Note ---- These are generic installation instructions. These instructions assume that Watcom is the default compiler of this software package. If this software supports additional compilers, aside from Watcom, it is very likely that this build system is not the default. In this case, it may well be possible that some files have different names than assumed in these instructions. Please consult the software ditribution's documentation for more information on this topic. Configuration ------------- Before you can compile anything, create a file called CONFIG.MIF in the distribution's base directory. It is best to copy the template below out of this file and modify it to fit your setup. In most cases, you just want to change the installation target directories "bindir", "includedir" and "libdir" to your standard binary, header and library directories. If you want to install the software manually and don't want to set any other options, you can just leave the whole file blank. There are numerous possibilities to configure other aspects of the distribution using the CONFIG.MIF file. You can redefine any variable of the distribution's original Makefile, any standard wmake variable (CFLAGS, LDFLAGS and the like) or specify another system type using the SYSTEM variable. Installation ------------ After configuration, run "wmake" to build the software. If you like to automatically install the software, run "wmake install". For manual installation, you have to consult the software distribution's documentation for information. After the installation, you can run "wmake clean" to delete any files created during compilation. If you must, you can even run "wmake distclean" to clean up any additionally created files and bring back your source directory into the same state it was after unpacking the distribution archive. Uninstallation -------------- You can automatically delete all installed files by running "wmake uninstall". Note that any files created after installation are being left on the device. Debugging --------- To enable debugging using the Watcom debugger, add the following line to your CONFIG.MIF file: debug = yes This will recompile all source files with source-level debugging enabled and instructs the linker to include debugging information. Be careful with the SYSTEM setting in your CONFIG.MIF file, though. Only some extenders are supported by the Watcom debugger. Some distributions may have defined a non-compatible extender by default, which you must override by specifying your own. CONFIG.MIF Template ------------------- # Makefile configuration file # Lines starting with a '#' are comments. # Variables in capital letters are distribution-specific. Be careful when # changing any of these! # If debug is set to "yes", the compiler and linker are instructed to # include debug information with the compiled objects and executables. # Default: no # This example enables debugging. #debug = yes # "bindir" is the target directory for binary (.exe) files. # Default: current directory #bindir = c:\bin # "includedir" is the target directory for header (.h) files. # Default: current directory #includedir = c:\include # "libdir" is the target directory for library (.lib) files. # Default: current directory #libdir = c:\lib # SYSTEM defines the target system. # Default: (distribution specified) #SYSTEM = # CFLAGS defines any parameters that should be passed to the C compiler. # Default: (distribution specified) #CFLAGS += # CXXFLAGS defines any parameters that should be passed to the C++ compiler. # Default: (distribution specified) #CXXFLAGS += # CPPFLAGS defines preprocessing directives passed to the C/C++ compilers. # Default: (distribution specified) #CPPFLAGS += # LDFLAGS defines any parameters passed to the linker. # Default: (distribution specified) #LDFLAGS += # LIBFLAGS defines any parameters passed to the library manager. # Default: (distribution specified) #LIBFLAGS += # ZIPFLAGS defines any parameters passed to the archive manager. # Default: (distribution specified) #ZIPFLAGS =