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This directory contains frameworks. Frameworks are a type of bundle, which include, within their directory structure, a shared library providing a specific functionality (or group of related functionalities), and all resources required by that shared library.

All frameworks must have the extension framework, to indicate their usage.

Use of frameworks is generally discouraged, as it is difficult to support them in a clean way on multiple platforms. Bundles are a better method of organizing shared collections of resources and code.

In GNUmakefiles, this location is available via the GNUSTEP_FRAMEWORKS variable, which is the location for the domain in which the software will be installed. You can also reference the locations in the various domains directly by using the variables GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORKS, GNUSTEP_NETWORK_FRAMEWORKS, GNUSTEP_LOCAL_FRAMEWORKS and GNUSTEP_USER_FRAMEWORKS.

In gnustep-base, the Frameworks locations are available by using the GSFrameworksDirectory directory key for NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains().