Fortran interface for the GNU scientific library
array.finc File Reference
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type(fgsl_vector) function fgsl_vector_init (type)
 Initialize a GSL vector object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_init. More...
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_vector_align (array, len, fvec, size, offset, stride)
 Wrap a rank 1 Fortran array slice inside a double precision real GSL vector object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_align. More...
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_vector_pointer_align (ptr, fvec)
 Associate a Fortran pointer with the data stored inside a GSL vector object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_align. Objects of type gsl_vector which are returned by GSL routines often are persistent subobjects of other GSL objects. A Fortran pointer aligned with a subobject hence will remain up-to-date throughout the lifetime of the object; it may become undefined once the object ceases to exist. More...
subroutine fgsl_vector_to_array (result, source)
 The assignment operator (see interface/generics.finc) is overloaded to enable copying of the content of a GSL vector into a Fortran array. More...
subroutine fgsl_vector_free (fvec)
 Free the resources inside a GSL vector object previously established by a call to fgsl_vector_init(). This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_free. More...
subroutine fgsl_vector_c_ptr (res, src)
logical function fgsl_vector_status (vector)
integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_sizeof_vector (w)
 Inquire the size of a double precision real GSL vector object. More...
type(fgsl_vector_complex) function fgsl_vector_complex_init (type)
 Initialize a complex GSL vector object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_init. More...
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_vector_complex_align (array, len, fvec, size, offset, stride)
 Wrap a rank 1 Fortran array slice inside a double precision complex real GSL vector object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_align. More...
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_vector_complex_pointer_align (ptr, fvec)
 Associate a Fortran pointer with the data stored inside a GSL vector object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_align. Objects of type gsl_vector_complex which are returned by GSL routines often are persistent subobjects of other GSL objects. A Fortran pointer aligned with a subobject hence will remain up-to-date throughout the lifetime of the object; it may become undefined once the object ceases to exist. More...
subroutine fgsl_vector_complex_to_array (result, source)
 The assignment operator (see interface/generics.finc) is overloaded to enable copying of the content of a complex GSL vector into a Fortran array. More...
subroutine fgsl_vector_complex_free (fvec)
 Free the resources inside a complex GSL vector object previously established by a call to fgsl_vector_complex_init(). This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_free. More...
subroutine fgsl_vector_complex_c_ptr (res, src)
logical function fgsl_vector_complex_status (vector_complex)
integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_sizeof_vector_complex (w)
 Inquire the size of a double precision complex GSL vector object. More...
type(fgsl_matrix) function fgsl_matrix_init (type)
 Initialize a GSL matrix object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_init. More...
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_matrix_align (array, lda, n, m, fmat)
 Wrap a rank 2 Fortran array inside a double precision real GSL matrix object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_align. More...
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_matrix_pointer_align (ptr, fmat)
 Associate a Fortran pointer with the data stored inside a GSL matrix object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_align. Objects of type gsl_matrix which are returned by GSL routines often are persistent subobjects of other GSL objects. A Fortran pointer aligned with a subobject hence will remain up-to-date throughout the lifetime of the object; it may become undefined once the object ceases to exist. More...
subroutine fgsl_matrix_to_array (result, source)
 The assignment operator (see interface/generics.finc) is overloaded to enable copying of the content of a GSL matrix into a rank 2 Fortran array. More...
subroutine fgsl_matrix_free (fvec)
 Free the resources inside a GSL matrix object previously established by a call to fgsl_matrix_init(). This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_free. More...
subroutine fgsl_matrix_c_ptr (res, src)
logical function fgsl_matrix_status (matrix)
integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_sizeof_matrix (w)
 Inquire the number of elements in a double precision real GSL matrix object. More...
type(fgsl_matrix_complex) function fgsl_matrix_complex_init (type)
 Initialize a GSL matrix object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_init. More...
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_matrix_complex_align (array, lda, n, m, fmat)
 Wrap a rank 2 Fortran array inside a double precision complex GSL matrix object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_align. More...
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_matrix_complex_pointer_align (ptr, fmat)
 Associate a Fortran pointer with the data stored inside a complex GSL matrix object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_align. Objects of type gsl_matrix_complex which are returned by GSL routines often are persistent subobjects of other GSL objects. A Fortran pointer aligned with a subobject hence will remain up-to-date throughout the lifetime of the object; it may become undefined once the object ceases to exist. More...
subroutine fgsl_matrix_complex_to_array (result, source)
 The assignment operator (see interface/generics.finc) is overloaded to enable copying of the content of a complex GSL matrix into a rank 2 Fortran array. More...
subroutine fgsl_matrix_complex_free (fvec)
 Free the resources inside a complex GSL matrix object previously established by a call to fgsl_matrix_complex_init(). This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_free. More...
subroutine fgsl_matrix_complex_c_ptr (res, src)
logical function fgsl_matrix_complex_status (matrix_complex)
integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_sizeof_matrix_complex (w)
 Inquire the number of elements in a double precision complex GSL matrix object. More...
integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_vector_get_size (vec)
integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_vector_get_stride (vec)
integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_matrix_get_size1 (matr)
integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_matrix_get_size2 (matr)
integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_matrix_get_tda (matr)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_matrix_align ( real(fgsl_double), dimension(lda, m), intent(in), target  array,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  lda,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  n,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  m,
type(fgsl_matrix), intent(inout)  fmat 

Wrap a rank 2 Fortran array inside a double precision real GSL matrix object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_align.

array- requires the actual argument to have the TARGET attribute. Otherwise being passed by reference is not guaranteed by the Fortran standard.
lda- leading dimension of the rank 2 array
n- number of rows in array
m- number of columns in array
fmat- previously initialized double precision GSL matrix object
subroutine fgsl_matrix_c_ptr ( type(fgsl_matrix), intent(out)  res,
type(c_ptr), intent(in)  src 
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_matrix_complex_align ( complex(fgsl_double_complex), dimension(lda, m), intent(in), target  array,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  lda,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  n,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  m,
type(fgsl_matrix_complex), intent(inout)  fmat 

Wrap a rank 2 Fortran array inside a double precision complex GSL matrix object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_align.

array- requires the actual argument to have the TARGET attribute. Otherwise being passed by reference is not guaranteed by the Fortran standard.
lda- leading dimension of the rank 2 array
n- number of rows in array
m- number of columns in array
fmat- previously initialized double precision complex GSL matrix object
subroutine fgsl_matrix_complex_c_ptr ( type(fgsl_matrix_complex), intent(out)  res,
type(c_ptr), intent(in)  src 
subroutine fgsl_matrix_complex_free ( type(fgsl_matrix_complex), intent(inout)  fvec)

Free the resources inside a complex GSL matrix object previously established by a call to fgsl_matrix_complex_init(). This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_free.

type(fgsl_matrix_complex) function fgsl_matrix_complex_init ( complex(fgsl_double_complex), intent(in)  type)

Initialize a GSL matrix object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_init.

type- determine intrinsic type of vector object
new object of type fgsl_matrix.
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_matrix_complex_pointer_align ( complex(fgsl_double_complex), dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer  ptr,
type(fgsl_matrix_complex), intent(in)  fmat 

Associate a Fortran pointer with the data stored inside a complex GSL matrix object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_align. Objects of type gsl_matrix_complex which are returned by GSL routines often are persistent subobjects of other GSL objects. A Fortran pointer aligned with a subobject hence will remain up-to-date throughout the lifetime of the object; it may become undefined once the object ceases to exist.

ptr- rank 2 Fortran pointer
fmat- double precision complex GSL matrix
logical function fgsl_matrix_complex_status ( type(fgsl_matrix_complex), intent(in)  matrix_complex)
subroutine fgsl_matrix_complex_to_array ( complex(fgsl_double_complex), dimension(:,:), intent(inout)  result,
type(fgsl_matrix_complex), intent(in)  source 

The assignment operator (see interface/generics.finc) is overloaded to enable copying of the content of a complex GSL matrix into a rank 2 Fortran array.

subroutine fgsl_matrix_free ( type(fgsl_matrix), intent(inout)  fvec)

Free the resources inside a GSL matrix object previously established by a call to fgsl_matrix_init(). This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_free.

integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_matrix_get_size1 ( type(fgsl_matrix), intent(in)  matr)
integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_matrix_get_size2 ( type(fgsl_matrix), intent(in)  matr)
integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_matrix_get_tda ( type(fgsl_matrix), intent(in)  matr)
type(fgsl_matrix) function fgsl_matrix_init ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  type)

Initialize a GSL matrix object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_init.

type- determine intrinsic type of vector object
new object of type fgsl_matrix.
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_matrix_pointer_align ( real(fgsl_double), dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer  ptr,
type(fgsl_matrix), intent(in)  fmat 

Associate a Fortran pointer with the data stored inside a GSL matrix object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_matrix_align. Objects of type gsl_matrix which are returned by GSL routines often are persistent subobjects of other GSL objects. A Fortran pointer aligned with a subobject hence will remain up-to-date throughout the lifetime of the object; it may become undefined once the object ceases to exist.

ptr- rank 2 Fortran pointer
fmat- double precision real GSL matrix
logical function fgsl_matrix_status ( type(fgsl_matrix), intent(in)  matrix)
subroutine fgsl_matrix_to_array ( real(fgsl_double), dimension(:,:), intent(inout)  result,
type(fgsl_matrix), intent(in)  source 

The assignment operator (see interface/generics.finc) is overloaded to enable copying of the content of a GSL matrix into a rank 2 Fortran array.

integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_sizeof_matrix ( type(fgsl_matrix), intent(in)  w)

Inquire the number of elements in a double precision real GSL matrix object.

integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_sizeof_matrix_complex ( type(fgsl_matrix_complex), intent(in)  w)

Inquire the number of elements in a double precision complex GSL matrix object.

integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_sizeof_vector ( type(fgsl_vector), intent(in)  w)

Inquire the size of a double precision real GSL vector object.

integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_sizeof_vector_complex ( type(fgsl_vector_complex), intent(in)  w)

Inquire the size of a double precision complex GSL vector object.

integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_vector_align ( real(fgsl_double), dimension(len), intent(in), target  array,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  len,
type(fgsl_vector), intent(inout)  fvec,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  size,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  offset,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  stride 

Wrap a rank 1 Fortran array slice inside a double precision real GSL vector object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_align.

array- requires the actual argument to have the TARGET attribute. Otherwise being passed by reference is not guaranteed by the Fortran standard.
len- number of elements of the rank 1 array
fvec- previously initialized GSL vector object
size- number of elements from array wrapped inside fvec
offset- index of first element of array to be mapped to fvec
stride- stride in array for successive elements of fvec
subroutine fgsl_vector_c_ptr ( type(fgsl_vector), intent(out)  res,
type(c_ptr), intent(in)  src 
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_vector_complex_align ( complex(fgsl_double_complex), dimension(len), intent(in), target  array,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  len,
type(fgsl_vector_complex), intent(inout)  fvec,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  size,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  offset,
integer(fgsl_size_t), intent(in)  stride 

Wrap a rank 1 Fortran array slice inside a double precision complex real GSL vector object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_align.

array- requires the actual argument to have the TARGET attribute. Otherwise being passed by reference is not guaranteed by the Fortran standard.
len- number of elements of the rank 1 array
fvec- previously initialized complex GSL vector object
size- number of elements from array wrapped inside fvec
offset- index of first element of array to be mapped to fvec
stride- stride in array for successive elements of fvec
subroutine fgsl_vector_complex_c_ptr ( type(fgsl_vector_complex), intent(out)  res,
type(c_ptr), intent(in)  src 
subroutine fgsl_vector_complex_free ( type(fgsl_vector_complex), intent(inout)  fvec)

Free the resources inside a complex GSL vector object previously established by a call to fgsl_vector_complex_init(). This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_free.

type(fgsl_vector_complex) function fgsl_vector_complex_init ( complex(fgsl_double_complex), intent(in)  type)

Initialize a complex GSL vector object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_init.

type- determine intrinsic type of vector object
new object of type fgsl_vector
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_vector_complex_pointer_align ( complex(fgsl_double_complex), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer  ptr,
type(fgsl_vector_complex), intent(in)  fvec 

Associate a Fortran pointer with the data stored inside a GSL vector object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_align. Objects of type gsl_vector_complex which are returned by GSL routines often are persistent subobjects of other GSL objects. A Fortran pointer aligned with a subobject hence will remain up-to-date throughout the lifetime of the object; it may become undefined once the object ceases to exist.

ptr- rank 1 Fortran pointer
fvec- double precision complex GSL vector
logical function fgsl_vector_complex_status ( type(fgsl_vector_complex), intent(in)  vector_complex)
subroutine fgsl_vector_complex_to_array ( complex(fgsl_double_complex), dimension(:), intent(inout)  result,
type(fgsl_vector_complex), intent(in)  source 

The assignment operator (see interface/generics.finc) is overloaded to enable copying of the content of a complex GSL vector into a Fortran array.

subroutine fgsl_vector_free ( type(fgsl_vector), intent(inout)  fvec)

Free the resources inside a GSL vector object previously established by a call to fgsl_vector_init(). This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_free.

integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_vector_get_size ( type(fgsl_vector), intent(in)  vec)
integer(fgsl_size_t) function fgsl_vector_get_stride ( type(fgsl_vector), intent(in)  vec)
type(fgsl_vector) function fgsl_vector_init ( real(fgsl_double), intent(in)  type)

Initialize a GSL vector object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_init.

type- determine intrinsic type of vector object
new object of type fgsl_vector
integer(fgsl_int) function fgsl_vector_pointer_align ( real(fgsl_double), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer  ptr,
type(fgsl_vector), intent(in)  fvec 

Associate a Fortran pointer with the data stored inside a GSL vector object. This is invoked via the generic fgsl_vector_align. Objects of type gsl_vector which are returned by GSL routines often are persistent subobjects of other GSL objects. A Fortran pointer aligned with a subobject hence will remain up-to-date throughout the lifetime of the object; it may become undefined once the object ceases to exist.

ptr- rank 1 Fortran pointer
fvec- double precision real GSL vector
logical function fgsl_vector_status ( type(fgsl_vector), intent(in)  vector)
subroutine fgsl_vector_to_array ( real(fgsl_double), dimension(:), intent(inout)  result,
type(fgsl_vector), intent(in)  source 

The assignment operator (see interface/generics.finc) is overloaded to enable copying of the content of a GSL vector into a Fortran array.