Fortran interface for the GNU scientific library
math.finc File Reference
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_isnan (x)
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_isinf (x)
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_finite (x)
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_log1p (x)
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_expm1 (x)
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_acosh (x)
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_asinh (x)
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_atanh (x)
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_ldexp (x, e)
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_frexp (x, e)
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_fcmp (x, y, eps)
type(fgsl_function) function fgsl_function_init (func, params)
 Constructor for an FGSL function type. More...
type(fgsl_function_fdf) function fgsl_function_fdf_init (f, df, fdf, params)
 Constructor for an FGSL function type including a derivative. More...
subroutine fgsl_function_free (sfunc)
 Free resources associated with a FGSL function object. More...
subroutine fgsl_function_fdf_free (sfunc)
 Free resources associated with a FGSL function with derivative object. More...
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_fn_eval (sfunc, x)
 Evaluate a function value for a FGSL function object. More...
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_fn_fdf_eval_f (sfunc, x)
 Evaluate a function value for a FGSL function with derivative object. More...
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_fn_fdf_eval_df (sfunc, x)
 Evaluate a derivative value for a FGSL function with derivative object. More...
subroutine fgsl_fn_fdf_eval_f_df (sfunc, x, y, dy)
 Evaluate function as well as derivative value for a FGSL function with derivative object. More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_acosh ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x)
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_asinh ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x)
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_atanh ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x)
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_expm1 ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x)
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_fcmp ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x,
real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  y,
real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  eps 
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_finite ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x)
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_fn_eval ( type(fgsl_function), intent(inout)  sfunc,
real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x 

Evaluate a function value for a FGSL function object.

sfunc- function object.
x- argument value
Function value
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_fn_fdf_eval_df ( type(fgsl_function_fdf), intent(inout)  sfunc,
real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x 

Evaluate a derivative value for a FGSL function with derivative object.

sfunc- function with derivative object.
x- argument value
Derivative value
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_fn_fdf_eval_f ( type(fgsl_function_fdf), intent(inout)  sfunc,
real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x 

Evaluate a function value for a FGSL function with derivative object.

sfunc- function with derivative object.
x- argument value
Function value
subroutine fgsl_fn_fdf_eval_f_df ( type(fgsl_function_fdf), intent(inout)  sfunc,
real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x,
real(fgsl_double), intent(out)  y,
real(fgsl_double), intent(out)  dy 

Evaluate function as well as derivative value for a FGSL function with derivative object.

sfunc- function with derivative object.
x- argument value
y- function value
dy- derivative value
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_frexp ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x,
integer(fgsl_int), intent(out)  e 
subroutine fgsl_function_fdf_free ( type(fgsl_function_fdf), intent(inout)  sfunc)

Free resources associated with a FGSL function with derivative object.

type(fgsl_function_fdf) function fgsl_function_fdf_init (   f,
type(c_ptr), intent(in)  params 

Constructor for an FGSL function type including a derivative.

f- interface for a double precision valued function with a parameter of arbitrary type
df- interface for a function evaluating the derivative of f
fdf- interface for a subroutine evaluating f as well as its derivative given an argument and a parameter.
params- parameter of arbitrary type
FGSL function with derivative object.
subroutine fgsl_function_free ( type(fgsl_function), intent(inout)  sfunc)

Free resources associated with a FGSL function object.

type(fgsl_function) function fgsl_function_init (   func,
type(c_ptr), intent(in)  params 

Constructor for an FGSL function type.

func- interface for a double precision valued function with a parameter of arbitrary type
params- parameter of arbitrary type
FGSL function object.
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_isinf ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x)
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_isnan ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x)
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_ldexp ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x,
integer(fgsl_int), intent(in)  e 
real(fgsl_double) function fgsl_log1p ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  x)