Description of Kaldi subsystems

This is a description of the complete Kaldi sub-system, containing a description of all components. It will be referred to from the system descriptions of the various Kaldi sub-systems, and from the top-level system description of the RADICAL team.

1. Abstract

The Kaldi keyword search system is based mostly on a conventional LVCSR pipeline. We have three main sub-systems, which separately decode the data; we then use conventional system combination techniques. The four systems are:

For LimitedLP we add a fourth system, which is a version of the bottleneck system where DNN to extract the bottleneck features is trained on automatically transcribed data as well as the LimitedLP data. For FullLP we add a different fourth system, which is a "sequence-trained" version of the DNN, trained with the State-level Minimum Bayes Risk criterion (a variant of MPE). We also include a fifth, less conventional sub-system, based on the "Point Process Model" (PPM) that uses phone-level posteriors from a DNNs trained for one of the systems above. This will be described in Section 4.16. Its outputs are combined with our systems above for keyword spotting but not for transcription.

Our keyword search pipeline is based on lattice-indexing as described in [5]; the lattices are generated using the "exact" lattice generation method described in [6]. To handle out of vocabulary (OOV) keywords, we use the method [4] which constructs for an OOV keyword sequence, proxy keyword sequences consisting of word sequences which are phonetically similar. This year we added a "lexicon expansion" method, in which we generate plausible new words using a syllable-level language model and add them to the lexicon and language model when decoding (see Section 4.4). (This even slightly improves the WER). We actually add the original and expanded-lexicon versions of each system to the final system combination, but including non-expanded decodings in the system combination is not really necessary.

The code and scripts used for the main Kaldi system are available as part of Kaldi; see svn:// The scripts we used this year are located in the directory egs/babel/s5b.

2. Notable features

A new feature of our system that is shared by all the sub-systems is our pitch features . We describe these in more detail in [7]. This is a pitch extraction algorithm based on the old "getf0" method, but which naturally ensures continuity of the pitch contours even in unvoiced regions. We also derive a continuous-valued voicing feature from the algoirhtm. Finally we get a three-dimensional feature consisting of pitch, delta-pitch, and a feature derived from probability of voicing (POV). These are appended to the PLP features, giving us consistent gains across languages compared with our previous pitch features (other teams have also reported gains using our features).

Something else that is new is the p-norm neural networks [8]. This is a new nonlinearity type that is related to maxout (in that it is a dimension-reducing nonlinearity). This gave us around 1% absolute improvement compared with our old, tanh-based networks. On top of this, for LimitedLP we introduce an ensemble training method . Imagine training four networks from different random seeds. We can average the scores from all of them to get an improvement (around 2% absolute). But we don't like to have to use multiple networks in test time. Our ensemble method introduces a term in the objective function to train the networks' outputs towards each other, to make them more similar, so that in test time we can pick just one of the networks to test with. This gives us three quarters of the improvement from the simple method of averaging the scores, but does not slow us down in test time. We only do this for limitedLP because it slows down training too much to be practical for FullLP.

Our bottleneck feature system is heavily modified since last year, and has improved. Firstly, we implemented it all in Kaldi, as opposed to last year's system which was a hybrid between Kaldi and Theano. This makes the training faster, since Kaldi supports parallelized neural network training, using multiple GPUs. The basic recipe is basically the same as last year-- a DNN with a 42-dimensional bottleneck, appending these features with the baseline fMLLR features, splicing across 3 frames and doing LDA dimension reduction to 60 dimensions, then training an SGMM system on these features. However, results seemed a little better with the Kaldi implementation, perhaps 0.5\% absolute. It's hard to say why, as there are too many differences. The thing that is new is that we implemented semi-supervised training in the LimitedLP case. We use the 1-best output from decoding as supervision for the untranscribed data, but only train on a frame if the state-level posterior is above a threshold (we use a low threshold of 0.35 for this case).

Our point process model system ( Section 4.16), while it get only around half the ATWV of our conventional system by itself, is giving us large improvements in combination with our conventional system, of around 3 to 4% ATWV. This is an unconventional "exemplar-based" approach.

Our expanded lexicon (Section 4.4) also new. This method takes as input the provided lexicon, and uses it to hypothesize likely new words and their pronuciations, along with their probabilities. We generate 2 million extra words, with associated probabilities, and we allocate the "unknown-word" probability mass of our language model to these words. Our method is "backwards", in that we first generate the phonetic sequences, and then work out the spellings. The improvement this gives is extremely variable. For Bengali and Assamese, it makes essentialy no difference. But for Zulu LimitedLP using the development keywords on the development data, it improved the Kaldi-only ATWV from 0.20 to 0.28.

3. Extra resources

For the submitted Kaldi systems we did not use any linguistic or other resources outside of the language development pack. For our LimitedLP submissions, we did use the FullLP and "untranscribed" data for unsupervised training, without using the transcriptions. (This is allowed even in the BaseLR condition).

4. System description

4.1 Low level features

Our basic features are standard 13-dimensional PLP features. To these we append 3-dimensional features derived from our "Kaldi" pitch tracker, giving a 16-dimensional "base feature". Our pitch tracker and the configuration we used are described in [7]. These features were extremly helpful on tonal languages: on Cantonese and Vietnamese last year, our tests showed as much as 6% absolute WER improvement compared with no pitch features. In general our new "Kaldi" pitch features give us about twice as much improvement as our old features from last year that were based on SAcC.

4.2 Segmentation

Our segmentation is performed via decoding the whole-conversation data using a GMM-based model. The model is trained in the normal way for an LVCSR system, but the decoding graph is derived from a phone bigram language model (unsmoothed, to avoid blowup due to context dependency). We do a single pass of decoding, without adaptation; the features are processed as spliced-frames+LDA+STC. The model used for segmentation is trained on transcripts that included certain data we would normally exclude: segments containing only non-speech events such as noise are included in the transcripts.

The output of the decoding above is used as the input to the following algorithm. First we map the frames of the decoder best path to one of three classes: speech, noise or silence. The segmentation algorithm is as follows:

4.3 Lexicon (non-expanded)

Here we describe our basic lexicon, before expansion. The BABEL lexicon comes with syllable boundaries marked using tabs, and syllable-level tags marking tone. We attach the tone tags to the phones, so that a syllable k a t _1 would become the phone sequence k_1 a_1 t_1 Formally, each tone version of a phone is a separate phone, but see our explanation of contenxt dependency below . We noticed that in some languages, the original lexicon seemed to have been expanded with some kind of script where some original phone was mapped to two alternative phones. That was the case for Vietnamese last year and Zulu this year, and it was helpful to reverse this mapping. Our mapping for Zulu is as follows:
k_> g_<
3 e
R l
o O
b_< b
t_> th
After generating a lexicon as described above, we perform the standard procedure in Kaldi training scripts, to add word-position dependency. Each phone is mapped to five versions of the phone depending on whether it's at the beginning, middle or end of a word, or is a singleton phone, or is a nonword phone (e.g. optional silence in the lexicon). By this point the phone set is quite large, but again, see our explanation of context dependency below .

We have four phones in our inventory apart from those that appear in words; they are all modeled in a context independent way and using a different topology (5 states, where the middle 3 states all have transitions to each other). These are for silence, noise, vocalized-noise and unknown-words. The difference between vocalized noise and unknown-words is that vocalized noise models things like coughs and laughs, whereas the unknown-word phone models words whose pronunciation is not known (mainly so we can align them during training).

4.4 Lexicon (expanded)

As mentioned above, we perform lexicon expansion to improve our ability to decode OOV words. The lexicon expansion procedure produces pronunciations and probabilities for the generated words, so that we know how to allocate the "unknown-word" probability mass in the language model. The unknown words are introduced as unigrams into our ARPA language model, with probabilities equal to the probabilities we estimated, times the unknown-word fraction (equal to the token OOV rate).

The lexicon expansion procedure works as follows (but note that lexicon expansion is not the only thing we do to handle OOVs; see also Section 4.15). We first take all the entries in our original lexicon and view them as sentences, where each syllable corresponds to one symbol (we ignore the spelling). We train an ARPA language model on this with SRILM; a 3-gram "modified Kneser-Ney with interpolation" seemed to work the best. We then generate a large number of "sentences" from this language model: 20 million or so, For each unique sentence in the generated sentences, we compute its language model probability; we then exclude the sentences that correspond to words in the original lexicon, take the 2 million best ones, and these will become the pronunciations of our lexicon entries.

A lexicon entry needs a spelling as well as a pronunciation, and to do this we use the g2p tool from Sequitur in reverse to produce the most likely spellings for each pronunciation. We reverse it by taking each lexicon entry, e.g.
hi h iy and reversing it to produce something like
hiy h i
Actually we don't do it exactly this way because we want iy to appear as a single symbol on the left, rather than as a sequence of two symbols. So we map the phones to ASCII symbols first. When doing so we treat tags (e.g. tones) separately, so each tag has its own ASCII symbol, and a phone with a tag would be rendered as two ASCII symbols.

We use g2p to generate a list of the top few likely spellings for each of the generated pronunciations. We take the pronunciations we generated and the probabilities of their spellings, and convert them into a list of words with probabilities on the words, and a list of pronunciations for each word with asociated pronunciation probabilities. This is the output of the lexicon expansion and it is used to create the lexicon and language model that we decode with.

We ran two versions of each system, one with and one without the lexicon expansion, because we wanted to see how much effect it was having. Because we had them both available, we decided to combine both versions for the final system combination, but this combination made very little difference to the results and we could equally well have submitted just the expanded-lexicon systems.

4.5 Phonetic context dependency

Our phonetic context dependency is a fairly standard setup based on triphone context and a phonetic decision tree with questions about the phonetic context. However, we should mention how we handle tone and word-position-dependent phones. The number of actual phone symbols is quite large; it consists of the number of "base phones" times five (from word-position dependency), times the number of tones. Firstly, the decision-tree roots are not separate for each phone symbol, but we have one per "base phone", with all states sharing a root. The questions can be about the state of the HMM, or about the left phone, the central phone, or the right phone. Each question is simply a set of phone symbols. However, in constructing the questions we make use of the structure of the phone symbols. Each question is either about the tone (or some other tag), about the word-position, or about the "base-phone", and the questions about the base phone consist of sets of base-phones that are derived from a binary tree clustering of the acoustic statistics from the central HMM-states of all the phones.

4.6 Language models

Our language models are created using SRILM using the training transcripts. We automatically select the best one from among a range of smoothing rules and count cutoffs, using perplexity on held-out data as the criterion; a typical chosen language model is a good-Turing smoothed 3-gram.

4.7 Feature processing and adaptation

Our base features, as described above, are 16-dimensional (MFCC + pitch) features. We process these by splicing with 3 frames of left and right context, doing LDA (with the context-dependent states as the classes), and then estimating an STC/MLLT transform [13] along with our models. We then use speaker adaptation based on fMLLR, done also during training (i.e. our models are speaker adaptive). In test time the transforms are obtained by decoding with a GMM-based model. Our SGMM models use speaker vectors as an additional form of adaptation on top of this.

4.8 Subspace Gaussian Mixture Models (SGMMs)

Two of the branches of our systems are based on SGMMs [14], as mentioned in the introduction. Our SGMMs are the "SGMM2" recipe of Kaldi; this uses the "symmetric" extension of SGMMs as described in [2], and also a substate-tying scheme that uses a two-level version of the phonetic decision tree, and is similar in spirit to the Gaussian tying used in BBN's Byblos system.

The main tunable parameters of the SGMM training are given below:
Num-gauss-UBM Num-leaves Num-substates
LimitedLP 750 5000 18000
FullLP 800 10000 80000
The number of "leaves per group" in the substate-tying scheme is set at its normal value, which is 5.

4.9 Deep Neural Networks

The deep neural network training setup we use in Kaldi is one of two parallel setups that we maintain "Karel's setup" and "Dan's setup". This system uses "Dan's setup". The training procedure differs in a number of ways from previously published methods, and for reasons of time and space we can't document it fully here. See here for more information. The most salient point is that the setup allows us to train a neural network in parallel on multiple GPUs, which substantially decreases the training time. For example, for Zulu, the FullLP system took 11 hours to train for 25 epochs on 8 GPUs. The LimitedLP system took 7 hours to train for 25 epochs on 4 GPUs, but note that we were training 4 networks at the same time, which slowed down the training by roughly a factor of 4.
4.9.1 p-norm nonlinearities
Our major improvement to our DNN system was the introduction of "p-norm" nonlinearities. This is described in [8]. The input to our DNNs are 40-dimensional fMLLR features, obtained via first-pass decoding with our GMM system. These are spliced across a 9-frame context window (4 frames on each side), and processed with an LDA-like transform to decorrelate them. The FullLP system has four hidden layers with 4000 as the input dimension to the nonlinearity and 400 as the output-dimension (so the group size is 10). There are 12000 output neurons in the softmax layer; this is more than the number of context-dependent states (which is about 5000), because of the "mixing-up" as described here . For the LimitedLP system the input/output dimensions are 3000/300 and the softmax layer dimension is 5000 (versus about 2000 context-dependent states).
4.9.2 Ensemble training
For the LimitedLP system we improve our system via a novel "ensemble training" method. This involves training four versions of the neural network in parallel. We initialize four networks using four different random seeds. During training, we train them towards each other by adding a term in the objective function which penalizes the K-L divergence between their outputs. Practically speaking, this means interpolating the "hard label" for each frame with a "soft label" derived from interpolating the posteriors derived from the averaged output of all four neural nets. The amount of the "soft label" we add to the "hard" label is determined by a constant that we vary from about 3 to 5 during training, so the extent of "training towards each other" gets stronger as we train.

During decoding, we pick just one of the systems arbitrarily. Since it has been trained towards the other networks, it acts a little bit like an ensemble of networks, even though it is just one network. This gives us about 1.5% WER improvement.

4.9.3 Sequence training
For the FullLP system only, we do discriminative training ("sequence training") on our DNN. Our discriminative training is based on a state-level variannt of the Minimum Phone Error (MPE) criterion, called sMBR [15]. We are mostly following the recipe described in [16], although modified for our parallel-training method. The training is based on Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), although modified by our "preconditioning method" which will eventually be described here (till then, see the code). We use a learning rate of 9E-5, but one tenth that value for the output layer. Training is for four epochs. Instead of frame-level randomization we use segment-level randomization, where a segment is the smallest pieces we could chop our lattices into while still being able to accurately evaluate the objective function. The training is in parallel using 4 GPUs and periodically averaging the parameters, just like for our basic training. (Note that the "effective learning rate" is as a result four times lower than what we mentioned above).

4.10 Bottleneck features

Our bottleneck system is based on the same code and methods as our DNN system, except that we use tanh rather than p-norm nonlinearities, and the DNN has a bottleneck layer. For the LimitedLP system we use four hidden layers with 1024 neurons, then a bottleneck layer with 42 neurons, then one hidden layer with 1024 neurons, then the output layer. For the FullLP system, replace (4, 1024) with (5, 2048). As before, the input to the network is 40-dimensional LDA+STC+fMLLR features, spliced across 9 frames.

For feature extraction we remove the part after the 42-dimensional bottleneck, including the tanh nonlinearity, and append it with the baseline 40-dimensional features, giving an 82-dimensional feature vector. This is appended across ±1 frame and the dimension is reduced with LDA to 60 dimensions. (Note: we don't commence training on these features from scratch but start with alignments from our SAT-trained GMM-based system).

From this point we train an SGMM+BMMI system. Because the feature dimension is higher the number of parameters would increase if we left the rest of the configuration of the system the same, so we use the following reduced configuration values:
Num-gauss-UBM Num-leaves Num-substates
LimitedLP 500 5000 10000
FullLP 5500 10000 50000
Because the features are much "stronger" than normal features (i.e. more informative about the class), and more correlated, we need to decode with a different acoustic scale than normal. We normally decode SGMM systems with an acoustic scale of 0.1. For this system we decode with an acoustic scale of 1/15 = 0.06666. Note: the more finely tuned acoustic scale is determined by best WER or ATWV on the development data, after rescoring the lattices with different weights; this value is just to get us in the right ballpark during lattice generation.

4.11 Build order

In order to clarify the relationship between the various systems, we document here the order of system building. The initial stages, when the dependency graph is just a linear sequence, are as follows:
Stage Num-leaves/gauss Num-leaves/gauss Feature type
(LimitedLP) (FullLP)
mono n/a n/a delta+delta-delta
tri1 1000/10k 1000/10k delta+delta-delta
tri2 2500/36k 1000/20k delta+delta-delta
tri3 2500/36k 6000/75k delta+delta-delta
tri4 2500/36k 6000/75k LDA+STC
tri5 2500/36k 6000/75k LDA+STC+fMLLR
After the tri5 stage, the build graph "branches out", and the training of the SGMM system, the DNN system and the DNN that includes the bottleneck features, all depend on the alignments and transforms obtained from the tri5 system. We have documented the number of parameters of those other systems separately.

4.12 Decoding order

After training the tri5 system, we obtain via single-pass retraining a version of the system that is trained on speaker-independent features. This model is used in the first, speaker-independent pass of recognition-- other than about segmentation, which we have documented separately. All decoding passes are with WFST decoders that output lattices. Starting from a raw, state-level lattice we use the determinization algorithm of [6] to produce a word-level lattice, although this year we extended the determinization algorithm slightly to enable the generation of deeper lattices, by first doing a phone-level determinization before the word-level determinization. This keeps the determinization from "blowing up" when the beam is too large.

The lattices from the speaker-independent decoding are used with the speaker-adapted "tri5" model to compute initial fMLLR transforms, which are used with the speaker-adapted model to rescore the lattices to get better posteriors and estimate the fMLLR transforms a second time. Then another lattice generation pass is done with the speaker-adapted model and adapted features, and the fMLLR transforms are estimated a third time and the lattices rescored with those features.

Note: we don't include silence frames in the fMLLR computation. Since the lattice generates soft counts, this is accomplished via per-frame weights, not a hard cutoff.

The decoding of the later models-- the SGMMs, DNNs and bottleneck feature based SGMMs-- all depend on the "tri5" decoding because they use the fMLLR transforms generated there.

Once we have these transforms, the DNN decoding is single-pass, but for the discriminatively trained DNNs we first decode with the basic DNN and then rescore the lattices with four different versions of the final DNN system, one for each epoch. This is so that we can choose the best epoch to use.

The SGMM decoding naturally has two passes: one using a speaker-independent version of the SGMM system (speaker-independent because it doesn't have speaker vectors, although we do have fMLLR features), and then another pass of decoding after estimating the speaker vectors. However, we only generate the lattice once. In order to ensure an accurate final lattice, we dump the state-level lattice from the first pass of decoding and don't do the final lattice-determinization until after estimating the speaker vectors. See [6] if the term "state-level lattice" is confusing.

4.13 Keyword index generation

The keyword index generation uses Finite State Transducer concepts, and is based on [5]. It relies on the fact that our lattices are determinized at the word level, which is an essential part of our lattice generation procedure. This method constructs an index such that for any given keyword sequence (of any length), one can do a simple lookup in a finite state transducer and find a list of all the occurrences of that keyword sequence in the set of lattices that were indexed. The number of potential word sequences grows exponentially with the sequence length, and the index does not blow up even though it allows us to look up arbitrarily long sequences. This is accomplished through the magic of determinization, together with some clever choices of semirings.

We build a separate index for each language model scale in a predetermined range (e.g. 10, 12, 13, 14, 15), so that we can separately run the keyword search pipeline for each scale, and pick the scale with the best ATWV on the dev data. (Note: since there is only one dev set, all our numbers reported on the dev set have these scales optimized on that set, and the same applies for WER numbers).

4.14 Keyword search

Once the index is built, keyword search is very simple and fast: we look up the sequence in the index generated above, and it returns a list of the hit locations (utterance-ids and start and end times) and the associated lattice posteriors. In this document, we assume that by "keyword" we mean some given sequence of words, possibly of length one.

The most non-obvious aspect of this is the per-keyword normalization of the scores. The Term Weighted Value (TWV) metric, after ignoring constant terms and doing a few manipulations, may be expressed as follows:

TWV = const + sum-over-keywords ( 1/K ( Ntrue-hit / Ntrue - beta/duration NFA ) )

Here, sum-over-keywords is taken over all keywords that were actually seen in the test set being considered. The values in the equation may be defined as follows:
Name Definition
K Number of keywords that appear in this test set
Ntrue-hit Number of occurrences of this keyword that we correctly spotted.
Ntrue Number of times this keyword actually occurred in this test set.
NFA Number of incorrect hits of this keyword that we produced.
beta A constant equal to exactly 999.9 (don't ask)
duration The total number of seconds of audio in the test set: a constant we know exactly.
I believe the following analysis comes from [17]. In statistical systems, if we assume model correctness we can generally trust marginals even of very noisy and unreliable things. So for instance, even if our individual recognitions of a word are very inaccurate, the sum of the posterior may be reasonably accurate if the system was well trained. At least, we can hope so. So if we take the sum of posteriors of the hits of a keyword over our entire training set, we can form a reasonable estimate of Ntrue. In what goes below, let Ntrue-estimate be simply the sum of the lattice posteriors of this keyword, over all our test set. We will use Ntrue-estimate in place of Ntrue. So for some keyword, the TWV contribution from that keyword is:

TWV-contribution = 1/K ( Ntrue-hit / Ntrue-estimate - beta/duration NFA )

Here, Ntrue-estimate and beta/duration are both known quantities. Consider one putative hit, i.e. one location in time where we have a nonzero posterior and we might want to produce a hit. Let the posterior of the keyword in the lattice be p. Let's assume that p is a reasonable estimate of the probability that the keyword actually exists there, which is reasonable assuming model correctness. As an aside, note that we scale down the acoustics in our lattices while computing the posteriors, so the probabilities are quite well calibrated; also, we have plotted the (posterior in our lattice) versus (probability that the word was actually there) and it's within spitting distance of a straight line. Anyway, back to the task at hand. We can write, for this putative hit,

expected-TWV-contribution = 1/K ( p / Ntrue-estimate - beta/duration (1-p) ) .

Here, all but one of the quantities in the equation are known. K is not known, because we don't know how many keywords were actually seen in the test set, but because we only care about the sign of this quantity we don't actually need to know K. For a putative hit, the equation above gives us all we need to know in order to know whether to say "yes" or "no": if it's positive, "yes", else "no". We want to keep the hit if this is positive, i.e. if.

p / Ntrue-estimate - beta/duration (1-p) > 0
p (1/Ntrue-estimate + beta/duration) - beta/duration > 0
p > (beta/duration) / (1/Ntrue-estimate + beta/duration)
p > Ntrue-estimate / (duration/beta + Ntrue-estimate)

Let's call the value above the "threshold", i.e.
threshold = Ntrue-estimate / (duration/beta + Ntrue-estimate)

(there is a different threshold for each keyword). In order to make it easier to choose the cutoff point for when to stop producing hits, we would to produce the output as normalized scores that are all somehow comparable to each other. That way we can tune a global threshold. We would like to normalize our scores in such a way that they are still all between zero and one. We do this by converting p to a log-ratio, i.e. q = log(p / (1-p)), computing a similar log-ratio for the threshold, i.e. t = log(threshold / (1-threshold)), and then subtracting t from q, i.e. q' = q - t, to produce a normalized log-ratio q' (so if q' > 0, then p > threshold). Then we convert back from a log-ratio to an actual probability, call this p'. When we work out the equations for this, it comes out to
p' = (1-threshold) * p / ((1-threshold)*p + (1-p)*threshold)

4.15 Out of vocabulary (OOV) keyword search

In this section we describe how we perform the keyword search when the keyword is OOV-- i.e. when at least one of the words in the sequence is not in our lexicon. Note that this is a separate thing from the lexicon expansion described above. If we are using the lexicon-expanded decoding graph, then this procedure is only applied if the keyword is OOV with respect to the expanded lexicon.

We have described our basic proxy search procedure in [4] so we will not repeat it at length here. The basic idea is to use a learned phone confusion matrix to find a list of in-vocabulary word sequences that are phonetically close to the sequence we want, with associated penalties for being too distant. As a special case, we don't penalize the proxy sequences for having extra phones at their beginning and end (so, for instance, if the pronunciation of a searched-for word appeared as part of a longer word, we would allow that without penalty).

As background, our index lookup is actually done by FST composition, where one of the things to be composed is the "query FST" (normally with a linear structure) and one is the huge index. In our proxy search method, we represent the set of proxy keywords, and their associated weights, as an FST, and to the keyword search pipeline it looks no different from a linear sequence (since the input is just an FST).

There is something new about our proxy keyword search pipeline this year. After implementing the "expanded lexicon", we noticed that the process of generating proxy keywords was very slow. This procedure involves various operations of composition and determinization, where the inputs are a linear sequence consisting of the OOV keyword (as phones), a phone-edit-distance FST, and a lexicon. When we made the lexicon much bigger, it became slow. In order to make it fast again, we had to rearrange the order of composition and determinization, and implement an "on-demand" FST pruning procedure for OpenFST (as part of the Kaldi extensions to OpenFST).

4.16. Point Process Models for Keyword Search

The point process model (PPM) for keyword search [9] is a whole-word, event-based acoustic modeling and phonetic search technique. It operates on sparse phonetic event streams extracted from the speech signal using a frame-level subword acoustic model. In our Babel system, we use our Kaldi Deep Neural Network acoustic models described above to generate posteriorgrams over context-dependent states. We subsequently sum posterior dimensions sharing the same center phone to produce monophone posteriorgrams for each utterance. After applying the matched filter smoothing of [10], local maxima of each posterior trajectory define phonetic event times. The set of phonetic events for the search collection defines the index for subsequent keyword search; this construction, which is performed entirely independent of the keyword set, is our only use of the test audio.

The next stage is point process model construction. For in-vocabulary words, we perform MAP estimation of the Poisson rate parameters for each word in the lexicon [11]. This takes advantage of any exemplars present in the training data, but falls back on dictionary-based model priors (the simple variant, see [11] for details) if no exemplars are available. For OOV keywords, we use Sequitur G2P pronunciations to construct the dictionary models. Multi-word keyword models are constructed by concatenating MAP estimated unigram PPMs, with the overall duration distributions derived using the Monte Carlo techniques from [12]. Search for each keyword is performed using an optimized detection function calculation scheme that is 500,000 times faster than realtime. We consider the PPM system performance both in isolation and in combination (at the kwslist level) with the Kaldi LVCSR search engine outputs.

4.17. Class-based language model

Due to the sparsity of the Tamil data a combination of different smoothing techniques where used to train a trigram for LimitedLP and FullLP: Models 1-5 where implemented in LSVLM. In order to map them to ARPA format an artificial corpus of 30 million tokens was sampled using model 5. A trigram tree was constructed and probabilities of models 1-5 where written to the leafs of that tree. In the end model 1-6 where combined using linear interpolation. Model 2 had for all experiments the largest contribution.

4.18. Segment-level decoding

4.19 System combination methods

4.19.1 System combination for transcription
Here we describe the system combination methods that are used in the "Kaldi-only" submissions. For the overall RADICAL combination, which is based on ROVER, we provide both the individual Kaldi sub-systems, and the overall combined system which we combine as described in this section.

Our systems are not cross-adapted, unless you count the fact that they all use the fMLLR transforms from the shared "tri5" stage. For transcription purposes, the only form of combination we use in the Kaldi sub-system is a combination procedure based on Minimum Bayes Risk decoding, as described in [1]. We view this as a more principled way to do confusion network combination (CNC) [18], without the various heuristics that are used to produce confusion networks. There is one aspect of this that we should explain, which relates to the language-model weight. Normally when decoding, we do a linear sweep over the language model weights over some range (e.g. 10, 11, 12, ... 18), and select the best one. We do the same when combining systems, except that sometimes the different systems will require substantially different language model weights and there is no one weight that is good for all of them; it's not practical to try all possible combinations of weights. When combining systems, we apply a different offset to the language-model weights for each system. This offset is determined by the beginning of the language-model-weight range that we sweep for each system, which in turn was determined by us when setting up the configuration files for our system. So for instance, if we start the regular SGMM system at offset 10, and the bottleneck+SGMM system at 15, then there would be an offset of 5 between the two systems when we do the combination.

We don't bother applying weights to the different systems when combining, but on occasion we do leave out some of the worse systems from the combination. This is decided by a human operator, based on trying different combinations on the dev set. The identities of the systems that were combined will be noted in the individual submissions.

4.19.2 System combination for keyword search
In this section we describe the Kaldi-internal method of system combination for keyword search. For the overall RADICAL system combination, we provide the kwslists for both the individual Kaldi subsystems, and their combination as described in this section.

The Kaldi-internal combination for keyword search is based on averaging across systems the unnormalized putative hits (i.e. the lattice posteriors extracted from the index), before normalizing the averaged posteriors using the normalization method described in Section 4.14.. Note that in order to do this averaging, we have to have some notion of when multiple hits are "at the same time". This is pretty obvious (hits are the same if they overlap in time), so we won't refer to it further. If one system did not have a hit at a particular time, it's identical to it having a posterior of zero.

We do not do a conventional average (i.e. a mean). We wanted to implement something that was in between a mean and a geometric mean. We used the notion that a geometric mean is a mean of logs, and a log is like a power of x, (1/p) xp, as p approaches zero. So if we take the mean of xp for some power p between zero and one, and take the result to the power 1/p, this is somewhere between a mean and a geometric mean. So this is what we do. Suppose we have three scores: a, b and c. We choose a power p (say, p=0.5, but it's tuned per language). Then we let
average = (ap + bp + cp)1/p .
Actually we extend this to a weighted average, i.e.
average = (waap + wbbp + wccp)1/p
where the weights sum to one. The weights are determined manually in small scale experiments on one of the languages, as the result is not very sensitive to the weights. We used weights that are fairly close to each other, but with better systems having larger weights.

We apply the normalization method of Section 4.14. after taking the weighted mean.

5. Hardware

A variable number of 16-core (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680) machines was used. The amount of per-core memory was 2\;GB. The training of the LimitedLP was done using 32 cores (2 nodes), the training of FullLP system was done using 64 cores (4 nodes). Each of the nodes was equipped with one GPU card (Tesla K20m), however these card weren't used for training, with the exception of the neural networks (DNN and BNF systems). The detailed timing info will be provided in the next section. The maximum total storage capacity used was approximately 5TB. The typical size of a complete system (including lattices) is around 300\;GB. The lattice generation of the shadow dataset (combined dev10h and eval) was done on 96 cores (6 nodes). Indexing and search was done on 64 cpus (4 nodes).

6. Timing

Ingestion Elapsed Time (hh:mm:ss) - 151:29:03
Ingestion Total CPU Time (hh:mm:ss) - 9546:33:38
Ingestion Total GPU Time (hh:mm:ss) - 92:23:16

Ingestion Maximum CPU Memory (gbytes) - 192
Ingestion Maximum GPU Memory (gbytes) - 16

Search Elapsed Time (hh:mm:ss) - 12:39:08
Search Total CPU Time (hh:mm:ss) - 427:17:22
Search Total GPU Time (hh:mm:ss) - 0:00:00

Search Maximum CPU Memory (gbytes) - 32
Search Maximum GPU Memory (gbytes) - 16

7. References