the File API

Data structures

Warning! None of the fields of the structure below can be modified directly from the user code. If they are modified directly, the behaviour of the library is undefined.
Unless specified otherwise, read access is of course allowed.

The dynamic memory allocation/releasing is done by the library (assuming that adfFileOpen() is followed by adfFileClose()).

struct AdfFile {
    struct AdfVolume *        volume;           // pointer to the volume

    struct bFileHeaderBlock * fileHdr;          // the header block
    void *                    currentData;      // current data block
    struct bFileExtBlock *    currentExt;       // current data extension block

    unsigned                  nDataBlock;       // number of current data block
    SECTNUM                   curDataPtr;       // pointer to the current data block
    unsigned long             pos;              // file pos

    int                       posInDataBlk;     // index in a datablock
    int                       posInExtBlk;      // index in a file header or file extension block
    BOOL                      eof;              // TRUE is the last byte has been read, use adfEndOfFile() 
    BOOL                      modeRead,         // TRUE if the file is opened in read mode
                              modeWrite;        // TRUE if the file is opened in write mode
    BOOL                      currentDataBlockChanged;   // in write mode, set if the datablock currently in memory has changed



struct AdfFile* adfFileOpen(struct adfVolume* vol, char* name, AdfFileMode mode);


Opens the file with the name name which is located in the current working directory of the vol volume.
The allowed modes are: If the mode is ADF_FILE_MODE_WRITE then:

Some basic access permissions are just checked for now.

Return values

A pointer to the newly created AdfFile structure, which can be used for further file operations (read/write/truncate).

NULL if an error occurs, ie.




void adfFlushFile(struct AdfFile* file);


Flushes the datablocks on disk.



void adfFileClose(struct AdfFile* file)


Calls adfFileFlush() and frees the file structure.



long adfFileRealSize(unsigned long size, int blockSize, long* dataN, long* extN);


Returns the real size in blocks of a file which the given size. It does not taking into account the new dircache that -may- be allocated.

The blockSize must be 488 or 512. This information is located in the datablockSize of the Volume structure.

If the pointers dataN and extN aren't NULL, the number of data blocks and file extension blocks are returned.



long adfFileRead(struct AdfFile* file, long n, unsigned char* buffer)


Read n bytes from the given file into the buffer buffer.

Use adfEndOfFile() to check if the end of the file is reached or not.


#include "adflib.h"

const unsigned BUFSIZE = 600;
unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE];

/* a device and a volume 'vol' has been successfully mounted */

/* opens the Amiga file */
struct AdfFile * const file = adfFileFile(vol, "mod.and.distantcall", ADF_FILE_MORE_READ);
if ( file == NULL ) { /* free resources and exit */  };

/* opens the output classic file */
FILE * const out = fopen("mod.distant","wb");
if ( out == NULL ) { adfCloseFile(file); /* ... */ };
/* copy the Amiga file into the standard file, 600 bytes per 600 bytes */
long n = adfFileRead(file, BUFSIZE, buf);
while ( ! adfEndOfFile(file) ) {
    fwrite(buf, sizeof(unsigned char), n, out);
    n = adfFileRead(file, BUFSIZE, buf);
/* after the EOF is reached, some bytes may need to be written */
if ( n > 0 )
    fwrite(buf, sizeof(unsigned char), n, out);

/* closes the standard file */

/* closes the Amiga file */

Returned values

The number of bytes read.



BOOL adfEndOfFile(struct AdfFile* file)


TRUE if the end of the file file is reached.



long adfWriteWrite(struct AdfFile* file, long n, unsigned char* buffer)


Writes n bytes from the given buffer into the file file.



const unsigned BUFSIZE = 600;
unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE];

/* a device and a volume 'vol' has been successfully mounted */

struct AdfFile * file = adfFileOpen(vol, "moon_gif", ADF_FILE_MODE_READWRITE);
if ( file == NULL ) { /* error handling */ };

FILE * in = fopen(argv[2], "rb");
if ( out == NULL ) { adfFileClose(file); /* error handling */ };

n = fread(buf, sizeof(unsigned char), BUFSIZE, out);
while ( ! feof(out) ) {
    adfFileWrite(file, n, buf);
    n = fread(buf, sizeof(unsigned char), BUFSIZE, out);
if ( n > 0 )
    adfFileWrite(file, n, buf);



Returned values

The number of bytes written.