Extensions for EOControl ======================== This subproject contains categories and additional classes to enhance functionality provided by EOControl. General additions: a) plist init methods, like -initWithPropertyList:, -initWithPropertyList:owner:, -initWithString:, -initWithDictionary:, etc DataSources =========== General Additions ***************** NGExtensions adds the following to datasources: a) standardized -setFetchSpecification:/-fetchSpecification b) -updateObject: for triggering updates in 'raw' datasources c) -postDataSourceChanged, to notify the system of changed datasource fetch specifications EOCacheDataSource ***************** A "regular" EODataSource in SOPE is not supposed to cache the results it fetches, it should just perform the raw fetch and then tidy up. To provide caching, you can wrap an arbitary datasource in an EOCacheDataSource which will manage the cache, perform on-demand loads etc. To keep the cache consistent, in SOPE a EODataSource is supposed to call -postDataSourceChanged when its fetch-specification changes in a way which would lead to different fetch results. (Notably an EODatabaseDataSource in EOF2 often has implicit caching in the EOObjectStore/EOEditingContext, the above applies more to SOPE and OGo datasources like the NGLdapDataSource, NGImap4FolderDataSource, EOAdaptorDataSource etc). EOCompoundDataSource ******************** As the name suggests this datasource joins the results of other datasources into one. In the context of create/insert/delete/update operations, the datasource tries each of the child datasources in sequence until one of them succeeds in the delete and otherwise calls the super method. Finally this datasource has own sort-orderings and an own auxiliaryQualifier. EOFilterDataSource ****************** This datasource is somewhat similar to EOCompoundDataSource but intended for subclassing and has just one source datasources. It provides own sort-orderings, groupings and an own auxiliaryQualifier. It can be used as-is to add grouping capabilities to datasources. EOKeyMapDataSource ****************** TODO: document - EOMappedObject - EOKeyMapDataSourceEnumerator Grouping ======== TODO document. - Groupings on an EODataSource still return an array, but one sorted by the 'grouping keys'. Remember that the grouping does *not* need to be a plain KVC key but can be arbitary. - You can add grouping facilities to arbitary datasources using EOFilterDataSource. Convenience methods ******************* NSArray - (NSArray *)arrayGroupedBy:(EOGrouping *)_grouping; EOFetchSpecification: - setGroupings:(NSArray *)_groupings; // sets 'EOGroupingHint' - (NSArray *)groupings; Classes ******* EOGrouping EOGroupingSet EOKeyGrouping EOQualifierGrouping