About the Fisher-English corpus This is conversational telephone speech collected as 2-channel, 8kHz-sampled data. The data is similar to Switchboard but the transcription was mostly done in a "faster", lower-quality way. Fisher comes in two parts, and the text and speech have separate LDC numbers. This recipe uses both parts. The LDC numbers are The speech: LDC2004S13, LDC2005S13 The text: LDC2004T19, LDC2005T19 Each subdirectory of this directory contains the scripts for a sequence of experiments. s5: This recipe is being worked on, it has the initial stages of training ready. Note that the data normalization is not compatible with our Switchboard setup, we have retained the conventions of the Fisher corpus, e.g. lower-case, and acronyms like c._n._n.