

The path to project’s default header files. PlatformIO uses it for the platformio run command. The default value is include meaning an include directory located under the root directory of the project. This path will be added to CPPPATH of the build environment.

If you need to add extra include directories to CPPPATH scope, please use build_flags with -I /path/to/extra/dir option.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_INCLUDE_DIR.


Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “Project/src

The path to the project’s directory with source code. PlatformIO uses it for the platformio run command. The default value is src meaning a src directory located in the root directory of the project.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_SRC_DIR.


This option is useful for people who migrate from Arduino IDE where the source directory should have the same name as the main source file. See example project with own source directory.


Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “Project/lib

You can put your own/private libraries here. The source code of each library should be placed in separate directory, like lib/private_lib/[here are source files]. This directory has the highest priority for Library Dependency Finder (LDF).

The default value is lib, meaning a lib directory located in the root of the project.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_LIB_DIR.

For example, see how the Foo and Bar libraries are organized:

|  |--Bar
|  |  |--docs
|  |  |--examples
|  |  |--src
|  |     |- Bar.c
|  |     |- Bar.h
|  |--Foo
|  |  |- Foo.c
|  |  |- Foo.h
|- platformio.ini
   |- main.c

Then in src/main.c you should use:

#include <Foo.h>
#include <Bar.h>

// rest of H/C/CPP code

PlatformIO will find your libraries automatically, configure the preprocessor’s include paths and build them.


Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “Project/data

Data directory to store contents and Uploading files to file system SPIFFS. The default value is data that means that folder is located in the root of the project.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_DATA_DIR.


Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “Project/test

The directory where PIO Unit Testing engine will look for the tests. The default value is test, meaning a test directory located in the root of the project.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_TEST_DIR.


Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “Project/boards

The location of project-specific board definitions. Each project may choose a suitable directory name. The default value is boards, meaning a “boards” directory located in the root of the project.

By default, PlatformIO looks for boards in this order:

  1. Project boards_dir (as defined by this setting)

  2. Global core_dir/boards

  3. Development platform core_dir/platforms/*/boards.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_BOARDS_DIR.


New in version 4.0.

Type: DirPath | Multiple: No | Default: “Project/shared

PIO Remote uses this folder to synchronize extra files between remote machine. For example, you can share extra_scripts.

Please note that these folders are automatically shared between remote machine with platformio remote run --force-remote or platformio remote test --force-remote commands:

The default value is shared, meaning a directory named “shared” located in the root of the project.

This option can also be configured by the global environment variable PLATFORMIO_SHARED_DIR.