data/hello-2.10/COPYING: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/tests/greeting-1: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/tests/traditional-1: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/tests/greeting-2: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable, with very long lines data/hello-2.10/tests/hello-1: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/tests/last-1: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/ automake makefile script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/ ASCII text data/hello-2.10/ ASCII text data/hello-2.10/README: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/INSTALL: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/NEWS: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/GNUmakefile: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/TODO: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/ABOUT-NLS: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/README-release: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/THANKS: ISO-8859 text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: GNU hello 2.9 ' -h, --help att\304\223lo \305\241o pal\304\253dz\304\253bas zi\305\206u un iziet' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 3 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.0.50 ' .\372\351\360\353\345\372\344\356 \340\366\345 \344\346 \344\370\346\362 \352\361\356 \342\366\344 -h, --help' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.9 ' -h, --help e s\303\272g\303\263 megjelen\303\255t\303\251se \303\251s kil\303\251p\303\251s' data/hello-2.10/po/quot.sed: UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: GNU hello 2.9 ' -h, --help wy\305\233wietlenie tego opisu i zako\305\204czenie' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello-2.9 ' -h, --help tampilkan bantuan ini dan keluar' data/hello-2.10/po/de.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/sv.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/insert-header.sin: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 3 messages, Project-Id-Version: GNU hello 1.3.37 ' -h, --help vis denne hjelpeteksten og avslutt' data/hello-2.10/po/ro.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, ISO-8859 text data/hello-2.10/po/tr.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/sl.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.9 ' -h, --help mostrar esta axuda e sa\303\255r' data/hello-2.10/po/nb.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/it.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, ISO-8859 text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 26 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.8 ' -h, --help \351\241\257\347\244\272\346\255\244\350\252\252\346\230\216\347\204\266\345\276\214\351\233\242\351\226\213' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello-2.9 ' -h, --help hi\341\273\203n th\341\273\213 tr\341\273\243 gi\303\272p n\303\240y r\341\273\223i tho\303\241t' data/hello-2.10/po/vi.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 26 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.8 ' -h, --help prika\305\276i ovu pomo\304\207 i iza\304\221i' data/hello-2.10/po/pl.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/stamp-po: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/nl.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/en@boldquot.header: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 3 messages, Project-Id-Version: GNU hello 2.1.1 '\342\200\217 -h\342\200\217\330\214 --help\342\200\217 \330\247\333\214\331\206 \330\261\330\247\331\207\331\206\331\205\330\247 \330\261\330\247 \331\206\330\264\330\247\331\206 \331\205\333\214\342\200\214\330\257\331\207\330\257 \331\210 \330\256\330\247\330\261\330\254 \331\205\333\214\342\200\214\330\264\331\210\330\257' data/hello-2.10/po/hr.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 26 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.8 ' -h\357\274\214--help \346\230\276\347\244\272\346\255\244\345\270\256\345\212\251\345\271\266\351\200\200\345\207\272' data/hello-2.10/po/fi.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: GNU hello 2.9 ' -h, --help \340\271\201\340\270\252\340\270\224\340\270\207\340\270\202\340\271\211\340\270\255\340\270\204\340\270\247\340\270\262\340\270\241\340\270\212\340\271\210\340\270\247\340\270\242\340\271\200\340\270\253\340\270\245\340\270\267\340\270\255\340\270\231\340\270\265\340\271\211\340\271\201\340\270\245\340\271\211\340\270\247\340\270\255\340\270\255\340\270\201\340\270\210\340\270\262\340\270\201\340\271\202\340\270\233\340' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.9 ' -h, --help mostra esta ajuda e sai' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: GNU hello 2.9 ' -h, --help muestra esta ayuda y finaliza' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello-2.9 ' -h, --help vis denne hjelpeteksten og avslutt' data/hello-2.10/po/th.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ka.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/Rules-quot: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/eu.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 10 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.3.90 ' -h, --help visa denna hj\303\244lptext och avsluta' data/hello-2.10/po/es.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: GNU hello 2.9 ' -h, --help Diese Hilfe anzeigen und Programm beenden' data/hello-2.10/po/pt_BR.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 26 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.8 ' -h, --help \316\265\316\274\317\206\316\254\316\275\316\271\317\203\316\267 \316\261\317\205\317\204\316\256\317\202 \317\204\316\267\317\202 \316\262\316\277\316\256\316\270\316\265\316\271\316\261\317\202 \316\272\316\261\316\271 \317\204\316\265\317\201\316\274\316\261\317\204\316\271\317\203\316\274\317\214\317\202' data/hello-2.10/po/en@quot.header: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 10 messages, Project-Id-Version: GNU hello 2.3.91 ' -h, --help \354\235\264 \353\217\204\354\233\200\353\247\220\354\235\204 \355\221\234\354\213\234\355\225\230\352\263\240 \353\247\210\354\271\251\353\213\210\353\213\244' data/hello-2.10/po/zh_CN.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 3 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.1.1 ' -h, --help \341\203\220\341\203\233 \341\203\223\341\203\220\341\203\256\341\203\233\341\203\220\341\203\240\341\203\224\341\203\221\341\203\230\341\203\241 \341\203\251\341\203\225\341\203\224\341\203\234\341\203\224\341\203\221\341\203\220 \341\203\223\341\203\220 \341\203\236\341\203\240\341\203\235\341\203\222\341\203\240\341\203\220\341\203\233\341\203\230\341\203\223\341\203\220\341\203\234 \341\203\222\341' data/hello-2.10/po/hello.pot: GNU gettext message catalogue, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 23 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.4.90 ' -h, --help n\303\244ytt\303\244\303\244 t\303\244m\303\244n ohjeen ja poistuu' data/hello-2.10/po/Makevars: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 3 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.1.1 ' -h, --help afi\272eaz\343 acest mesaj \272i termin\343' data/hello-2.10/po/hu.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/fa.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/da.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, ISO-8859 text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 3 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 1.3.37 ' -h, --help mostra questo aiuto ed esce' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 10 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.3.90 ' -h, --help \320\270\320\267\320\262\320\265\320\266\320\264\320\260 \321\202\320\260\320\267\320\270 \321\201\320\277\321\200\320\260\320\262\320\272\320\260 \320\270 \320\267\320\260\320\262\321\212\321\200\321\210\320\262\320\260' data/hello-2.10/po/ru.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/zh_TW.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/nn.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, ISO-8859 text data/hello-2.10/po/ko.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello-2.9 ' -h, --help \320\277\321\200\320\270\320\272\320\260\320\267\321\203\321\230\320\265 \320\276\320\262\321\203 \320\277\320\276\320\274\320\276\321\233 \320\270 \320\270\320\267\320\273\320\260\320\267\320\270' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 26 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.8 ' -h, --help bu iletileri g\303\266sterir ve \303\247\304\261kar' data/hello-2.10/po/remove-potcdate.sin: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/LINGUAS: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/pt.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, ISO-8859 text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.9 ' -h, --help \320\277\320\276\320\272\320\260\320\267\320\260\321\202\321\214 \321\215\321\202\321\203 \321\201\320\277\321\200\320\260\320\262\320\272\321\203 \320\270 \320\262\321\213\320\271\321\202\320\270' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello-2.9 ' -h, --help deze hulptekst tonen en stoppen' data/hello-2.10/po/uk.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ms.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/ga.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/et.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, ISO-8859 text data/hello-2.10/po/fr.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/gl.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.9 ' -h, --help prika\305\276e to pomo\304\215' data/hello-2.10/po/bg.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.9 ' -h, --help zobrazi\305\245 t\303\272to pomoc a skon\304\215i\305\245' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 3 messages, Project-Id-Version: GNU hello 2.0.50 ' -h, --help \244\263\244\316\245\341\245\303\245\273\241\274\245\270\244\362\311\275\274\250\244\267\244\306\241\242\275\252\316\273\244\267\244\336\244\271' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 10 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.3 ' -h, --help taispe\303\241in an chabhair seo agus scoir' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 26 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.8 ' -h, --help mostra aquest missatge d'ajuda i surt' data/hello-2.10/po/he.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, ISO-8859 text data/hello-2.10/po/lv.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/boldquot.sed: UTF-8 Unicode text, with escape sequences data/hello-2.10/po/sr.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/el.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 25 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello-2.7 ' -h, --help vis denne hj\346lpetekst og afslut' data/hello-2.10/po/ChangeLog: Non-ISO extended-ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 10 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello-2.3.91 ' -h, --help paparkan bantuan dan keluar' data/hello-2.10/po/ca.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ makefile script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 2 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 1.3.4 'Ol\341, mundo!' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.9 ' -h, --help \320\277\320\276\320\272\320\260\320\267\320\260\321\202\320\270 \320\277\321\226\320\264\320\272\320\260\320\267\320\272\321\203 \321\202\320\260 \320\262\320\270\320\271\321\202\320\270' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 26 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.8 ' -h, --help esita see abiinfo ja l\365peta t\366\366' data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 3 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.1.1 ' -h, --help laguntza hau erakutsi eta irten egiten da' data/hello-2.10/po/sk.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 25 messages, Project-Id-Version: GNU hello 2.7 ' -h, --help montri \304\211i tiun helpon kaj eliri' data/hello-2.10/po/id.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/po/ja.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, ISO-8859 text data/hello-2.10/po/eo.po: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/po/ GNU message catalog (little endian), revision 0.0, 28 messages, Project-Id-Version: hello 2.9 ' -h, --help afficher l'aide-m\303\251moire' data/hello-2.10/ChangeLog.O: ISO-8859 text data/hello-2.10/build-aux/update-copyright: Perl script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/build-aux/mdate-sh: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/config.guess: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/depcomp: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/config.rpath: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/compile: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/gitlog-to-changelog: Perl script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/build-aux/useless-if-before-free: Perl script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/build-aux/announce-gen: Perl script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/build-aux/test-driver: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable, with escape sequences data/hello-2.10/build-aux/config.sub: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/install-sh: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/gnupload: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/gnu-web-doc-update: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/texinfo.tex: TeX document, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/build-aux/ POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/do-release-commit-and-tag: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/missing: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/snippet/arg-nonnull.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/build-aux/snippet/warn-on-use.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/build-aux/snippet/_Noreturn.h: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/build-aux/snippet/c++defs.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/build-aux/vc-list-files: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/build-aux/prefix-gnulib-mk: Perl script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/AUTHORS: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/man/hello.x: troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/ M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/basename-lgpl.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/c-strncasecmp.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/c-strcase.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/localcharset.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/exitfail.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/mbsinit.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/xstrndup.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ ASCII text, with very long lines data/hello-2.10/lib/msvc-nothrow.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/c-ctype.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/close-stream.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/dirname-lgpl.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/verify.h: C++ source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/progname.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/basename.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/unistd.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/fpending.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/strnlen1.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/getopt.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/mbsrtowcs.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/c-ctype.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/localcharset.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ref-add.sin: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/xalloc.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/close-stream.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/wctype-h.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/closeout.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/dirname.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/memchr.valgrind: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/strndup.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/xstrndup.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/quotearg.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/xalloc-oversized.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/mbsrtowcs-state.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/exitfail.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/strerror.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/error.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ref-del.sin: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/xalloc-die.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/getopt1.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/getopt_int.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/strnlen.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/strerror-override.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/error.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/strerror-override.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/progname.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/closeout.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/malloc.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/msvc-inval.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/mbrtowc.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/gettext.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/quotearg.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/intprops.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/streq.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/ C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/memchr.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/fpending.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/dosname.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/config.charset: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/lib/strnlen1.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/dirname.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/msvc-inval.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/stripslash.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/c-strcaseeq.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/quote.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/c-strcasecmp.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/mbsrtowcs-impl.h: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/xmalloc.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/lib/msvc-nothrow.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/ makefile script, ASCII text, with very long lines, with escape sequences data/hello-2.10/doc/fdl.texi: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/doc/ ASCII text data/hello-2.10/doc/version.texi: DOS batch file, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/doc/stamp-vti: DOS batch file, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/doc/hello.texi: TeX document, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/doc/ data data/hello-2.10/ChangeLog: UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/README-dev: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/hello.1: troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/configure: POSIX shell script, UTF-8 Unicode text executable, with very long lines data/hello-2.10/src/hello.c: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/src/system.h: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/aclocal.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/extensions.m4: C source, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/localcharset.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/ssize_t.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/gnulib-cache.m4: ASCII text, with very long lines data/hello-2.10/m4/wctype_h.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/intlmacosx.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/codeset.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/include_next.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/locale-zh.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/gettext.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/strerror.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/xstrndup.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/lib-ld.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/xalloc.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/strndup.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/double-slash-root.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/mbsrtowcs.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/unistd_h.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/closeout.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/warn-on-use.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/error.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/errno_h.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/stddef_h.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/stdio_h.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/non-recursive-gnulib-prefix-hack.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/stdlib_h.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/locale-fr.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/iconv.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/memchr.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/string_h.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/gnulib-comp.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/gnulib-common.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/extern-inline.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/wchar_h.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/close-stream.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/msvc-nothrow.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/lib-prefix.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/quotearg.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/mmap-anon.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/fcntl-o.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/off_t.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/absolute-header.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/glibc21.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/wint_t.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/nls.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/malloc.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/mbsinit.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/fpending.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/00gnulib.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/po.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text, with very long lines data/hello-2.10/m4/strnlen.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/getopt.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/sys_types_h.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/stdbool.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/configmake.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/sys_socket_h.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/msvc-inval.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/dirname.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/nocrash.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/locale-ja.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/lib-link.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/mbstate_t.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/progtest.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/wchar_t.m4: M4 macro processor script, ASCII text data/hello-2.10/m4/mbrtowc.m4: M4 macro processor script, UTF-8 Unicode text data/hello-2.10/contrib/evolution.txt: C++ source, ISO-8859 text data/hello-2.10/contrib/de_franconian_po.txt: GNU gettext message catalogue, ISO-8859 text data/hello-2.10/debian/changelog: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/debian/control: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/debian/copyright: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/debian/rules: a /usr/bin/make -f script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/debian/rules-old: a /usr/bin/make -f script, ASCII text executable data/hello-2.10/debian/source/format: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/debian/watch: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/.pc/.version: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/.pc/.quilt_patches: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/.pc/.quilt_series: ASCII text data/hello-2.10/.pc/applied-patches: empty