Fortran interface for the GNU scientific library
io.finc File Reference
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


type(fgsl_file) function fgsl_open (path, mode)
 fgsl_open maps the POSIX call fopen() to Fortran More...
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_close (fd)
 fgsl_open maps the POSIX call fclose() to Fortran More...
type(fgsl_file) function fgsl_stdin ()
 fgsl_stdin produces a fgsl_file object corresponding to C standard input More...
type(fgsl_file) function fgsl_stdout ()
 fgsl_stdout produces a fgsl_file object corresponding to C standard output More...
type(fgsl_file) function fgsl_stderr ()
 fgsl_stderr produces a fgsl_file object corresponding to C standard error More...
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_flush (file)
 fgsl_flush flushes a fgsl_file object More...
logical function fgsl_file_status (file)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_close ( type(fgsl_file), intent(inout)  fd)

fgsl_open maps the POSIX call fclose() to Fortran

fd- on entry: open file object
logical function fgsl_file_status ( type(fgsl_file), intent(in)  file)
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_flush ( type(fgsl_file), intent(in)  file)

fgsl_flush flushes a fgsl_file object

type(fgsl_file) function fgsl_open ( character(kind=fgsl_char, len=*), intent(in)  path,
character(kind=fgsl_char, len=*), intent(in)  mode 

fgsl_open maps the POSIX call fopen() to Fortran

path- string specifying the path name of the file to be opened
mode- string containing the opening mode
object of type fgsl_file which can be used in other I/O calls.
type(fgsl_file) function fgsl_stderr ( )

fgsl_stderr produces a fgsl_file object corresponding to C standard error

type(fgsl_file) function fgsl_stdin ( )

fgsl_stdin produces a fgsl_file object corresponding to C standard input

type(fgsl_file) function fgsl_stdout ( )

fgsl_stdout produces a fgsl_file object corresponding to C standard output