Adding new targets to the framework

Please follow these steps when adding new targets to BioCocoa. This will make sure that whatever target you add will be visible and usable in the Xcode project of the other developers, and minimize the Xcode-cvs issues that some of us are experiencing.

  1. Add a new target by right-clicking the Targets icon and select Add -> New Target. Select the type of target you want to create. Note that we try to reflect the file hierarchy with the targets and project settings. For instance, all examples are found in a folder "Examples" in a folder with the name of the target, e.g. "Translation".
  2. Select the new target, right-click it and call up the info panel.
  3. Rename the target according to the simple guideline: TYPE_OF_TARGET - YOUR_TARGET_NAME, for example: "Demo - Translation" or "Test - BCFoundation". Try to re-use existing target types wherever possible.
  4. In the same info panel, under the "General" tab, add the BioCocoa.framework target to the "Direct Dependency" list using the little plus button in the lower left corner. This ensures that whenever changes are made to the main framework, that framework is first compiled before your target app will be.
  5. Next, move to the "Properties" tab of the info panel. Name your build product, and fill in the identifier using the following convention: org.bioinformatics.biococoa.YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME. Of course you're free to add more relevant info for your product, like a custom icon.
  6. Now move to the "Build" tab of the info panel. You need to fill in or adjust a few parameters here depending on the type of target you create. Please scroll through the list and check if all links are reflecting the file hierarchy of your project. In other words, all paths should be relative to the project's root. For example, if the info.plist of your target is inside the folder Examples -> Peptides, change the "Info.plist File" parameter to: "Examples/Peptides/Info-Demo-Peptides.plist" The same holds true for the prefix_header file.
  7. Adjust in the build parameters list the "Mac OS X Deployment Target" parameter to reflect the minimum version of MacOSX your product should run on.
  8. Finally, drag your new target at the right place in the list of targets, that is grouped by target type, on alphabet.
  9. Don't forget to add the BioCocoa framework to your app if needed, open your target (using the little triangle) and drag the BioCocoa.framework from the Products folder to the "Frameworks & Libraries" build phase. Also if you want your application to run stand-alone, add a "copy files" build phase to your target using the Project -> New Build Phase -> New Copy Files Build Phase menu item, and add the BioCocoa.framework there as well.

That should be it! You can now add new files to the target and build your product. Of course, don't forget to commit your changes to the CVS repository.

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