Starting with YACReader 9.0.0 we supply a systemd service file for use with YACReaderLibraryServer. To make use of it, follow these instructions: 1. Open yacreaderlibraryserver.service in a text editor of your choice. Change the path used in the ExecStart variable to the location where your headless server binary resides. If yacreaderlibraryserver was installed as part of a package you can probably skip this step. 2. Copy the service file into ~/.local/share/systemd/user 3. Enable the service file by running: "systemctl --user enable yacreaderlibraryserver" 4. Start the server by running: "systemctl --user start yacreaderlibraryserver" 5. Check the server status by running: "systemctl --user status yacreaderlibraryserver" Important: Don't run this as root. None of these steps require root privileges. By the default, the service is configured to restart yacreaderlibraryserver in case of a crash and will automatically restart even after a kill or reboot. This might give you some trouble when running YACReaderLibrary on the same machine. To temporarily disable the server, run systemctl with the stop command: "systemctl --user stop yacreaderlibraryserver" To permanently disable it, use the "disable" command: "systemctl --user disable yacreaderlibraryserver"