== The skin-vessel benchmark from mcxyz by Dr. Jacques == In this example, we compare between MCX and mcxyz written by Dr. Steve Jacques. The same benchmark can be found at https://omlc.org/software/mc/mcxyz/index.html By default, this simulation outputs fluence rate. To change the output to energy deposition, please run the script using ./run_mcxyz_bench.sh -O E To plot the mcx solutions and compare with those from mcxyz, please use the matlab script demo_mcxyz_skinvessel.m as part of mcxlab, see https://github.com/fangq/mcx/blob/master/mcxlab/examples/demo_mcxyz_skinvessel.m This example can be found in Fig. 2d in the below paper [Fang2020] Qianqian Fang* and Shijie Yan, “Graphics processing unit-accelerated mesh-based Monte Carlo photon transport simulations,” J. of Biomedical Optics, 24(11), 115002 (2019). URL: https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/journals/journal-of-biomedical-optics/volume-24/issue-11/115002/Graphics-processing-unit-accelerated-mesh-based-Monte-Carlo-photon-transport/10.1117/1.JBO.24.11.115002.full?SSO=1