***License*** All the files in this directory and below are under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ***Installation*** The creation of the documentation requires a number of tools: - DocBook XSL Stylesheets 1.75.2 ("dbk") - DocBook XML 4.5 - fop 1.1 - libxml2 2-2.7.7 - Saxon 6-5-5 - Ant 1.7.1 or above For efficiency reason, the path to the DTD in the DocBook files (e.g., AboutOmegaT.xml) has been changed to a local path (../../../docbook-xml-4.5/docbookx.dtd instead of an http:// reference). Depending on the actual configuration, it might be changed to a standard reference ("http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd") or to another local reference. ***Windows*** dbk must be installed at the root of c:\ c:\dbk\common c:\dbk\docsrc etc. Docbook-xml-4.5 must be installed at the same level as your OmegaT development folder. So, if you have c:\dev\omegat-trunk c:\dev\omegat-trunk\src c:\dev\omegat-trunk\doc_src etc. you would have c:\dev\docbook-xml-4.5\ent c:\dev\docbook-xml-4.5\calstblx.dtd etc. libxml2-2.7.7 and apache-ant must be installed where a path can find them, usually in Program Files. C:\Program Files\libxml2-2.7.7.win32 C:\Program Files\apache-ant Corresponding path: path=C:\Program Files\libxml2-2.7.7.win32\bin;C:\Program Files\apache-ant\bin fop-1.1 can be installed anywhere, usually in Program Files. C:\Program Files\fop-1.1 The location of fop-1.1, dbk and Saxon must be set in doc_src_paths.xml, in the corresponding properties: Alternatively, it is possible to set the values of fop.home.lib and fop.home.build separately: The location of dbk must also be set in docbook-utf8.xsl: Both doc_src_paths and docbook-utf8.xsl must be copied at the same level as your OmegaT development folder. c:\dev\doc_src_paths.xml c:\dev\docbook-utf8.xsl The ones available in doc_src are only there for reference. ***Mac OSX*** All the dependencies can be installed through Macports except for Saxon 6-5-5 Macports: http://www.macports.org/ Saxon 6-5-5 https://sourceforge.net/projects/saxon/files/saxon6/6.5.5/ Unzip the downloaded package and put it in your prefered location. The example below uses the /Applications/ folder. If you use Macports, the doc_src_paths.xml settings are: and the docbook-utf8.xsl settings are: The DocBook 4.5 DTD is located here: /opt/local/var/macports/software/docbook-xml-4.5/4.5_0/opt/local/share/xml/docbook/4.5/ Copy the /4.5/ folder to the folder that is three folders "higher" than the DocBook documentation source files in your folder tree and rename it /docbook-xml-4.5/. So, if you have your DocBook documentation source files in: /path/to/omegat/branches/release-2-3/doc_src/hu/ The /docbook-xml-4.5/ folder should be copied inside /branches/: /path/to/omegat/branches/docbook-xml-4.5/ Both doc_src_paths.xml and docbook-utf8.xsl must be copied at the same level as /docbook-xml-4.5/. The ones available in doc_src are only there for reference. ***Fonts*** Creating PDFs requires having the DejaVu Sans font family available. Creating PDFs for CJK languages requires having the Arial Unicode MS font family available. ***Usage*** All the scripts require the language folder as argument. E.g.: Building Instant Start only ant -Dlanguage=en instant-start Building everything except Javahelp: ant -Dlanguage=en Building HTML ant -Dlanguage=en html Building PDF ant -Dlanguage=en pdf Building PDF for a CJK language ant -Dlanguage=ja pdf-cjk Building Javahelp ant -Dlanguage=en javahelp ***Scripts*** build.xml: Main script. doc_src_paths.xml: Set the paths for utilities. docbook-utf8.xsl: Allows to issue the Instant Start Guide in UTF-8.