Issues not assigned to any release

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2010-06-17 @fierz does not work when there are no gamma matrices
2010-05-19 Add proper pattern handling to LaTeXForm
2010-05-18 Accents mess up @canonicalise
2010-05-16 Pasting from PDF can introduce spurious ctrl-M
2010-04-06 Powers do not parse correctly
fixed 2010-02-27 @sym/@asym duplicate symbols in tree symmetrisation
2010-02-08 Superfluous square brackets with [..] action
2010-02-08 TableauSymmetry assigned to a list fails.
2010-02-08 Repeated divisions are buggy
2010-02-07 Kernel hang
2010-02-06 Eliminate metric acts on non-tensors.
fixed 2010-02-05 Worldsheet susy sample is broken
2010-02-02 Eliminating metrics with position-free indices fails.
2010-01-30 Conversion of / to \frac misplaces bracket types.
2009-11-18 Numerical indices default to position=free.
2009-11-18 Fix dependence on numbers
2009-08-23 Implicit indices need to come in normal and conjugate forms.
2009-08-23 @fierz does not produce useful error messages.
2009-08-21 Redraw segfault on OS X
2009-08-20 @factor_out does not handle powers
2009-08-20 @factor_out does not take into account commutativity properties
2009-08-18 'Derivation' property
2009-07-24 Single-object factors with brackets do not print correctly
2009-06-30 Cleanup output routines
2009-06-29 Make @canonicalise work on functional arguments
fixed 2009-06-29 Re-LaTeX TeX cells on close
2009-06-27 Fix output messages to be TeX
2009-06-27 Bracket flexibility leads to inconsistencies
2009-06-26 Handle PartialDerivatives with no arguments
fixed 2009-06-26 Dividing active cell does not work anymore
2009-06-19 Potential bug with A_{m m} -> replacements
fixed 2009-06-03 Automatic index raising/lowering not handled in @canonicalise
2009-05-26 Unify handling of commutation signs
in progress 2009-05-26 Inherit<...> is not flexible enough
fixed 2009-01-19 Crash with tensors in numerators
2009-01-03 @canonicalise does not honor ImplicitIndex
2008-12-11 Introduce a notation for 'a range of objects'
fixed 2008-11-24 Nested \partial's do not always flatten automatically.
fixed 2008-11-17 Single-factor replacements with dummy names fail.
fixed 2008-11-14 @eliminate_kr does not work on sums
fixed 2008-11-14 XCadabra breaks when a .cadabra is present
2008-08-29 Add support for differential 'd'
fixed 2008-08-25 Ask user before overwriting existing files.
2008-08-24 Cursor position after crash
2008-08-24 @factor_out problems with tensors
fixed 2008-08-24 Multiple-level undo in GUI