Web server API revision 1 ------------------------- GET /v1/checkServiceStatus ex) curl -s --output -|jq . status code: 200 (on success) Check the status of the daemon. Example output: { "status": "OK", "version": "7.0.0" } ------------------------- GET /v1/listAllResources ex) curl -s --output -|jq . status code: 200 (on success) Retrieve system resource information. Example output: { "resources": [ { "memory": [ { "mem_total": 2084130816, "mem_free": 229003264 } ] }, { "volumes": [ { "device": "sda", "size": 26843545600, "vendor": "ATA", "model": "VBOX" } ] } ] } ------------------------- GET /v1/listRapidDiskVolumes ex) curl -s --output -|jq . status code: 200 (on success) Retrieve rapiddisk/cache information. Example output: { "volumes": [ { "rapiddisk": [ { "device": "rd1", "size": 67108864 }, { "device": "rd0", "size": 67108864 } ] }, { "rapiddisk_cache": [ { "device": "rc-wa_loop7", "cache": "rd0", "source": "loop7", "mode": "write-around" } ] } ] } ------------------------- POST /v1/createRapidDisk/@size ex) curl -X POST -s|jq . status code: 200 (on success) Create a rapiddisk volume. Example output: { "status": "Success" } ------------------------- POST /v1/resizeRapidDisk/@volume/@size ex) curl -X POST -s|jq . status code: 200 (on success) Resize an existing rapiddisk volume. Example output: { "status": "Success" } ------------------------- POST /v1/flushRapidDisk/@volume ex) curl -X POST -s|jq . status code: 200 (on success) Flush the memory of an existing rapiddisk volume. Example output: { "status": "Success" } ------------------------- POST /v1/removeRapidDisk/@volume ex) curl -X POST -s|jq . status code: 200 (on success) Remove an existing rapiddisk volume. Example output: { "status": "Success" } ------------------------- POST /v1/createRapidDiskCache/@volume/@source/@policy ex) curl -X POST -s|jq . Supported caching policies: * write-through * write-around * writeback (dangerous) status code: 200 (on success) Create a rapiddisk-cache volume. Example output: { "status": "Success" } ------------------------- POST /v1/removeRapidDiskCache/@volume ex) curl -X POST -s|jq . status code: 200 (on success) Remove an existing rapiddisk-cache volume. Example output: { "status": "Success" } ------------------------- GET /v1/showRapidDiskCacheStats/@volume ex) curl -s --output -|tail -n1|jq . status code: 200 (on success) Retrieve cache statistics from an existing rapiddisk-cache volume. Example output: { "statistics": [ { "cache_stats": [ { "device": "rc-wt_loop7", "reads": 527, "writes": 1, "cache_hits": 264, "replacement": 0, "write_replacement": 0, "read_invalidates": 1, "write_invalidates": 1, "uncached_reads": 1, "uncached_writes": 0, "disk_reads": 263, "disk_writes": 1, "cache_reads": 264, "cache_writes": 263 } ] } ] } If it is writeback cache, it will look like this: { "statistics": [ { "cache_stats": [ { "device": "rc-wb_sdd", "errors": 0, "num_blocks": 16320, "num_free_blocks": 16320, "num_wb_blocks": 0 } ] } ] } ------------------------- GET /v1/listAllNVMeTargets ex) curl -s --output -|jq . status code: 200 (on success) Retrieve cache statistics from an existing rapiddisk-cache volume. Example output: { "targets": [ { "nvmet_targets": [ { "nqn": "rd1-test", "namespace": 2, "device": "/dev/rd2", "enabled": "true" }, { "nqn": "rd1-test", "namespace": 1, "device": "/dev/rd1", "enabled": "true" } ] }, { "nvmet_ports": [ { "port": 1, "address": "", "protocol": "tcp", "nqn": "rd1-test" } ] } ] } ------------------------- GET /v1/listAllNVMePorts ex) curl -s --output -|jq . status code: 200 (on success) Retrieve cache statistics from an existing rapiddisk-cache volume. Example output: { "targets": [ { "nvmet_ports": [ { "port": 1, "address": "", "protocol": "tcp" } ] } ] }