PikoPixel Sources for Mac OS X & GNUstep Version 1.0 BETA9e (c) 2013-2018 Josh Freeman http://twilightedge.com ABOUT ----- PikoPixel is a free, open-source graphical application for drawing & editing pixel-art images. BUILDING ON OS X ---------------- Building PikoPixel 1.0 BETA9e for Mac OS X requires Xcode 3 or later. Open PikoPixel/PikoPixel.xcodeproj in Xcode to build & run the application. Xcode may warn about updating the project to use Xcode's recommended settings. PikoPixel should build successfully with its original project settings, so allowing Xcode to update the settings is not recommended, as it can cause build issues. If you're using Xcode 10 or later (10.14+ SDK), you'll need to switch the configuration settings file (.xcconfig) for the PikoPixel project's Debug & Release build configurations from "PPXCConfig_10.5sdk" to "PPXCConfig_10.14sdk"; For instructions on switching a build configuration's settings file, see the section, "Map a configuration settings file to a build configuration", in Apple's online Xcode help: https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/#/deve97bde215 BUILDING ON GNUSTEP ------------------- Building PikoPixel 1.0 BETA9e for GNUstep requires a GNUstep development environment with either of GNUstep's supported compiler+runtime setups (GCC+gobjc or clang+objc2), and the following GNUstep library versions (or later): - GNUstep Base library version 1.24.9 (released Mar. 20, 2016) - GNUstep GUI & Back libraries version 0.25.0 (released Jun. 15, 2016) Your distro's repository may contain GNUstep development-environment packages with the required minimum library versions. For example, on Ubuntu 16.10+ or Debian 9+, the following set of packages contain all you need for building PikoPixel: build-essential libgnustep-gui-dev gnustep-examples More info on installing GNUstep: http://wiki.gnustep.org/index.php/User_Guides http://wiki.gnustep.org/index.php/Platform:Linux http://wiki.gnustep.org/index.php/GNUstep_under_Ubuntu_Linux With a compatible GNUstep development environment installed, your shell environment must be set up to run GNUstep-make; See "4.1 Environment Setup": http://www.gnustep.org/resources/documentation/User/GNUstep/gnustep-howto_4.html Once GNUstep-make is set up, PikoPixel can be built using the following commands: cd PikoPixel make sudo -E make install After installing, type the following to run PikoPixel: openapp PikoPixel PikoPixel can be added to your desktop environment's menus by copying its desktop-entry file (found in PikoPixel.app/Resources) to your desktop environment's entries directory (usually /usr/share/applications): sudo desktop-file-install --rebuild-mime-info-cache PikoPixel.app/Resources/PikoPixel.desktop Once its desktop-entry file is installed, PikoPixel should appear in your desktop applications list under 'Graphics'. LICENSE ------- PikoPixel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version approved for PikoPixel by its copyright holder (or an authorized proxy). PikoPixel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see .