Eliminating metrics with position-free indices fails.

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This fails:

{m, n, p, q, r}::Indices(vector). g_{m n}::Metric. g^{m n}::InverseMetric. obj10:= 3 g_{m p} g^{m p}; @eliminate_metric!(%);

but it works with position=fixed for the indices.


Id: 4db2db8287019b302eafd70dda2d8cdb818f669b
Type: bugfix
Creation time: 2010-02-02 13:13 GMT
Creator: Kasper Peeters <kasper.peeters@...>
Release: unassigned
Component: cadabra
Status: unstarted

Issue log

2010-02-02 13:13 GMT Kasper Peeters <kasper.peeters@...> created