Type 3 designer (for Firefox and compatibles)

You can use this program to approximate type 1 curves as type 3 curves. Copypaste your type 1 definitions into the textarea below. The format is simply two values on each line as in "50 1234" which means CF=50 gives 1234 Hz. Then tune the type 3 params until a fit is obtained.

Usually, the type3 equation is not a perfect fit to measured curves. Firstly, the chip itself has nonlinear filtering effects that tend to modify the frequency response between the lp and hp outputs. This often biases hp level down with increasing frequency, but I have seen chips where there is very little bias and sometimes the bias is U-shaped function. It follows that the measurements themselves are imperfect. The error bars below are 10 %. Results above 20 kHz are probably completely unreliable, because many soundcards have imperfect frequency response in that range during recording.

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All the graphs update automatically on changes in input.