
This page provides a brief description of MFEM's mesh formats and meshing mini applications.

Mesh formats

MFEM supports a number of mesh formats, including:

Detailed description of these formats can be found on the mesh formats page. These formats are also supported by MFEM's native visualization tool, GLVis.

Meshing miniapps

The miniapps/meshing directory contains a collection of meshing-related miniapps based on MFEM.

Compared to the example codes, the miniapps are more complex, demonstrating more advanced usage of the library. They are intended to be more representative of MFEM-based application codes. We recommend that new users start with the example codes before moving to the miniapps.

The current meshing miniapps are described below.

Mobius Strip

This miniapp generates various Mobius strip-like surface meshes. It is a good way to generate complex surface meshes.

Manipulating the mesh topology and performing mesh transformation are demonstrated. The mobius-strip mesh in the data directory was generated with this miniapp.

Klein Bottle

This miniapp generates three types of Klein bottle surfaces. It is similar to the mobius-strip miniapp.

The klein-bottle and klein-donut meshes in the data directory were generated with this miniapp.

Mesh Explorer

This miniapp is a handy tool to examine, visualize and manipulate a given mesh.

Some of its features are: