The results are by default to be found in /decode_* where the individual /decode_* directory correspond to the language model weight. An easthetically pleasing table with the results can be obtained for example like this (YMMV, as well as your aesthetic feeling): find exp/sgmm5_mmi_b0.1 -name "*.ctm.sys" -not -name "*char.ctm.sys" -ipath "*fmllr_eval.pem*" | xargs grep 'Sum/Avg' | sed 's/:* *| */ /g' | sed 's/ */ /g' | sort -n -k 9 | column -t similarly, for the kws outputs, the same table can be obtained as find exp/sgmm5_mmi_b0.1 -name "sum.txt" -ipath "*fmllr_eval.pem*" | xargs grep "| Occurrence" | cut -f 1,13 -d '|'| sed 's/:|//g' | column -t | sort -k 2 -n -r