======================= Notes on testing Mayavi ======================= This directory contains unit tests for mayavi. Running the tests ================= The best way to run the tests in this directory is to do:: $ ./runtests.py . Try ``runtests.py --help`` to see all help options. You may also run each test individually. For example:: $ python test_contour.py You can also use nosetests but nosetests runs everything in the same process often tripping up on valid tests. Debugging using on-screen rendering =================================== Many of these unit tests run off screen and make use of TestEngine. TestEngine can be replaced by Engine to allow for scene creation which may be useful in debugging. This can be easily done by uncommenting the following line from the setUp() functions:: e = Engine() # This is commented by default It must be followed by the commenting of : e = TestEngine() # This is uncommented by default Debugging using an IPython Shell =================================== The IPython Shell can be embedded anywhere in the program. You need to import the `IPython` module and then add the following lines wherver you want to embed the shell:: IPython.frontend.terminal.embed.embed()