Really think twice if you want to proceed with Ubuntu 24.04 or switch to Debian 12... Details: The company behind Ubuntu is Canonical. And what they sell since 2018 (Ubuntu 18.04) is just a copy of Debian with a lot of quirks - security updates not in main for sale (sold via Ubuntu Pro) we encountered xrdp/xorgxrdp security problems that are not being fixed, for your convenience and Ubuntu 22.04 10 security bugs being ignored by Ubuntu (did not check if you get them with Ubuntu Pro), - snap (firefox and chromium are not available as .deb anymore) snap management (updates is out of control, updating browser while running used to cause problems) old snaps don't get cleaned up - telemetry (about hardware and automatic bug reports, snaps, motd) - broken dependencies (mainly in gnome packages, depends that should be recommends, incompatible with multi user and user not being root setups) - a/b user testing (phased updates) - we managed to turn it off by disabling non-security updates however that brings another problem we encountered, bugs in gdb/gdb-multiarch needed to get updated via our reprepro repository - vendor lock in similar to Red Hat - paywalled/private automatic bug reporting (we turned that off), - bug in the gnome samba gui connection - changed gnome default font from cantarel to ubuntu? maybe they switch to inter? So consider to switch to Debian in the long run. NVidia ready