Chapter 5. Project folder

1. source
2. target
3. tm
3.1. tm/auto
3.2. tm/enforce
3.3. tm/mt
3.4. tm/penalty-xxx
4. dictionary
5. glossary
6. omegat
7. omegat.project (file)
8. .repositories

An OmegaT project is a folder containing files and subfolders.

1. source

The source subfolder contains files to be translated. You can add the files to it later. Note that the structure of the source subfolder may take any form you like. If the files to be translated are parts of a tree structure (as in a website), you need only specify the top-level subfolder and OmegaT will maintain the entire contents, while keeping the tree structure intact.

2. target

This subfolder is initially empty. To add contents to it, select ProjectCreate Translated Documents (Ctrl+D). Files within the source folder, whether translated or not, are then generated here, with the same hierarchy as present in the source subfolder. The contents of the target subfolder will reflect the current state of the translation, as present in the project translation memory, saved in the current /omegat/project_save.tmx. Untranslated segments will hereby remain in the source language.

3. tm

The /tm/ folder can contain any number of ancillary translation memories - i.e. tmx files. Such files can be created in any of the three varieties indicated above. Note that other CAT tools can export (and import as well) tmx files, usually in all three forms. The best thing of course is to use OmegaT-specific TMX files (see above), so that the in-line formatting within the segment is retained.

The contents of translation memories in the tm subfolder serve to generate suggestions for the text(s) to be translated. Any text, already translated and stored in those files, will appear among the fuzzy matches, if it is sufficiently similar to the text currently being translated.

If the source segment in one of the ancillary TMs is identical to the text being translated, OmegaT acts as defined in the OptionsEditing Behavior... dialog window. For instance (if the default is accepted), the translation from the ancillary TM is accepted and prefixed with [fuzzy], so that the translator can review the translations at a later stage and check whether the segments tagged this way, have been translated correctly.

It may happen, that translation memories, available in the tm subfolder, contain segments with identical source text, but differing targets. TMX files are read sorted by their names and segments within a given TMX file line by line. The last segment with the identical source text will thus prevail (Note: of course it makes more sense to avoid this to happen in the first place).

Note that the TMX files in the tm folder can be compressed with gzip.

3.1. tm/auto

If it is clear from the very start, that translations in a given TM (or TMs) are all correct, one can put them into the tm/auto folder and avoid confirming a lot of [fuzzy] cases.

  1. Put the TMX in /tm/auto.

  2. Open the project. The changes are displayed.

  3. Make a slight change anywhere in the project. This modifies project_save.tmx (by adding proper Translation Units from "auto" TMX)

Note: if TMX is removed from /tm/auto before step 3, no extra Translation Unit is added.

3.2. tm/enforce

If you have no doubt that a TMX is more accurate than the project_save.tmx of OmegaT, put this TMX in /tm/enforce to overwrite existing default translations unconditionally.

  1. Put the TMX in /tm/enforce.

  2. Open the project. The changes are displayed.

  3. Make a slight change anywhere in the project. This modifies project_save.tmx.

  4. Make decision about immunity of the enforced segments:

    • If they don't need to stay immune from further changes, then remove the TMX from /tm/enforce.

    • If they need to stay immune from further changes, then keep the TMX in /tm/enforce.

Note: if TMX is removed from /tm/enforce before step 3, enforcements aren't kept at all.

3.3. tm/mt

In the editor pane, when a match is inserted from a TMX contained in a folder named mt, the background of the active segment is changed to red. The background is restored to normal when the segment is left.

3.4. tm/penalty-xxx

Sometimes, it is useful to distinguish between high-quality translation memories and those that are, because of the subject matter, client, revision status, etc., less reliable. For translation memories in folders with a name penalty-xxx (with xxx between 0 and 100), matches will be degraded according to the name of the folder: a 100% match in any of TMs, residing in a folder called penalty-30 for instance, will be lowered to a 70% match. The penalty applies to all three match percentages: matches 75, 80, 90 will in this case be lowered to 45, 50, 60.

4. dictionary

Initially empty, this folder will contain dictionaries you have added to the project. See Dictionaries for more on this subject.

5. glossary

This folder is initially empty. It will contain glossaries you will be using in the project. See Glossaries for more on this subject.

6. omegat

The omegat subfolder contains at least one and possibly several other files. The most important file here is the project_save.tmx, that is the working translation memory for the project. Backups of this file (with extension bak) are added progressively to this subfolder, first at the beginning of the translation session, at its end, and while the translation progresses.

During translation additional files may get created in this subfolder as follows


contains the current statistics of the current project. You can view it by selecting Tools > Statistics

ignored_words.txt., learned_words.txt

are created and used by the spell checker. If you already have collected words you wish the spell checker to ignore / accept, you just need to copy the corresponding two files into the omegatsubfolder of your current project.


contains the latest project match statistics, generated by Tools > Match Statistics


if existing, it contains project-specific segmentation rules.


if existing, it contains project-specific file filters.


if existing, it contains project-specific GUI settings.

7. omegat.project (file)

Contains project parameters as defined in the Project properties dialog.

8. .repositories

In a team project, this folder contains a versioned copy of the project tree structure linked directly to the remote server.

You can make changes to remote files (e.g. deleting a file) using this folder and a Git or SVN client.

In some operating systems, this folder is not displayed by default. Activate the "Show hidden files" option to make it visible.