Starting with Tasmanian 6.0, CMake is the recommended way of building Tasmanian under MS Windows. The old WindowsMake script is deprecated and will be removed from the project soon. Using CMake is simple by using the CMake GUI to select source and build folders and select all the desired options. After the CMake project is configured and generated, Tasmanian can be build from the command prompt (cmd) using the following commands: ``` cd cmake --build . --config Release ctest -C Release cmake --build . --config Release --target install ``` Both Release and Debug build types are supported. DEPRECATED INSTRUCTIONS: In order to compile TASMANIAN using VC++ (skip to the last note if you want to use cmake) 1. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2. Extract the .zip files, for example into C:\Users\Bill\Downloads\Tasmanian 3. Run "Development Command Prompt VS..." from the windows menu 4. Navigate to the folder with the source code using the cd command, in the example above: cd \Users\Bill\Downloads\Tasmanian 5. Run the WindowsMake.bat script, i.e., type: WindowsMake.bat The WindowsMake scrip will compile the libraries and the tasgrid.exe and tasdream.exe executables. The files will be copied in \Users\Bill\Downloads\Tasmanian 6. Run basic test: WindowsMake.bat test (optional) Enabling MATLAB interface: 7. Right-click and edit C:\Users\Bill\Downloads\Tasmanian\InterfaceMATLAB\tsgGetPaths.m Choose a work folder, for example: C:\Users\Bill\Downloads\Tasmanian\InterfaceMATLAB\WorkFiles\ (make sure to create the folder) Set the path to the executable: C:\Users\Bill\Downloads\Tasmanian\tasgrid.exe 8. Add the Tasmanian interface files to the MATLAB path see the final command of the WindowsMake.bat command addpath('C:\Users\Bill\Downloads\Tasmanian\InterfaceMATLAB\') Note: to delete all files created by the compile use: WindowsMake.bat clean Note: visual studio seems to default to 32-bit even on 64-bit systems 64-bit code will perform better, and Python scripts need matching dynamic libraries (e.g., 64-bit Anaconda will only work with 64-bit Tasmanian) In order to enable 64-bit Tasmanian, after step 3 cd VC vcvarsall.bat amd64 (amd64 is the name of the 64-bit standard and is used by both Intel and AMD cpus) Note: if you experience problems with OpenMP or other compile options you can manually edit the commands in: C:\Users\Bill\Downloads\Tasmanian\SparseGrids\WindowsMakeSG.bat C:\Users\Bill\Downloads\Tasmanian\DREAM\WindowsMakeDREAM.bat for example, removing /openmp will remove OpenMP