$BUILT 2014-02-27 14:40:23 $AUTHOR Rubix $GERMAN $ENGLISH Leader of the pack $HINT_ENGLISH Just because you should block, doesnt mean you need to block immediately. Wait a bit. $HINT_ENGLISH Understanding all the ways you can delay groups of Lix is a skill you'll master overtime. #SIZE_X 640 #SIZE_Y 400 #TORUS_X 0 #TORUS_Y 0 #START_X 0 #START_Y 0 #BACKGROUND_RED 80 #BACKGROUND_GREEN 127 #BACKGROUND_BLUE 191 #SECONDS 0 #INITIAL 35 #REQUIRED 33 #SPAWN_INTERVAL 75 #SPAWN_INTERVAL_FAST 4 #FLOATER 1 #EXPLODER 4 #BLOCKER 4 #PLATFORMER 1 #BASHER 1 #MINER 1 #DIGGER 1 #NOTHING 0 #NOTHING 0 #NOTHING 0 #NOTHING 0 #NOTHING 0 :matt/bricks/Hatch.H: 0 32 :matt/bricks/Goal.G: 576 288 :matt/water.W: 144 368 :matt/water.W: 176 368 :matt/water.W: 208 368 :matt/water.W: 400 368 :matt/water.W: 432 368 :matt/water.W: 464 368 :matt/water.W: 288 368 :matt/water.W: 320 368 :matt/water.W: 352 368 :matt/bricks/17: 160 336 :matt/bricks/17: 208 288 :matt/bricks/17: 256 240 :matt/bricks/17: 304 192 :matt/bricks/17: 352 144 :matt/bricks/17: 400 96 :matt/bricks/03: 352 208 :matt/bricks/03: 352 272 :matt/bricks/03: 480 80 :matt/bricks/03: 480 144 :matt/bricks/03: 480 208 :matt/bricks/03: 480 272 :matt/bricks/03: 224 336 :matt/bricks/03: 352 336 :matt/bricks/03: 480 336 :matt/bricks/17: 448 48 :matt/bricks/03: 544 336 :matt/bricks/03: 592 336 :matt/bricks/02: 112 368 :matt/bricks/02: 48 368 :matt/bricks/02: -16 368 :matt/bricks/02: 112 288 :matt/bricks/02: 48 288 :matt/bricks/02: 64 208 :matt/bricks/02: 0 208 :matt/bricks/02: 112 144 :matt/bricks/02: 48 144 :matt/bricks/02: 64 80 :matt/bricks/02: 0 80 :matt/bricks/02: 176 144 :matt/bricks/04: 512 272