BioCocoa Developer Documentation

This page is meant to provide an index for the different documents that a developer new to BioCocoa may want to read. Anybody is welcome to edit this page. The html format was chosen to allow for links. To switch between editing and display of this page from Xcode, use the contextual menu on the file in the groups view, and choose the Open As... or Open with Finder menu item.

To add contents to the developer documentation, create a new file in the directory 'Developer-documentation' in the project folder. Do NOT add the file to any target (otherwise it will end up in the framework bundle resources). This new file can be in any format easily readable within Xcode (plain text, html, rtf). After adding the file, add a link to the newly created page on this index page. Note that the link will open in a new window, except if the format is also html. So maybe you want to use the html extension even for plain text, and even if you don't use any html tag.

Important. The "BioCocoa Developer Documentation" is not aimed at the users of the framework. The documentation provided to the user is generated with HeaderDoc and should be included in the headers. Similarly, the "BioCocoa Developer Documentation" should not replace comments in the implementation of the different classes, where you should still explain the purpose of the class and its design. Ideally, the "BioCocoa Developer Documentation" should thus only cover topics not directly related to the code (e.g. cvs setup), or topics of broad interest (design choices, relationship between parts of the frameworks, general organization of classes...).
