// Translations file for Lix // mainNameOfLanguage: This is how your translated language appears in the // options dialogue. Translate this to your language ("Deutsch" or "Français"), // don't have your language's name in English (don't put "German" or "French") $mainNameOfLanguage English // used in various dialogues $commonOk Okay $commonCancel Cancel $commonNo No $commonBack Back $commonExit Exit $commonVersion Version $mainMenuGetMusic Extract the music into Lix's directory: // level browsers $browserSingleTitle Single Player|From the main menu, go to the singleplayer browser. $browserNetworkTitle Select Multiplayer level $browserReplayTitle Replays|From the main menu, go to the replay browser. $browserPlay Play $browserEdit Edit $browserNewLevel Create Level $browserReplay Replay $browserDelete Delete $browserSearch Search $browserExportImage Export image $browserExportImageDone Exported to: $browserMkdirTitle Create Folder $browserMkdirPleaseEnter Name of new folder: $browserInfoAuthor By: $browserInfoInitgoal Save: $browserInfoResultSaved Saved: $browserInfoResultSkills Skills: // Report missing tiles in the preview. Example rendering: // 5 missing tiles: // (name of first tile) // (name of second tile) // 3 more, see `./data/log.txt' $previewMissingTiles missing tiles: $previewMissingTilesMoreSee more, see $winSearchTitle Level Search $winSearchPrompt Search for level titles or filenames: $winVerifyTitle Replay Verifier // networking lobby $winLobbyTitle Network Game|From the main menu, go to the networking lobby. $winLobbyDisconnect Disconnect $winLobbyStartCentral Central server $winLobbyStartCustom Custom address: $winLobbyStartConnect Connect $winLobbyChat Chat: $winLobbySelectLevel Choose level $winLobbyReady Ready to start $winLobbyRoomNumber Room # $winLobbyRoomCreate Open a new room $winLobbyRoomLeave Leave room // end-of-game dialog, or pause dialog $winGameTitle Game Menu|Open the game menu dialog.|Exit the level or save replays from this dialog. $winGameResult Result $winGameLixSaved Lix saved: $winGameResume Continue $winGameFramestepBack ◀▮ Rewind time ◀▮ $winGameRestart Restart level $winGameSaveReplay Save replay $winGameMenu Exit $winGameCommentPerfect Perfect! All saved! $winGameCommentMore Super, more than necessary! $winGameCommentExactly Target reached exactly! $winGameCommentFewer Sorry, those were not enough. $winGameCommentNone That was nothing... Try again? // help texts inside the game $gameForceLeft [%s] for left-facing. $gameForceRight [%s] for right-facing. $gamePriorityInvert [%s] for hindmost lix. $gameQueueBuilder Click again to queue. $gameQueuePlatformer Click again to queue. $gameHoldToScroll Hold [%s] and move mouse to scroll. $gameClickToCancelReplay Click to interrupt the replay. $gamePause Pause. $gameZoom %s to zoom in, %s to zoom out. $gameStateSave Quicksave game position. $gameStateLoad Load quicksaved position. $gameFramestepBack %s to step back, %s to jump back. $gameFramestepAhead %s to step ahead, %s to jump ahead. $gameFastForward %s for fast-forward, %s for turbo. $gameRestart Restart level. $gameNuke Nuke. Double-click to activate. $gameClearPhysics Show splat ruler, hatches, goals. // main editor screen $editorHotkey Hotkey: $editorBarAt at $editorBarGroup -tile-group $editorBarHover tiles about to be selected $editorBarSelection tiles selected // editor buttons $editorButtonFileNew New: Deletes everything on screen and starts a new level. $editorButtonFileExit Quit: Exits the editor and asks about saving changed data. $editorButtonFileSave Save: $editorButtonFileSaveAs Save As: Saves the current level under a new file name. $editorButtonGrid2 Grid 2: Rounds tiles' coordinates to multiples of 2. $editorButtonGridCustom Custom grid: This grid size is settable in the options. $editorButtonGrid16 Grid 16: Rounds tiles' coordinates to multiples of 16. $editorButtonSelectAll Everything: Selects all tiles in the level. $editorButtonSelectFrame Frame: Drag a frame with the mouse to select tiles. $editorButtonSelectAdd Add: Keep tiles selected when selecting additional tiles. $editorButtonUndo Undo: Reverts your latest changes to the level. $editorButtonRedo Redo: Re-applies undone changes to the level. $editorButtonGroup Make group: Creates a new single tile from all selected tiles. $editorButtonUngroup Ungroup: Retrieve the individual tiles from selected groups. $editorButtonSelectCopy Copy: Clones the selected tiles for placing them elsewhere. $editorButtonSelectDelete Delete: Removes the selected tiles from the level. $editorButtonBackground Background: Puts the selected tiles behind some others. $editorButtonForeground Foreground: Puts the selected tiles in front of some others. $editorButtonSelectFlip Flip: Mirrors the selected terrain horizontally. $editorButtonSelectRotate Rotate: Performs a quarter turn on the selected terrain. $editorButtonSelectDark Dark: Selected terrain erases normal terrain. $editorButtonViewZoom Zoom: Left-click zooms into the map, right-click zooms out. $editorButtonAddTerrain Terrain: Add a terrain tile. $editorButtonAddSteel Steel: Add a steel tile that cannot be dug through. $editorButtonAddHatch Hatch: Add a lix entrance hatch. $editorButtonAddGoal Goal: Add a goal, i.e., an exit, for the lix. $editorButtonAddDeco Decoration: Add a non-interactive decoration tile. $editorButtonAddHazard Hazard: Add a trap, water or fire. $editorButtonMenuConstants Constants: Name the level, set fundamental values. $editorButtonMenuTopology Map: Resize the level, wrap the edges. $editorButtonMenuLooks Looks: Color the background, choose screen starting position. $editorButtonMenuSkills Skills: Decide how many lix skills each player may assign. $saveBrowserTitle Save As $saveBrowserWhatToType Filename without extension: $saveBoxOverwriteTitle Overwrite? $saveBoxOverwriteQuestion Really overwrite this level? $saveBoxOverwrite Overwrite $saveBoxTitleDelete Delete? $saveBoxTitleSave Save? $saveBoxQuestionUnsavedChangedLevel Save changes to this level? $saveBoxQuestionUnsavedNewLevel Save this new level? $saveBoxQuestionDeleteReplay Really delete this replay? $saveBoxQuestionDeleteLevel Really delete this level? $saveBoxDirectory Folder: $saveBoxFileName File: $saveBoxLevelName Title: $saveBoxYesSave Save $saveBoxNoDiscard Discard $saveBoxNoCancel Cancel // BitmapBrowser $addTerrain Add terrain $addSteel Add steel $addHatch Add hatch $addGoal Add goal $addHazard Add hazard // editor window about the size of map $winTopologyTitle Map $winTopologyL Left: $winTopologyR Right: $winTopologyU Top: $winTopologyD Bottom: $winTopologyTorusX Wrap around horizontally $winTopologyTorusY Wrap around vertically // scrolling start position $winLooksTitle Looks $winLooksRed Background red $winLooksGreen Background green $winLooksBlue Background blue // editor window to set level variables $winConstantsTitle Constants $winConstantsAuthor Author $winConstantsLevelName Level title $winConstantsPlayers Players $winConstantsInitial Initial lix $winConstantsRequired Lix to save $winConstantsSpawnint Spawn interval $winConstantsOvertime Overtime // editor window to set skills $winSkillsTitle Skills $winSkillsUseExploder Fling-exploder $winSkillsClear All to zero $winSkillsEightTo Classic 8 to: $winSkillsAllTo All 14 to: // exporting a level into a file $exportSingleInitial Lix: $exportSingleRequired Save: $exportSingleSpawnint SI: // network chat messages $netChatStartClient Connecting to $netChatStartCancel Connection attempt cancelled. $netChatYouLoggedOut You left the network. $netChatYouCannotConnect Server not found. $netChatYouLostConnection Connection to server lost! $netChatPeerDisconnected left the network. $netChatWeTooOld You have too old a Lix version to connect to the server. $netChatWeTooNew You have too new a Lix version. The server should upgrade. $netChatVersionYours Your version is $netChatVersionServer The server requires $netChatPleaseDownload Download the newest version: $netChatWeInRoom You have entered room # $netChatWeInRoom2 . $netChatWeInLobby You are in the lobby. $netChatPlayerInRoom has joined room # $netChatPlayerInRoom2 . $netChatPlayerInLobby has entered the lobby. $netChatPlayerOutRoom has entered room # $netChatPlayerOutRoom2 . $netChatPlayerOutLobby has left the room. $netChatLevelChange has selected this level: $netGameHowToChat1 Press [ $netGameHowToChat2 ] to chat. $netGameEnd The game is over. $netGameEndResult Game outcome: $netGameOvertimeNukeIn Overtime is running! Nuke in $optionTitle Options|From the main menu, go to the options menu. $optionGroupGraphics Graphics $optionGroupGeneral General $optionGroupControls Controls $optionGroupGameKeys Game keys $optionGroupEditorKeys Editor keys $optionGroupMenuKeys Menu keys $optionUserName Player name|Your name appears in replays and in multiplayer games.|Lix saves settings to a file in ./data/user/ named after you. $optionLanguage Language|Language throughout Lix's user interface. $optionReplayAutoSolutions Auto-save level solutions|Saves a replay automatically when you solve a singleplayer level. $optionReplayAutoMulti Auto-save multiplayer games|Saves a replay automatically when you have finished a multiplayer game. $optionSoundEnabled Sound|Enable sound effects. $optionMusicEnabled Music|Enable background music. $optionSoundDecibels Sound gain in dB|Adjust the sound volume. 0 is already pretty loud.|Raise/lower by 10 dB to double/halve the sound volume. $optionMusicDecibels Music gain in dB|Adjust the music volume. −10 dB should be loud enough.|Raise/lower by 10 dB to double/halve the music volume. $optionScreenMode Screen mode|Windowed and software fullscreen allow for good Alt+Tab.|Windowed and hardware fullscreen use the resolution on the right. $optionScreenWindowed Windowed $optionScreenSoftwareFullscreen Software fullscreen $optionScreenHardwareFullscreen Hardware fullscreen $optionScreenWindowedRes Windowed/hardware resolution|Size of the Lix window when you have chosen windowed mode.|Monitor resolution for hardware fullscreen. Software fullscreen ignores this. $optionPaintTorusSeams Paint torus seams|Mark the wrapping seam with a thin line whenever a level wraps around.|This doesn't affect game physics, but may improve your orientation. $optionIngameTooltips Tooltips during game|Explain buttons and lix-selecting hotkeys during play, e.g., to select left-facing lix.|Some buttons have two functions: One on left-click, one on right-click. $optionShowButtonHotkeys Show button hotkeys|On every button, print the button's hotkeys in the bottom-right-hand corner. $optionShowFPS Count physics and FPS|Print number of physics updates since the game started.|Print the number of video frames per second, during play or editor. $optionKeyZoomIn Zoom +|Zoom into the level. $optionKeyZoomOut Zoom −|Zoom out of the level. $optionKeyScroll Hold to scroll|Hold this (standard: right mouse button ⟁) and move the mouse to scroll.|This is easier, faster, and more precise than scrolling at the screen edge. $optionKeyPriorityInvert Priority invert|Hold to assign skills to the lix with the lowest priority instead of the highest.|In the editor, hold to select the bottommost tile instead of the topmost. $optionKeyScreenshot Screenshot|Take a screenshot of the entire Lix window.|Screenshots are saved in ./export/ or ~/local/share/lix/export/. $optionMouseSpeed Mouse speed|Movement speed of the mouse cursor. $optionScrollSpeedEdge Scroll speed at screen edge|Scroll speed when the mouse cursor touches the screen edge. $optionHoldToScrollSpeed Scroll speed with scroll key|Scroll speed when you move the mouse while you hold the scrolling key.|The standard scrolling key is the right mouse button ⟁, see left to remap. $optionHoldToScrollInvert Invert hold-to-scroll|Scroll against the mouse movement while you hold the scrolling key.|The standard scrolling key is the right mouse button ⟁, see above to remap. $optionFastMovementFreesMouse Fast movement untraps mouse|The mouse leaves the Lix window when you move quickly against the sides.|If not checked, untrap the mouse by Alt+Tab. $optionKeyForceLeft Force left|Hold to assign skills to lix facing left.|This is useful in a dense bunch of lix. $optionKeyForceRight Force right|Hold to assign skills to lix facing right.|This is useful in a dense bunch of lix. $optionKeyPause Pause|Pause the game.|You can choose whether skill assignments should unpause, see below. $optionKeyFrameBackMany ◀▮ 1 sec.|Rewind the game by 1 second. $optionKeyFrameBackOne ◀▮ 1 frame|Rewind the game by 1 frame, i.e., by ¹⁄₁₅ of a second. $optionKeyFrameAheadOne ▮▶ 1 frame|Advance the game by 1 frame, i.e., by ¹⁄₁₅ of a second. $optionKeyFrameAheadMany ▮▶ 10 sec.|Advance the game by 10 seconds. $optionKeySpeedFast ▶▶|Toggle fast-forward.|Fast-forward is 4 times faster than normal speed. $optionKeySpeedTurbo ▶▶▶|Toggle turbo-fast-forward.|Turbo-fast-forward is 36 times faster than normal speed. $optionKeyRestart Restart|Restart the level from the beginning. All your actions will replay.|To interrupt the replay, click into the air. $optionKeyStateLoad Load state|Go back to the remembered game position.|You can remember the position via Save state. $optionKeyStateSave Save state|Remember the exact game position.|You can come back to that position via Load state. $optionKeyChat Chat|Open the console to chat during a multiplayer game. $optionKeyClearPhysics Clear physics|Display a ruler to measure splat height during play.|Highlight own hatches and goals during a networking game. $optionKeyNuke Nuke|In singleplayer, explode all your lix to finish the level.|In multiplayer, start overtime if you have saved at least 1 lix. $optionAvoidBuilderQueuing Prefer spamming over queuing|Prefer builder assignments to non-builders over queuing to existing builders.|You can hold priority invert (see Controls tab) to do what you don't prefer. $optionAvoidBatterToExploder Prefer batters to non-exploders|Prefer batter assignments to walkers over batter assignments to timed exploders.|You can hold priority invert (see Controls tab) to do what you don't prefer. $optionReplayAfterFrameBack Keep replay after ◀▮|On framestepping back (◀▮), keep future replay actions until you click air.|If not checked, replay actions are removed when you undo them by framestepping. $optionUnpauseOnAssign Unpause on skill assignment|Unpause the game when you assign a skill during pause.|If not checked, skill assignments during pause advance the game by 1 frame. $optionKeyMenuOkay Okay/yes|Play the highlighted level. Save and close a dialog. $optionKeyMenuEdit Edit|Open the editor on the highlighted level. $optionKeyMenuNewLevel Create|Open the editor on a blank level. $optionKeyMenuExport Export|Export the highlighted level as an image file. $optionKeyMenuDelete Lose data|Delete a file. Lose unsaved data when the editor prompts you. $optionKeyMenuUpDir Parent dir|Go back up one folder.|You can navigate to other levels, replays, or tiles. $optionKeyMenuUpBy5 Up by 5|Move the highlight up by 5 files.|With this, you can navigate levels without the mouse. $optionKeyMenuUpBy1 Up by 1|Move the highlight up by 1 file.|With this, you can navigate levels without the mouse. $optionKeyMenuDownBy1 Down by 1|Move the highlight down by 1 file.|With this, you can navigate levels without the mouse. $optionKeyMenuDownBy5 Down by 5|Move the highlight down by 5 files.|With this, you can navigate levels without the mouse. $optionKeyMenuExit Back/cancel|Exit a browser. Close a dialog without saving. $optionGuiColorRed Menu color red|Recolor Lix's graphical user interface. $optionGuiColorGreen Menu color green|Recolor Lix's graphical user interface. $optionGuiColorBlue Menu color blue|Recolor Lix's graphical user interface. $optionEdLeft Move left|Move selected tiles to the left.|Movement respects the grid. Hold this key for fast movement. $optionEdRight Move right|Move selected tiles to the right.|Movement respects the grid. Hold this key for fast movement. $optionEdUp Move up|Move selected tiles up.|Movement respects the grid. Hold this key for fast movement. $optionEdDown Move down|Move selected tiles down.|Movement respects the grid. Hold this key for fast movement. $optionEdSave Save $optionEdSaveAs Save as $optionEdGrid Grid size $optionEdGridCustom Custom grid size $optionEdSelectAll Select all $optionEdSelectFrame Select frame $optionEdSelectAdd Add to sel. $optionEdUndo Undo $optionEdRedo Redo $optionEdGroup Make group $optionEdUngroup Ungroup $optionEdCopy Copy $optionEdDelete Delete $optionEdForeground Foreground $optionEdBackground Background $optionEdMirror Mirror $optionEdRotate Rotate $optionEdDark Draw black $optionEdAddTerrain Add terrain $optionEdAddSteel Add steel $optionEdAddHatch Add hatch $optionEdAddGoal Add goal $optionEdAddHazard Add hazard // mini-dialogue to greet a new player $windowAskNameTitle Lix $windowAskNameFirst Hello and Welcome! $windowAskNameSecond What's your name?