WuerfelAnimator *PROFESSIONAL* ver 1.1á by Felix Domke (translation into english by KB, i tried to translate the original german text as closely to the original as possible, so this weird style is NOT mine, just in case you care ;) the WuerfelAnimator is THE tool to create OpenCP wuerfel mode animations. the absolutely genious features are: - input format: PCX (no tga, tga sucks) - palette optimization: the palette of all frames will be aligned to the first frame's palette. - output format: 100% compatible to old OpenCP animations and new Wuerfel Mode 2.0 with hi-res (320x200) and frame rate control - RLE compression on demand - "strange frame optimization" which allows you creating delays without enlarging the animation the absolutely genious features, which are still missing, are: - delta compression (never gave good results on me) - start and loop frame (should be no problem to include, i was just too lazy and had no animation to test it out...) - REAL palette optimization, actually, the first 16 colors are thrown away and replaced with other ones, but it makes more sense first finding 16 irrelevant colors (because unused or looking almost like another color). the WuerfelAnimator works with a script which has the following format: Version [StrangeFrameOptimization] RLECompression Title NumFrames Delay Filename NumFrames Delay Filename NumFrames Delay Filename ... "Version" has to be 0 or 1, 0 is cpanim 1.0, 1 is cpanim 2.0, when using 2.0-anims, the new wuerfel mode ][ has to be used ([KB] that is, openCP 2.0q or higher ;). "StrangeFrameOptimization" is a nasty trick which enables using the same frame several times after each other without actually STORING it several times. Internally, the "framelen" value of the frame is simply set to 0 then, for a strange reason this works wonderfully. THIS VALUE HAS TO BE LEFT OUT WHEN CREATING 2.0 ANIMATIONS! "RLECompression" applies an RLE compression to the animation before saving ([KB] yes, really? ;). Sometimes this even has an effect, the file wouldn't get larger because of this, so it can be simply left on. "Title" is the max. 31 chars long title which is written in the anim file's header. I don't know if the title REALLY belongs there, but why not - the concerned 32 bytes were being set to 0 by makedmp.exe and skipped by openCP's anim reader. after this, a random number of "sections" follows. Each section consists of the number of frames, the delay between them and the file name. when using 2.0-animations the delay is some weird value, such like 65536/fps should work or stuff ([KB] EXACTLY!). when you state 3072 here, the anim will be as fast as an 1.0-"delay=1"-animation. So in case of doubt just state 3072 here and then look if it's too fast. This value mustn't go beyond 65535. The file name is supposed to contain some "%d"s or "%x"s, people not knowing C's "printf" command should better leave their fingers off this tool :) now a complete exampe for the lamers out there: 0 1 1 cubic player sucks! 11 2 intro%x.pcx 200 1 ani%03d.pcx will create an animation of 200+10=210 frames, which are intro0.pcx to introa.pcx and then ani000.pcx up to ani199.pcx. Counting always starts with 0! another example for the anim2.0 mode: 1 1 cubic player rocks! 11 6000 intro%x.pcx 200 3000 ani%03d.pcx wap then has to be called with "wap