the Volume API

Use cases

See Device API use cases.

Data structures

struct AdfVolume{
    struct AdfDevice *     dev;              /* the pointer of the Device structure of which the volume belongs to */

    /* physical sector numbers */
    SECTNUM                firstBlock;       /* first block of the data area (from the beginning of the media) */
    SECTNUM                lastBlock;        /* last usable block (from the beginning of the media) */

    /* logical sector number */
    SECTNUM                rootBlock;        /* root block (from firstBlock) */

    char                   dosType;          /* FFS/OFS, DIRCACHE, INTERNATIONAL */
    BOOL                   bootCode;         /* TRUE if a floppy is bootable */
    int                    dataBlockSize;    /* 488 or 512 */

    char *                 volName;

    /* bitmap */
    long                   bitmapSize;       /* number of blocks used to store the bitmap
                                                (excluding the bitmapExtension blocks)         */
    SECTNUM *              bitmapBlocks;     /* bitmap blocks pointers (excluding bitmap extensions blocks) */
    struct bBitmapBlock ** bitmapTable;      /* stores the bitmap blocks */
    BOOL *                 bitmapBlocksChg;  /* bitmapBlocksChg[i] is TRUE if bitmapTable[i} has changed,
                                                and need to be written at bitmapBlocks[i]                  */

    SECTNUM curDirPtr;                       /* number of the current working directory */

If vol is one Volume structure returned by adfMount() :



struct AdfVolume* adfMount(struct AdfDevice *dev, int nPart, BOOL readOnly)


Mounts a designed volume (nPart) of the Device (dev), eventually with read only access (readOnly). The first partition is #0.

The current working directory is the root block.

Return values

The Volume, NULL in case of error.


  1. Read the bootblock to determine vol->dosType and vol->datablockSize.
  2. Read the rootblock, fills vol->curDirPtr
  3. Read and allocate the bitmap : vol->bitmapBlocks[], vol->bitmapTable[], vol->bitmapSize, vol->bitmapBlocksChg[].



void adfUnMount(struct AdfVolume *vol)


Release a Volume. Free the bitmap structures.



long adfCountFreeBlocks(struct AdfVolume *vol)


Counts the free blocks of a Volume.

Return values

The number of free blocks.



RETCODE adfInstallBootBlock(struct AdfVolume* vol, unsigned char* code)


Install a bootblock on a floppy disk. Won't work on any other device.

You must provide the 1024 bytes large bootblock.
Doesn't modify the initial 'DOS' header and dosType. Recalculates the checksum.

Return values

RC_OK, something different in case of error.



RETCODE adfCreateHdFile(struct AdfDevice* dev, char* volName, int volType)


Create an hardfile on a dump file. The size of this file must be larger than 1802240 bytes, the size of an high density floppy dump.

Use adfCreateDumpDevice() the create the device passed to adfCreateHdFile().

Return values

RC_OK, something different in case of error.


The device is created with one volume, and dev->devType if filled with DEVTYPE_HARDFILE.