Tunefish 4 User Guide ################################################# System requirements: ------------------------------------------------- Mac OS X 10.9 with Intel CPU Windows 7 or newer 32/64bit Ubuntu 17.10 64bit (Should work fine on other distributions but was built on this config) Installation: ------------------------------------------------- Linux: Copy the tunefish4.so to ~/.vst folder (which you might have to create). Windows: You can typically choose where to put the plugin and point your DAW to this folder. Mac: Install it in your home folder to /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components for the AU or /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST for the VST. Patches you modify and save in Tunefish will be saved into your home directory: Linux: /home//.config/Brain Control/Tunefish4 Windows: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Brain Control\Tunefish4 Mac: /home//Library/Audio/Presets/Brain Control/Tunefish4 Usage: ------------------------------------------------- Here are some little hints as to how to use Tunefish v4. This is by no means complete and I expect you are already familiar with synth concepts like oscillators, filters, lfo, adsr and effects. But Tunefish has some features that are not easy to grasp at first so here is some info on them. If you run into any problems using the synth, please drop me a line at payne@braincontrol.org, I will gladly explain it and extend this document ;) The generator: ------------------------------------------------- The generator is a single wavetable that will be generated by using additive synthesis. If you activate the modulation (set the modulation dial to anything except zero) then the wavetable will be animated randomly, meaning you will get a more lively sound. The view below the generator shows you the frequency table used for the additive synthesis (top) and the resulting signal (bottom). This is displayed in a static way unless automated or modulated. This means even if you set modulation to a parameter higher than zero, the graph will not refresh even though it should since the frequencies will rotate and change constantly. This is to save CPU time and to make it easier to spot actual modulations/automations. The dials: ------------------------------------------------- The dials have one distinct feature from most other dials because they will show you their modulation based on the modulation matrix. If you attach for example an LFO to a dial, a second scale will then animate and show you how the LFO affects the final value of the dial. The effects stack: ------------------------------------------------- Effects are obviously configured in their respective areas on the UI. If you need to activate one of them, go to the effects stack and place it in one of the 10 slots available. It is allowed to place one effect multiple times into that stack and it will be run multiple times then, but always with the same set of parameters you gave it. Effects will be executed in the order they appear from top to bottom. Credits: ------------------------------------------------- Synth and UI design: Payne / Brain Control (http://www.tunefish-synth.com / http://www.braincontrol.org) Thanks to Cognitone for extending and fixing Tunefish4. Some changes have been backported: https://github.com/cognitone/sprike Sound design: J.Ruegg (https://soundcloud.com/jruegg) Payne (https://soundcloud.com/payne-music) Anders Lund Olsen (http://alodk.dk/tunefish/tunefish.html)