#message(FATAL_ERROR "VXL has moved! #VXL is now hosted in a GitHub repository at: # https://github.com/vxl/vxl #Run: # git config --unset remote.origin.pushurl # git remote set-url origin https://github.com/vxl/vxl.git # git fetch origin # git checkout master # git reset --hard origin/master #") # # Root vxl # # vxl-maintainers@lists.sf.net cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10.2 FATAL_ERROR) if( "${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}" MATCHES "(11|14|17|20)") # If building for modern C++ language standards, # require use of newer cmake version else() set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD "11") endif() if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) endif() # Set policies consistent with newer versions of cmake # to ease integration with projects that require newer # cmake versions. foreach(p ## Only policies introduced after the cmake_minimum_required ## version need to explicitly be set to NEW. ##----- Policies Introduced by CMake 3.12 CMP0075 #: Include file check macros honor CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES. ##----- Policies Introduced by CMake 3.10 CMP0071 #: Let AUTOMOC and AUTOUIC process GENERATED files. CMP0070 #: Define file(GENERATE) behavior for relative paths. ) if(POLICY ${p}) cmake_policy(SET ${p} NEW) endif() endforeach() project(VXL #Project name must be all caps to have properly generated VXL_VERSION_* variables VERSION DESCRIPTION "A multi-platform collection of C++ software libraries for Computer Vision and Image Understanding." LANGUAGES CXX C) include(CMakeDependentOption) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config/cmake/VXLInitializeBuildType.cmake) #Disable overzealous compiler warning. If the definition is truely missing a link error will be created. include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG(-Wno-undefined-var-template HAS_NO_UNDEFINED_VAR_TEMPLATE) if( HAS_NO_UNDEFINED_VAR_TEMPLATE ) add_definitions( -Wno-undefined-var-template ) endif() find_program( MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND valgrind ) if(MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND) set( MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND_OPTIONS "--trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --malloc-fill=0xFF" ) set( MEMORYCHECK_SUPPRESSIONS_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/config/valgrind.supp" ) endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(NOT COMMAND SETIFEMPTY) macro(SETIFEMPTY) set(KEY ${ARGV0}) set(VALUE ${ARGV1}) if(NOT ${KEY}) set(${ARGV}) endif() endmacro() endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETIFEMPTY(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lib) SETIFEMPTY(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lib) SETIFEMPTY(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/bin) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETIFEMPTY(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBRARY_DESTINATION lib) SETIFEMPTY(CMAKE_INSTALL_ARCHIVE_DESTINATION lib) SETIFEMPTY(CMAKE_INSTALL_RUNTIME_DESTINATION bin) # Allow external project to override the export target if(NOT VXL_NO_EXPORT) SETIFEMPTY(VXL_INSTALL_EXPORT_NAME VXLTargets) endif() SETIFEMPTY(VXL_INSTALL_RUNTIME_DIR bin) SETIFEMPTY(VXL_INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR lib) SETIFEMPTY(VXL_INSTALL_ARCHIVE_DIR lib) SETIFEMPTY(VXL_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR include/vxl) if(NOT VXL_LIB_PREFIX) set( VXL_LIB_PREFIX "") # This is typically empty endif() # CMake support directory. set(VXL_ROOT_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) set(VXL_CMAKE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/config/cmake/Modules) include( ${VXL_CMAKE_DIR}/VXLStandardOptions.cmake ) include( GenerateExportHeader ) include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/config/cmake/config/vxl_utils.cmake ) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/config/cmake/doxygen/doxygen.cmake) # Location of VXL's FindXXX.cmake CMake modules. # This is identical to VXL_CMAKE_DIR. Perhaps we should eliminate MODULE_PATH? set( MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/config/cmake/Modules CACHE STATIC "VXL module path" ) # Options to add extra compiler and linker flags # # These options allow you to specify additional flags without # affecting the default flags for a particular platform or build type. # This is especially useful for adding extra warning flags. set( VXL_EXTRA_CMAKE_C_FLAGS CACHE STRING "Extra flags appended to CMAKE_C_FLAGS" ) set( VXL_EXTRA_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CACHE STRING "Extra flags appended to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS" ) set( VXL_EXTRA_CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS CACHE STRING "Extra flags appended to CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS" ) set( VXL_EXTRA_CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS CACHE STRING "Extra flags appended to CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS" ) set( VXL_EXTRA_CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS CACHE STRING "Extra flags appended to CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS" ) set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${VXL_EXTRA_CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${VXL_EXTRA_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) set( CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${VXL_EXTRA_CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}" ) set( CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${VXL_EXTRA_CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS}" ) set( CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${VXL_EXTRA_CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS}" ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- BUILD CONFIG OPTIONS # Optionally use old error reporting methods, rather than exceptions. # The main use is in vil which often uses/used null images to imply an error. option( VXL_LEGACY_FUTURE_REMOVE "Disable features and cause errors for code deprecated, or listed for removal" ON) mark_as_advanced(VXL_LEGACY_FUTURE_REMOVE) option(VXL_RUN_FAILING_TESTS "Enable long-time failing tests. If tests are failing for a long time, turn them off by default." OFF) mark_as_advanced(VXL_RUN_FAILING_TESTS) # Option to build Windows Unicode support, the string # type of which is wchar_t, each character is a 16-bit unsigned integer. if(WIN32) if(VXL_HAS_WIN_WCHAR_T) option( VXL_USE_WIN_WCHAR_T "Build overloading functions that accept Windows wide char strings?" ON ) if(VXL_USE_WIN_WCHAR_T) # Force it to be 0/1 set(VXL_USE_WIN_WCHAR_T 1) else() set(VXL_USE_WIN_WCHAR_T 0) endif() else() set(VXL_USE_WIN_WCHAR_T 0) endif() else() # avoid empty macro definition set(VXL_USE_WIN_WCHAR_T 0) endif() # In order to be able to link vxl libraries into shared libraries on 64 bit linux, the -fPIC # compiler flag must be added. Only do this if we are on a x86_64 *nix platform, we're building # static libraries, and the user has not explicitly requested position dependent code. if(UNIX) if(NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "x86_64") option(VXL_BUILD_POSITION_DEPENDENT_CODE "Generate position dependent code (i.e. code cannot be used in shared library)" OFF) mark_as_advanced(VXL_BUILD_POSITION_DEPENDENT_CODE) if(NOT VXL_BUILD_POSITION_DEPENDENT_CODE) message(STATUS "Adding -fPIC compiler flag to generate position independent code.") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fPIC") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fPIC") endif() endif() endif() # Some types of path names can cause havoc with regular expressions, # so avoid those. if( ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} MATCHES \\+ ) message(SEND_ERROR "You cannot have a + in your binary path") endif() if( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} MATCHES \\+ ) message(SEND_ERROR "You cannot have a + in your source path") endif() # include CMakeListsLocal.txt from source directory if it exists # also include it from the binary dir if different from source dir if( ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} MATCHES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} ) include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CMakeListsLocal.txt OPTIONAL ) else() include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CMakeListsLocal.txt OPTIONAL ) include( ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeListsLocal.txt OPTIONAL ) endif() # Standard include directories. set(VXLCORE_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/core) #Source includes set(VXLCORE_BINARY_INCLUDE_DIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/core) #Generated includes set(VXLCORE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${VXLCORE_BINARY_INCLUDE_DIR} ${VXLCORE_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(VXLCORE_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/vxl/core) set(VCL_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/vcl) #Source includes set(VCL_BINARY_INCLUDE_DIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/vcl) #Generated includes set(VCL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${VCL_BINARY_INCLUDE_DIR} ${VCL_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(VCL_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/vxl/vcl) include_directories(${VCL_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${VXLCORE_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # Do platform-specific configuration. include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/config/cmake/config/VXLIntrospectionConfig.cmake) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # This block should come after VXLIntrospectionConfig.cmake has been executed. if(VCL_HAS_LFS OR WIN32) option( VXL_USE_LFS "Should VXL use Large File Support?" NO) mark_as_advanced( VXL_USE_LFS ) endif() if(VXL_USE_LFS) if(WIN32) # TODO: MS Version Support # message( SEND_ERROR "Sorry - Large File Support is not quite working on Win32 yet. Turning VXL_USE_LFS off") # set(VXL_USE_LFS "NO" CACHE BOOL "Should VXL use Large File Support?" FORCE) else() if(VCL_HAS_LFS) add_definitions( -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE) else() message( SEND_ERROR "This platform does not have Large File Support - turning VXL_USE_LFS off") set(VXL_USE_LFS "NO" CACHE BOOL "Should VXL use Large File Support?" FORCE) endif() endif() endif() #------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- BUILD SELECTION OPTIONS # Options for selecting the core core libraries option( VXL_BUILD_CORE_NUMERICS_ONLY "Turn off everything except the core numerics" OFF) mark_as_advanced(VXL_BUILD_CORE_NUMERICS_ONLY) option( VXL_BUILD_CORE_NUMERICS "Build VXL's numerics libraries" ON ) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION( VXL_BUILD_CORE_GEOMETRY "Build VXL's geometry libraries" ON "NOT VXL_BUILD_CORE_NUMERICS_ONLY" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION( VXL_BUILD_CORE_SERIALISATION "Build VXL's serialisation libraries" ON "NOT VXL_BUILD_CORE_NUMERICS_ONLY" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION( VXL_BUILD_CORE_UTILITIES "Build VXL's utility libraries" ON "NOT VXL_BUILD_CORE_NUMERICS_ONLY" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION( VXL_BUILD_CORE_IMAGING "Build VXL's imaging libraries" ON "NOT VXL_BUILD_CORE_NUMERICS_ONLY" OFF) # By default, build examples when building tests. Examples require most of the core libraries CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION( VXL_BUILD_EXAMPLES "Should the examples be built?" ${BUILD_TESTING} "VXL_BUILD_CORE_GEOMETRY;VXL_BUILD_CORE_NUMERICS;VXL_BUILD_CORE_UTILITIES;VXL_BUILD_CORE_SERIALISATION;VXL_BUILD_CORE_IMAGING" OFF) mark_as_advanced(VXL_BUILD_EXAMPLES) option( VXL_BUILD_NONDEPRECATED_ONLY "Build only nondeprecated libraries (Experimental)" ON ) mark_as_advanced(VXL_BUILD_NONDEPRECATED_ONLY) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(VXL_BUILD_CORE_PROBABILITY "Build VXL's probability libraries (Experimental)" ON "VXL_BUILD_CORE_NUMERICS;NOT VXL_BUILD_CORE_NUMERICS_ONLY" OFF) # Build the core vxl + support libraries add_subdirectory(vcl) add_subdirectory(v3p) add_subdirectory(core) # Optionally build the contributed libraries if( EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/contrib/CMakeLists.txt ) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(VXL_BUILD_CONTRIB "Build the contributed libraries?" OFF "VXL_BUILD_CORE_GEOMETRY;VXL_BUILD_CORE_NUMERICS;VXL_BUILD_CORE_UTILITIES;VXL_BUILD_CORE_SERIALISATION;VXL_BUILD_CORE_IMAGING;NOT VXL_BUILD_CORE_NUMERICS_ONLY" OFF) add_subdirectory(contrib) endif() # Generate Project files dependacy generation for now for downstream packages # Copy the UseVXL.cmake file to the binary directory so that client # projects don't need to find the source directory first. They can run # the UseVXL.cmake from the vxl binary directory, and determine the # vxl source directory by loading the cache. configure_file( ${VXL_CMAKE_DIR}/UseVXL.cmake ${VXL_BINARY_DIR}/UseVXL.cmake COPYONLY ) # For use in client projects that call UseVXL.cmake set(VXL_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} CACHE STATIC "Where all the vxl libraries are, for clients to use." ) # Copy CTestCustom.cmake to top of build tree configure_file( ${VXL_CMAKE_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake ${VXL_BINARY_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake COPYONLY ) # This command must be the last command in this file if(NOT VXL_NO_EXPORT) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/config/cmake/export/VXLCreateProject.cmake) endif() option(VXL_BUILD_OBJECT_LIBRARIES "Build object libraries (to enable all in a single library)?" OFF) mark_as_advanced(VXL_BUILD_OBJECT_LIBRARIES)