=================== TVTK: Traited VTK =================== Description ----------- TVTK_ provides a Traits enabled version of VTK_. TVTK objects wrap around VTK objects but additionally support Traits_, support numpy arrays transparently and provide a convenient Pythonic API. TVTK is implemented mostly in pure Python (except for a small extension module). TVTK is distributed under a liberal BSD style license with the Mayavi_ package, which is part of the Enthought Tool Suite (ETS) and is distributed. License information is available in the LICENSE.txt file in this same directory. .. _VTK: http://www.vtk.org .. _Traits: https://docs.enthought.com/traits .. _TVTK: https://docs.enthought.com/mayavi/tvtk .. _Mayavi: https://docs.enthought.com/mayavi/mayavi Getting the package ------------------- The source for TVTK should be acquired with the source for Mayavi here: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/mayavi Documentation -------------- Documentation is hosted here: http://docs.enthought.com/mayavi/tvtk Examples -------- Examples are all in the `examples` directory of the source or the SVN checkout. The docs and examples do not ship with the binary eggs. Test suite ---------- The test suite may be run like so (on a bash shell):: cd enthought/tvtk/tests for i in test*.py; do python $i; done Use a similar line for your particular shell. Bug tracker, mailing list etc. ------------------------------- The bug tracker is available here: https://github.com/enthought/mayavi/issues To submit a bug you will necessarily have to register on Github. Alternatively, you can post on the info@enthought.com mailing list. Authors and Contributors ------------------------ Prabhu Ramachandran: main author. Gerald Knizia: Initial version of Tkinter based gradient editor. Pete Schmitt: wxPython version of gradient editor. Raashid Baig: `visual` module. Phil Thompson: PyQt4 versions of pyface widgets. Many thanks to all those who have submitted bug reports and suggestions for further enhancements.