# Required table(s) are missing. Gungseouche.ttf HeadlineA.ttf LastResort.ttf LastResort.otf NISC18030.ttf PCmyoungjo.ttf Pilgiche.ttf # Bad vhea version 10001. AppleGothic.ttf AppleMyungjo.ttf # cmap: Range glyph reference too high InaiMathi.ttf # The length field of a table is weird. homa.ttf nazli.ttf titr.ttf ume-tgc4.ttf ume-tgs4.ttf ume-tgc5.ttf ume-tgs5.ttf ume-tms3.ttf # Table(s) are not 4-byte aligned. UnBatang.ttf UnBom.ttf UnDotum.ttf UnGraphic.ttf UnGungseo.ttf UnJamoBatang.ttf UnJamoDotum.ttf UnJamoNovel.ttf UnJamoSora.ttf UnPenheulim.ttf UnPen.ttf UnPilgiBold.ttf UnPilgi.ttf UnShinmun.ttf UnTaza.ttf UnYetgul.ttf # Tables are not sorted by table tags. f500.ttf # Malformed SFNT table; unexpected entry selector misakimn.ttf misaki.ttf # Malformed CMAP table; Subtables are not sorted by platform ID ani.ttf Caliban.ttf # Malformed CMAP table; Entries in a 3-0-4 or 3-1-4 subtable are not sorted. LucidaSansOblique.ttf LucidaTypewriterOblique.ttf bkai00mp.ttf bsmi00lp.ttf modelwor.ttf # Malformed CMAP table; "search range" in a 3-0-4 or 3-1-4 subtable are invalid. cmmi10.ttf cmsy10.ttf msam10.ttf # Malformed CMAP table; The 3-10-12 table is too short. BPG_Chveulebrivi.ttf BPG_Chveulebrivi_bold.ttf # No supported cmap subtable found Apple Chancery.ttf Apple Color Emoji.ttf Apple Symbols.ttf BigCaslon.ttf DroidSansFallback.ttf DroidSansJapanese.ttf 华文宋体.ttf 华文楷体.ttf Apple Symbols.ttc # Malformed HMTX table; The table is too short. mona.ttf # CMAP glyph id is out of range. Chalkduster.ttf Diwan Thuluth.ttf Optima.ttc Osaka.ttf OsakaMono.ttf Samyak-Oriya.ttf ZapfDingbats.ttf # Unsupported CFF table; "supplemental encoding" is not supported at the moment. This should be fixed in the future. Walbf___.otf # GDEF MarkAttachClassDef offset is invalid. ManchuFont.ttf arianamu.ttf summersby.ttf # Bad glyph flag DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf Skia.ttf # incorrect entrySelector for table directory NanumMyeongjo.ttf NanumMyeongjoBold.ttf # CFF parsing failure. Yu Gothic Bold.otf Yu Gothic Medium.otf YuppySC-Regular.otf YuppyTC-Regular.otf # XXX: check why those are failing SagarNormal.ttf oriya.ttf GohaTibebZemen.ttf malayalam.ttf AkaashNormal.ttf # XXX check those Apple fonts too Arial Unicode.ttf Damascus.ttc Didot.ttc Iowan Old Style.ttc Phosphate.ttc Seravek.ttc Shree714.ttc AquaKana.ttc # Failed to sanitize previous output! LucidaGrande.ttc # FFTM: misaligned table wqy-microhei.ttc