Public and private APIs in TVTK and Mayavi =========================================== In general the following page documents the version numbers of each Mayavi project release: However, not everything released as part of the project is really a public API that we guarantee to ensure. Public API's are those that will follow the above scheme. If we don't its a bug and you should tell us. However, the internal implementation and private API's may change between patch level or minor versions. This document attempts to document what we call public and private. Public API: - The core object model (not the UI, the UI views or the UI related implementation). - Public methods and traits. - Essentially, all the features used in the examples distributed with the source will honor the versioning scheme. Private API: - All protected/private methods (those with a leading underscore). - Implementation details of TVTK, like the array and object cache (these variables actually have leading underscores). - Internal implementation of persistence.