Running the example Pykaldi scripts =================================== Summary ------- The demo presents three new Kaldi features on pretrained Czech AMs: * Online Lattice Recogniser. The best results were obtained using MFCC, LDA+MLLT and bMMI. * Python wrapper which interfaces the OnlineLatticeRecogniser to Python. * Training scripts which can be used with standard Kaldi tools or with the new OnlineLatticeRecogniser. The demonstrates how to use the class PyOnlineLatgenRecogniser, which takes audio on the input and outputs the decoded lattice. There are also the OnlineLatgenRecogniser C++ and Kaldi standard gmm-latgen-faster demos. All three demos produce the same results. TODO: Publish English AM and add English demo In March 2014, the PyOnlineLatticeRecogniser recogniser was evaluated on domain of SDS Alex. See graphs evaluating OnlineLatticeRecogniser performance at An example posterior word lattice output for one Czech utterance can be seen at Dependencies ------------ * Build (make) and test (make test) the code under kaldi/src, kaldi/src/pykaldi and kaldi/src/onl-rec * For inspecting the saved lattices you need dot binary from Graphviz `_. This is the reference executable for The same data, AM a LM are used as for make pyonline-latgen-recogniser. We use this script as reference. make live * The simple live demo should decode speech from your microphone. It uses the pretrained AM and LM and wraps ``_. The pyaudio package is used for capturing the sound from your microphone. We were able to use it under `Ubuntu 12.10` and Python 2.7, but we guarantee nothing on your system. Notes ----- The scripts for Czech and English support acoustic models obtained using MFCC, LDA+MLLT/delta+delta-delta feature transformations and acoustic models trained generatively or by MPE or bMMI training. The new functionality is separated to different directories: * kaldi/src/onl-rec stores C++ code for OnlineLatticeRecogniser. * kaldi/scr/pykaldi stores Python wrapper PyOnlineLatticeRecogniser. * kaldi/egs/vystadial/s5 stores training scripts. * kaldi/egs/vystadial/online_demo shows Kaldi standard decoder, OnlineLatticeRecogniser and PyOnlineLatticeRecogniser, which produce the exact same lattices using the same setup. The OnlineLatticeRecogniser is used in Alex dialogue system (