Zorp Tutorial

Version 1.0.4
22th April, 2005

1. Introduction

This tutorial serves as an introduction to setting up a Zorp based firewall on a GNU/Linux distribution. Zorp is a GPLd proxy firewall implementation with the following features:
It is assumed that you have general knowledge about IP networks, you know the differences between packet filtering and proxy firewalls and at last but not at least you know how to compile a kernel.
This tutorial covers Zorp 3.0, but the contents might apply to other Zorp releases.

1.1. Further readings

You might also want to read the following HOWTO documents:
HOWTO documents are made available by the Linux Documentation Project at

2. Installing the operating system

Zorp currently requires a Linux based operating system because of the kernel extensions it currently needs are available for the Linux kernel only.

There are basically two ways to install an operating system suitable for running Zorp:

  1. Use our customized version of Debian (dubbed ZorpOS) which already contains the required patches for Zorp, or
  2. Use your favourite Linux distribution and start hand-patching about a dozen packages.
2.1. Installing Zorp on ZorpOS

As we don't have an installation program for the GPLd version of ZorpOS itself, you'll need to start with a Debian GNU/Linux woody (version 3.0) installer. Install a minimal system with only the base packages, set up /etc/apt/sources.list to point to our APT repositories while removing the original Debian sources and do an "apt-get dist-upgrade". The address of our Debian package repository can be found on our Zorp upgrades page.

Make sure that you install a new kernel image that matches your architecture. The name of the package depends on your architecture and whether you are multiple processors in your computer. The package is called kernel-image-2.4.28-zorpos-<arch> with an appended "-smp" for SMP support. For example a pentium4 based box with a single CPU, you will want to install "kernel-image-2.4.28-zorpos-pentium4". The following architectures are available: pentium, pentium4, athlon.

At the end you will find yourself in ZorpOS, kernel, iptables and Zorp dependencies properly patched and ready to run Zorp itself.

2.2. Installing Zorp on your favourite distribution

This method is somewhat more difficult and requires expertise to patch, build and install programs from source.

Pick your favourite Linux distribution and install a bare-bones system with only the absolutely necessary components you need.

You need to compile a couple of programs and the kernel itself, but a compiler is something that should not be installed on the firewall. Therefore it is best to compile stuff on a separate host and copy only the binaries to the firewall. When compiling on a different host, make sure that the libraries that you will link Zorp against have the same version on the compiling host and the firewall.

Be sure to install build-time dependencies so Zorp will find them later:

Zorp works with either a Linux 2.2 or Linux 2.4 kernel, but neither of those is usually compiled as required in distributions. Thus you will need to compile your own kernel, see the next section.

3. Compiling your own kernel

Zorp is a transparent proxy firewall, thus it needs a couple of kernel extensions. Either Linux 2.2 or Linux 2.4 will work but the transparent proxy features are somewhat different. If you are using our ZorpOS repositories you can skip this section as the kernel in that repository is already patched with TProxy.

In addition to transparent proxying you might want to add a security patch like openwall or grsecurity as the firewall is a security sensitive device.

3.1. Transparent proxying in Linux 2.2

Linux 2.2 features built in transparent proxy capabilities, but you need to enable them in your kernel configuration. It can be found under the "Networking options" menu, the option is called "Transparent proxy support". This option requires that you turn on "IP: firewalling" option as well.

You might also want to enable policy routing and other advanced IP features as they are often needed on firewalls.

3.2. Transparent proxying in Linux 2.4/2.6

The transparent proxy support that was present in Linux 2.2 was removed from Linux 2.4 when iptables was introduced. We implemented a patch against Linux 2.4 that adds the required features so Zorp tightly integrates into NetFilter/iptables.

You can download this patch from http://www.balabit.com/products/oss/tproxy/

After you add this patch, enable iptables, iptables connection tracking, iptables nat and iptables transparent proxying options in your kernel configuration. The target 'TPROXY' and the match 'tproxy' is especially important, other iptables modules should be compiled as necessary.

Zorp used to detect TProxy functions by attempting to load the iptable_tproxy module. This is not true as of Zorp 3.0, Zorp will try to autoload the module but will detect TProxy if the loading fails.

There are two incompatible versions of TProxy, TProxy 1.2.x is compatible with all current Zorp versions but does not work on Linux 2.6 due to a colliding setsockopt number. TProxy 2.0 works on Linux 2.6 but not all Zorp versions support it yet. (Zorp 3.0 is ok and Zorp 2.1 starting from, that is the second test release of Zorp 2.1.9)

In addition to compiling the kernel you will also need to compile the iptables userspace program to include the TPROXY and tproxy modules.

4. Compiling Zorp

It is generally good not to have a compiler on your firewall host, so either compile the package on a different host, or remove gcc and development files from your firewall after installation.

In Zorp 2.0 the core zorp tarball was split into two: a library called libzorpll containing the low level functions and Zorp itself.

You will first need to compile libzorpll:

# tar xvfz libzorpll-
# cd libzorpll-
# ./configure
# make
# sudo make install #(assuming sudo is the command to make you root)

Make sure that you copy the resulting shared library to your firewall host. This can be accomplished by using the DESTDIR make variable:

# sudo make DESTDIR=/tmp/staging install

This command will use /tmp/staging as a root directory while copying files, thus /usr/lib/libzorpll.so is copied to /tmp/staging/usr/lib/libzorpll.so.

At the end of the compilation you can simply copy the contents of your staging directory to the firewall host.

Alternatively you can compile libzorpll to a Debian package by entering "dpkg-buildpackage" in the extracted source directory. The build process results in two Debian packages: libzorpll__i386.deb and libzorpll-dev__i386.deb assuming you are compiling on an Intel architecture. Install both debs on your compiling host, and libzorpll on your firewall host, as development files are needed only for compilation.

If libzorpll was successfully compiled you can go on to compile Zorp itself:

# tar xvfz zorp-
# cd zorp-
# ./configure
# make
# sudo make DESTDIR=/tmp/staging install

This will compile zorp and copy the resulting binaries to /tmp/staging. The configure script checks your system whether it finds the required build dependencies. If one of the dependencies are not met, try to install the missing package. In addition to what is described in section 2 as Zorp requirements, you will also need libzorpll. Please note that some libraries are located with the GNOME pkg-config mechanism which installs library meta-information to so-called .pc files. pkg-config uses the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to locate these files and you might set it properly for the configure script to find libzorpll.

It might be possible that the configure script does not find some of the required libraries even if they are installed. The biggest problem usually is the Python development files. Zorp looks for the shared library version of Python and it is not always provided by distributions. In this case you might try to use the '--with-python-headers' and '--with-python-libraries' configure options or ask for help on the mailing list.

Of course the trick for building Debian packages is possible again by entering "dpkg-buildpackage" in the extracted source directory. It will result in the following debs to be created:

From these only zorp and zorp-modules is required to be installed on your firewall host.

5. Starting up Zorp

Assuming the build process was successful and you copied the necessary files to your firewall host, you can now start configuring Zorp itself.

5.1. Sample network topology

In the following sections I am trying to guide you through Zorp configuration by using a simple example. This example network has three distrinct security zones:

  1. an intranet where protected client computers reside
  2. a demilitarized zone or DMZ on another interface where public access services are provided from (the web server of the company)
  3. the internet itself with a single, static IP address
5.2. Architecture

Zorp is a proxy based firewall which means that it has several protocol implementations which each take care about mediating a given protocol between hosts on its different interfaces.

Zorp based firewalls are usually integrated into the network topology as routers, this means that they have an IP address in all their subnets, and hosts on different subnets use the firewall as their gateway to the outside world.

Although proxy based, Zorp uses a packet filter to preprocess the packet stream, and also to provide transparency.

A TCP session is established in the following way:

  1. the client initiates a connection by sending a TCP SYN packet destined to the server
  2. the firewall behaves as a router between the client and the server, receives the SYN packet on one of its interfaces and consults the packet filter
  3. the packet filter rulebase is checked whether the given packet is permitted
  4. if the given connection is to be processed by a proxy, then the packet filter rulebase contains a REDIRECT (ipchains) or TPROXY (iptables) target. Both REDIRECT and TPROXY requires a port parameter which tells the local port of the firewall host where the proxy is listening.

    It is also perfectly possible although strongly discouraged to bypass the proxies and forward packets directly, you only need to use the ACCEPT target instead of TPROXY.
  5. Zorp accepts the connection, checks its own access control rules and starts the appropriate proxy
  6. the proxy connects to the server on its own as needed (the server side connection is not necessarily established immediately)
  7. the proxy mediates protocol requests and responses between the communicating hosts while analyzing the ongoing stream

Of course the remaining packets of the TCP session after the initial SYN must also be allowed by the packet filter.

5.3. Configuring network interfaces

As I stated earlier a Zorp based firewall fulfills the role of an IP router from its neighbour perspective. This means that all its interfaces must be configured to have an IP address in the subnet of the connecting network.

The firewall has three interfaces:

NOTE: that the transparent proxy patch for Linux 2.4 requires a local address which does not collide with any local address in your network. The best way to provide one is to configure a dummy0 interface with a dummy IP address in the RFC1918 reserved range. You will need to pass this IP to Zorp using the --autobind-ip command line option. See the TPROXY patch documentation for more information.


5.4. Configuring the packet filter

To configure the packet filter we first need to establish a couple of rules we will be adhering to, as the packet filter ruleset can become quite complicated. First of all we name all the neighbouring networks. This name should be short and easy to remember. These names will be used when naming chains.

Long nameShort name

The iptables subsystem defines several tables each with its own set of chains and rules. We will be focusing on two tables now: the filter table where simple packet filtering is done, and the tproxy table where we are redirecting sessions to our proxies.

5.4.1. Storing the ruleset

Some people like storing their ruleset as a shell script which invokes the necessary iptables commands. As I don't like mixing executable code and data we use the format defined by iptables-save & iptables-restore.

As raw iptables-restore format has no macro possibility we created a frontend named iptables-utils where a couple of scripts help the creation and maintenance of a packet filter rulesets. Here's an outline of the iptables-utils approach:

Using iptables-utils was absolutely beneficial in the long term as the number of system-closeouts dramatically decreased, which is good if you are hundreds of miles of away from the firewall.

Macro expansion is not simple substition, if a macro contains several words the rule where the macro is referenced is copied, at the end you get a new rule for each word in your macro. For instance:


         #define SSH_PERMITTED


         -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -s SSH_PERMITTED --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

You will get two rules the first with substituted, the second with substituted.

5.4.2. Naming the chains

In addition to the standard chains provided by iptables (INPUT, OUTPUT etc) we will create separate chains for each security zone. Each security zone will have two chains:

The first one will be prefixed by PR which stands for PRoxy rules, the second one will be prefixed by LO which stands for LOcal rules. Proxy rules will be placed into the 'tproxy' table, local rules will be placed into the 'filter' table. If we assume that all traffic goes through proxies we won't need NAT nor mangle rules. (of course we can add further finetuning to our rulebase, like limiting the number of SYNs etc)

5.4.3. Jumping to our chains

We have two set of chains for each security zone, LOxxx chains are processed in the filter table, INPUT chain. PRxxx chains are processed in the tproxy table, PREROUTING/OUTPUT chain.

Our filter/INPUT chain will be something like this:

     -A INPUT -m tproxy -j ACCEPT
     -A INPUT -i <intranet iface> -j LOintra
     -A INPUT -i <internet iface> -j LOinter
     -A INPUT -i <dmz iface>      -j LOdmz
     -A INPUT -j DROP

This means that all permitted traffic must be enabled in their specific chain or will be dropped on the INPUT chain. Of course logging dropped packets would be a good idea. It is important to mention that our FORWARD chain should contain a single DROP rule as we don't forward packets. Each LOxxx chain should look like this:

     -A LOintra -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
     ... permit each service ... 
     -A LOintra -j DROP

Of course our LOxxx chains might be different for each zone, as we might permit SSH access from the intranet only.

Note the '-m tproxy' rule at the front of other rules, it allows all traffic redirected by any TPROXY feature to pass the filter table. (this includes TPROXY redirections, and foreign-bound traffic)

We took care about local services provided by the firewall, let's make our proxying rules now.

Our tproxy/PREROUTING chain will be something like this:

     -A PREROUTING -i <intranet iface> -d ! <fw intranet IP> -j PRintra
     -A PREROUTING -i <internet iface> -d ! <fw internet IP> -j PRinter
     -A PREROUTING -i <dmz iface>      -d ! <fw dmz IP>      -j PRdmz

A PRxxx chain should something like this:

     -A PRintra -d 0/0 --dport 80 -j TPROXY --on-port 50080
     ... repeat the above rule for each service ...

At the end of a PRxxx chain no DROP should be performed, as unmodified sessions will be stopped when the filter table is evaluated. The port number specified by TPROXY rules should match the port number where the transparent proxy (Zorp in our example) will be bound.

Here is a complete iptables configuration for our sample network:

#define IFintra   eth0
#define NETintra

#define IFinter   eth1

#define IFdmz     eth2
#define NETdmz



:PRintra -
:PRinter -
:PRdmz -
-A PREROUTING -i IFintra -j PRintra
-A PREROUTING -i IFinter -j PRinter
-A PREROUTING -i IFdmz   -j PRdmz
// PRintra chain
-A PRintra -p tcp --dport 80 -j TPROXY --on-port 50080
-A PRintra -p tcp --dport 443 -j TPROXY --on-port 50443
-A PRintra -p tcp --dport 21 -j TPROXY --on-port 50021
// PRinter chain
-A PRinter -p tcp --dport 80 -j TPROXY --on-port 50080
// PRdmz chain
// no services permitted
:noise -
:spoof -
:spoofdrop DROP
:LOintra -
:LOinter -
:LOdmz -
-A INPUT -j noise
-A INPUT -j spoof
// permit all traffic initiated by transparent proxies
-A INPUT -m tproxy  -j ACCEPT
// permit all TCP traffic initiated by local processes, or allowed by rules
// below, we don't trust the state match for UDP traffic, they will be handled
// by individual rules below.
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
// permit all loopback traffic
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i IFintra -j LOintra
-A INPUT -i IFinter -j LOinter
-A INPUT -i IFdmz   -j LOdmz
-A FORWARD -j LOG --log-prefix "FORWARD DROP: "
// LOintra
-A LOintra -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A LOintra -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
-A LOintra -p tcp --syn --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
-A LOintra -j LOG --log-prefix "LOintra DROP: "
-A LOintra -j DROP
// LOinter
// permit DNS replies, bind is configured to send out DNS packets from this
// port. We could also use the state match in our INPUT chain.
-A LOinter -p udp -s DNS_SERVERS --dport 53000 -j ACCEPT
-A LOinter -p udp -s NTP_SERVERS --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
-A LOinter -p tcp --syn --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
-A LOinter -j LOG --log-prefix "LOinter DROP: "
-A LOinter -j DROP
// LOdmz
-A LOdmz -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A LOdmz -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
-A LOdmz -p tcp --syn --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
-A LOdmz -j LOG --log-prefix "LOdmz DROP: "
-A LOdmz -j DROP
// noise chain, should drop all packets which need not be logged,
// otherwise it should return to the main ruleset
-A noise -p udp --dport 137:139 -j DROP
-A noise -j RETURN
// spoof chain, should drop all packets with spoofed source address
// otherwise it should return to the main ruleset
-A spoof -i lo -j RETURN
-A spoof ! -i lo -s -j spoofdrop
-A spoof -i IFintra ! -s NETintra -j spoofdrop
-A spoof ! -i IFintra -s NETintra -j spoofdrop
-A spoof -i IFdmz ! -s NETdmz -j spoofdrop
-A spoof ! -i IFdmz -s NETdmz -j spoofdrop
-A spoof -j RETURN
-A spoofdrop -j LOG --log-prefix "Spoofed packet: "
-A spoofdrop -j DROP

5.5. Configuring Zorp

This section focuses on Zorp configuration.

5.5.1. Zorp & Python

The configuration of Zorp is Python based, in fact the configuration file is a Python module in itself. This does not mean however that the administrator would have to learn Python and does neither mean that Zorp itself is written in Python.

The use of Python is twofold:

  1. it is used as a glue to connect Zorp components together

    These parts are implemented by us and live as Python modules in the directory '/usr/share/zorp/pylib'.

  2. it is used to describe the configuration and to customize proxy behaviour

    This part is written by the administrator, but an effort was made to make the configuration file look like configuration and _NOT_ a program. A standard policy without tricks is easier to write than a 'netperm-table' (of TIS fwtk fame).

Though the configuration file may not seem like a Python module, it is important to know it is parsed as one. So the following syntactical requirements of Python apply:

Indentation is important as it marks the beginning of a block, similar to what braces do in C/C++/Java. This means that the way you indent blocks must be consistent for that given block. For example this is correct:

    if self.request_url == 'http://www.balabit.hu/':
        print('debug message')
        return HTTP_REQ_ACCEPT
    return HTTP_REQ_REJECT

This is not:

    if self.request_url == 'http://www.balabit.hu/':
          print('debug message')
        return HTTP_REQ_ACCEPT
    return HTTP_REQ_REJECT

The code snippet above could be expressed in a C-like language like this:

    if (self.request_url == 'http://www.balabit.hu/')
        print('debug message');
        return HTTP_REQ_ACCEPT;
    return HTTP_REQ_REJECT;

5.5.2. Zorp components

To start configuring Zorp you will need to know the following Zorp components:

5.5.3. The simplest Zorp configuration

Zorp uses two files to store its configuration. The file named 'instances.conf' contains the list of Zorp instances to be run. Its content is processed by the 'zorpctl' script. The other file, usually named 'policy.py' stores the policy (aka ruleset) of one or more Zorp instances.

The following listing is a complete, working Zorp policy file with a single instance named 'intra', and a single zone named 'inter' which encapsulates the whole IPv4 address space.

from Zorp.Core import *

InetZone('inter', '')

def intra():

A few things to notice:

Zorp instances can be started and stopped by the 'zorpctl' program (it used to be a script until Zorp 2.1, but is a C program Zorp 3.0 onwards). 'zorpctl start' starts all known instances, 'zorpctl stop' stops them. 'zorpctl' works by parsing the '${prefix}/etc/zorp/instances.conf' file. Each instance name in the instances.conf file must have a corresponding instance definition in the policy file to work correctly. A sample instances.conf file will be shown in the following paragraphs.

This is simple enough, isn't it? Now let's augment it with the definitions of our zones, and let's create three instances for each of our zones:

from Zorp.Core import *

InetZone('intra', '')
InetZone('dmz', '')
InetZone('inter', '')

def intra():

def dmz():

def inter():

You will need the following instances.conf(5) file to start your zorp instances using zorpctl:

intra -v3 -p /etc/zorp/policy.py --autobind-ip
inter -v3 -p /etc/zorp/policy.py --autobind-ip
dmz -v3 -p /etc/zorp/policy.py   --autobind-ip

The 'instances.conf' file specifies Zorp startup parameters to use when the given instance is started. Consult zorp(8) manpage or run '/usr/lib/zorp/zorp --help' for more details.

One important point to make is the 'autobind-ip' argument in the example above, TPROXY requires a local, non-routeable IP address to make transparency possible. See section 5.4 and the TPROXY README file for more details.

5.5.4. Adding our services

Although our Zorp process is running by entering the configuration in the previous section, it would do nothing really useful. To do anything useful we have to define services, and listeners.

from Zorp.Core import *
from Zorp.Http import *

InetZone('intra', '',
InetZone('dmz', '',
InetZone('inter', '',

def intra():
	Service('intra_HTTP', HttpProxy)
	Listener(SockAddrInet('', 50080), 'intra_HTTP')

def dmz():

def inter():
A few things to notice:

Here is a complete listing of the simple policy I presented in section 5.1.

from Zorp.Core import *
from Zorp.Plug import *
from Zorp.Http import *
from Zorp.Ftp import *

InetZone('intra', '',
	 outbound_services=['intra_HTTP', 'intra_HTTPS', 'intra_FTP'])
InetZone('dmz', '',
	 inbound_services=['intra_HTTP', 'inter_HTTP_dmz'])
InetZone('inter', '',
	 inbound_services=['intra_HTTP', 'intra_HTTPS', 'intra_FTP'])

def intra():
	Service('intra_HTTP', HttpProxy)
	Listener(SockAddrInet('', 50080), 'intra_HTTP')

	Service('intra_HTTPS', PlugProxy)
	Listener(SockAddrInet('', 50443), 'intra_HTTPS')

	Service('intra_FTP', FtpProxy)
	Listener(SockAddrInet('', 50021), 'intra_FTP')

def dmz():

def inter():
	Service('inter_HTTP_dmz', HttpProxy,
		router=DirectedRouter(SockAddrInet('', 80)))
	Listener(SockAddrInet('', 50080), 'inter_HTTP_dmz')

A few things to notice:

5.5.5. Customizing proxies

In the previous section we implemented a firewall policy in about 30 lines. Although our example was quite simple there are real world firewalls with policies not more difficult than our sample.

Until we did not really use the fact that we have a programming language in our hands. The configuration above is simple, but it doesn't show the potential Zorp provides.

The second argument of a Service statement is a proxy class, the fact it is a class makes easy customization possible. As customization requires a bit more knowledge about Python, we provided a good number of predefined proxy classes. As an example Ftp has a couple of predefined variations:

If you cannot find the necessary customization, then - and only then - do you need to derive your own class. The next listing shows how.

class HttpProxyAnonimize(HttpProxy):
	def config(self):
		# customization statements

The listing above shows a class definition in Python, our new class has the name 'HttpProxyAnonimize', it is derived from HttpProxy and has defined the method named 'config'. The 'config' method calls the 'config' method in our superclass to also derive default configuration settings. You can take the above code snippet as a skeleton for your future customizations. Changing the parent class to 'FtpProxy' and making our 'config' method to call the config method from 'FtpProxy' would create a customized Ftp proxy class.

What can you put in your 'config()' method? Anything that the proxy provides. Our HTTP proxy has over 30 settings and there are complex filtering rules that you can set. Documentation on each attribute a given proxy provides can be found in the Python module for that proxy. This means that the documentation for our Http proxy can be found in /usr/share/zorp/pylib/Zorp/Http.py. The documentation usually also contains examples.

Now, let us create an Http proxy that hides the browser type:

class HttpProxyAnonimize(HttpProxy):
	def config(self):
                self.request_headers["User-Agent"] = \
			(HTTP_HDR_CHANGE_VALUE, "Mozilla 5.0")

That's it, now you can refer to HttpProxyAnonimize from your service definitions like this:

def intra():
	Service('intra_HTTP', HttpProxyAnonimize)
	Listener(SockAddrInet('', 50080), 'intra_HTTP')

A little bit more complex example shows how to remove Referer information. This is a bit more difficult as a lot of sites relies on Referer being correct, some of them simply stops working if the referer does not point to them. Thus simply changing the referer value to something fixed will not work.

We work around this by setting the referer field to the currently request URL. Let us extend our previous HttpProxyAnonimize with this feature:

class HttpProxyAnonimize(HttpProxy):
	def config(self):
                self.request_headers["User-Agent"] = \
			(HTTP_HDR_CHANGE_VALUE, "Mozilla 5.0")
                self.request_headers["Referer"] = \
			(HTTP_HDR_POLICY, self.rewriteReferer)

	def rewriteReferer(self, name, value):
		self.current_header_value = self.request_url

As you can see we have defined a Python function to perform the Referer change. Of course we can do even more complex things by extending the proxy functionality here and there, however this is not the scope of this document.

5.6. What is modularity?

As I have already written in the introduction, Zorp has a modular architecture, proxies can extend each other. But what does this mean exactly?

Each proxy in Zorp is generalized in a way that it is independent of the communication mechanism used towards its client or server peers. This means that proxies don't really care whether they communicate using a real TCP connection or a UNIX domain socket. This comes handy when we want to analyze something that has multiple protocol levels:

For example simple HTTP uses TCP as its transport protocol but does not have authentication or integrity protection on its own. If you add SSL to the picture you get HTTPS: HTTP running on SSL, which in turn runs on TCP. As Zorp has an SSL capable proxy (implementing an MITM in fact), we can construct an HTTPS proxy out of our ordinary HTTP and SSL proxies. Here is an example:

class HttpsProxy(PsslProxy):

       class EmbeddedHttpProxy(HttpProxy):
               def config(self):
                       self.request_header["User-Agent"] = (HTTP_HDR_DROP)

       def config(self):
               self.client_need_ssl = TRUE
               self.client_key_file = '/etc/zorp/https.key'
               self.client_cert_file = '/etc/zorp/https.crt'
               self.client_verify_type = PSSL_VERIFY_NONE
               self.server_need_ssl = TRUE
               self.server_ca_directory = '/etc/zorp/https_trusted_ca.crt'
               self.server_verify_type = PSSL_VERIFY_REQUIRED_TRUSTED

               # here we specify that decrypted protocol stream is
               # to be passed to an instance of EmbeddedHttpProxy above
               self.stack_proxy = EmbeddedHttpProxy

A few things to notice:

6. Where to look for further information