$BUILT 2016-07-22 01:11:19
$AUTHOR Insane Steve
$ENGLISH Any Way You Want
$HINT_ENGLISH You can do this with one blocker, builder,
basher, miner, or digger, in some way.
$HINT_ENGLISH Or just floaters or climbers.
$HINT_ENGLISH Or even bombers, but that's the hard way.
If your first inclination was to use bombers,
I'd recommend psychiatric help.
$HINT_ENGLISH If you're still stuck, I can't really tell
you anything else but to go back to the tutorials
and study how each task works.
They don't get easier than this >_<
#SIZE_X 3200
#SIZE_Y 400
#START_X 1264
:matt/marble/Hatch.H: 1488 48
:matt/marble/Goal.G: 1280 320
:geoo/construction/squisher.T: 1144 272
:geoo/construction/squisher.T: 1096 272
:simon/water.W: 1216 360
:simon/water.W: 1168 360
:simon/water.W: 1120 360
:simon/water.W: 1072 360
:simon/water.W: 1024 360
:simon/water.W: 976 360
:simon/water.W: 928 360
:simon/water.W: 880 360
:proxima/flame.F: 1276 120
:proxima/flame.F: 736 32
:proxima/flame.F: 2000 128
:proxima/flame.F: 2120 128
:proxima/flame.F: 2480 128
:proxima/flame.F: 2600 128
:simon/acid.W: 2768 352
:simon/acid.W: 2816 352
:simon/acid.W: 2864 352
:simon/acid.W: 2912 352
:simon/acid.W: 2960 352
:simon/acid.W: 3008 352
:simon/acid.W: 3056 352
:simon/acid.W: 3104 352
:simon/acid.W: 3152 352
:matt/bricks/01: 1720 200
:matt/bricks/02: 1264 368
:matt/bricks/02: 1328 368
:matt/bricks/02: 1392 368
:matt/bricks/03: 1432 112
:matt/bricks/02: 1496 112
:matt/bricks/02: 1624 144
:matt/bricks/02: 1688 208
:matt/bricks/02: 1624 208
:matt/bricks/03: 1752 176
:matt/bricks/02: 1456 368
:matt/bricks/02: 1520 368
:matt/bricks/02: 1584 368
:matt/bricks/02: 1648 368
:matt/bricks/02: 1712 368
:matt/bricks/02: 1776 368
:matt/bricks/02: 1840 368
:matt/bricks/12: 1872 336
:matt/bricks/12: 1872 304
:matt/bricks/12: 1872 272
:matt/bricks/09: 1840 272
:matt/bricks/12: 1872 240
:matt/bricks/12: 1872 208
:matt/bricks/12: 1872 176
:matt/bricks/09: 1840 176
:matt/bricks/08: 1816 176
:matt/bricks/10: 1400 112
:matt/bricks/12: 1400 144
:matt/bricks/12: 1400 176
:matt/bricks/12: 1400 208
:matt/bricks/10: 1368 208
:matt/bricks/12: 1368 240
:matt/bricks/12: 1400 240
:matt/bricks/10: 1336 240
:matt/bricks/12: 1336 272
:matt/bricks/12: 1368 272
:matt/bricks/12: 1400 272
:matt/bricks/02: 1560 112
:matt/bricks/12: 1624 112
:matt/bricks/08: 1656 112
:matt/bricks/02: 1528 208
:matt/bricks/12: 1496 240
:matt/bricks/10: 1496 208
:matt/bricks/10: 1464 272
:matt/bricks/12: 1496 272
:matt/bricks/11: 1528 240
:matt/bricks/11: 1496 144
:matt/bricks/09: 1592 144
:matt/bricks/02: 1624 272
:matt/bricks/02: 1688 272
:matt/bricks/02: 1752 272
:matt/bricks/11: 1432 176
:matt/bricks/11: 1904 176
:matt/bricks/11: 1904 272
:matt/bricks/12: 1872 128
:matt/bricks/10: 1840 128
:matt/bricks/08: 1904 128
:matt/bricks/12: 1872 96
:matt/bricks/12: 1872 64
:matt/bricks/12: 1872 32
:matt/bricks/12: 1872 0
:matt/bricks/09: 1840 0
:matt/bricks/11: 1904 0
:matt/bricks/09: 1392 0
:matt/bricks/02: 1424 0
:matt/bricks/02: 1488 0
:matt/bricks/02: 1552 0
:matt/bricks/02: 1616 0
:matt/bricks/02: 1680 0
:matt/bricks/11: 1744 0
:matt/bricks/11: 1712 32
:matt/bricks/09: 1680 32
:matt/goldmine/plank: 832 224 rrr
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 824 256
:matt/goldmine/plank: 824 224 rrr
:matt/goldmine/08: 800 336 r
:matt/goldmine/08: 736 352
:matt/goldmine/planksupport2: 992 336
:matt/goldmine/planksupport2: 1136 336
:matt/goldmine/tracks: 968 328
:matt/goldmine/tracks: 1088 328
:matt/goldmine/explosivecrate: 1072 208
:matt/goldmine/crate64: 1136 208
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1040 176
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1008 144
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1152 176
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1120 144
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 976 112
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 944 80
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1088 112
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1056 80
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1040 144
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1072 112
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1072 176
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1104 144
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1136 112
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1168 80
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1168 160
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1200 128
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1232 96
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1264 64
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1216 80
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1184 48
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1152 16
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1264 32
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1232 0
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1136 80
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1104 48
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1056 48
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1088 16
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1072 16
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1184 0
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1152 32
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1136 48
:matt/goldmine/03: 1040 -16
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 976 16
:matt/goldmine/03: 896 -16 frr
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 944 48
:matt/goldmine/plank: 944 80
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 1184 64
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1200 48 d
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag2: 1088 96 d
:matt/goldmine/crate64: 880 80
:matt/goldmine/crate32: 848 80
:matt/goldmine/explosivecrate: 784 80
:matt/goldmine/crate32: 752 80
:matt/goldmine/crate32: 800 144
:matt/goldmine/crate32: 896 144
:matt/goldmine/crate16: 816 176
:matt/goldmine/crate16: 896 176
:matt/goldmine/crate32: 816 192
:matt/goldmine/crate32: 880 192
:matt/goldmine/crate32: 848 176
:matt/goldmine/plankdiag: 856 224
:matt/goldmine/plank: 1296 64
:matt/goldmine/plank: 1360 64 d
:matt/goldmine/crate16: 736 80
:matt/goldmine/explosivecrate: 1264 160
:matt/bricks/01: 1280 152 d
:matt/earth/04: 608 272
:matt/earth/10: 472 336 frr
:matt/earth/09: 576 328
:matt/earth/08: 624 336
:matt/earth/06: 512 336
:matt/earth/06: 536 328
:matt/earth/08: 632 280 frr
:matt/earth/08: 648 264 frr
:matt/earth/10: 144 112
:matt/earth/04: 280 168
:matt/earth/17: 376 288
:matt/earth/04: 72 160
:matt/earth/10: 160 176
:matt/earth/10: 72 240 frr
:matt/earth/16: 8 288
:matt/earth/04: 216 264
:matt/earth/02: 296 288
:matt/earth/16: 288 296
:matt/earth/10: 104 336
:matt/earth/04: 72 288
:matt/earth/09: 160 328
:matt/earth/08: 208 336
:matt/earth/08: 264 352
:matt/earth/09: 216 344
:matt/earth/08: 112 288 frr
:matt/earth/08: 88 304 frr
:matt/earth/08: 256 256 frr
:matt/earth/08: 224 288 frr
:matt/earth/09: 288 256
:matt/earth/08: 256 168
:matt/earth/09: 208 168
:matt/earth/08: 184 168 frr
:matt/earth/08: 152 192 frr
:matt/earth/08: 40 288 frr
:matt/earth/08: 16 328 frr
:matt/earth/08: 376 288 frr
:matt/earth/08: 120 144 frr
:matt/earth/08: 88 176 frr
:matt/earth/06: 160 112
:matt/earth/09: 200 104
:matt/earth/08: 248 104
:matt/earth/08: 280 120
:matt/earth/08: 312 144
:matt/earth/07: 328 152
:matt/earth/08: 320 296 frr
:matt/earth/08: 296 328 frr
:matt/earth/08: 152 232 frr
:matt/earth/09: 184 232
:matt/earth/26: 224 56 rr
:matt/earth/19: 544 168 rrr
:matt/earth/26: 568 224 rrr
:matt/earth/23: 528 208 r
:matt/earth/23: 528 272 r
:matt/earth/26: 368 208 rrr
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_ext: 2000 176
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_ext: 2096 176
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_shaded: 2016 192
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_shaded: 2112 192
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_32: 2016 224
:geoo/sandstone/arc_small: 1984 240
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_32: 2112 224
:geoo/sandstone/arc_small: 2080 240
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_ext: 1952 272
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_ext: 2048 272
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_shaded: 1968 288
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_shaded: 2064 288
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_ext: 2144 272
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_shaded: 2160 288
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_32: 1968 320
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_32: 2064 320
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_32: 2160 320
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_bottom: 1968 352
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_bottom: 2064 352
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_bottom: 2160 352
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_bottom_ext: 1952 384
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_bottom_ext: 2048 384
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_bottom_ext: 2144 384
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32rb: 1936 128
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x64lb: 2032 96
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x64rb: 2096 96
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32lb: 2160 128
:geoo/sandstone/32x32: 2000 96
:geoo/sandstone/32x32: 2128 96
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32rb: 2000 64
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32lb: 2096 64
:geoo/sandstone/32x32: 2064 48
:geoo/sandstone/32x32: 2064 16
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32rt: 2000 0
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32lt: 2096 0
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x64rb: 2288 192
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x64lb: 2320 192
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32lb: 2256 160
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32rb: 2320 160
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x64rb: 2224 160
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x64lb: 2384 160
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x64rt: 2240 224
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x64lt: 2368 224
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32rt: 2256 288
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32lt: 2320 288
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32rb: 2224 128
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32lb: 2352 128
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32rb: 2256 96
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32lb: 2320 96
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x32rb: 2288 336
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x32rb: 2256 368
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x32lb: 2320 336
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x32lb: 2352 368
:geoo/sandstone/64x32: 2288 368
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32rb: 2224 64
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x16rb: 2288 48
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x16lb: 2320 48
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32lb: 2352 64
:geoo/sandstone/64x32: 2288 64
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_ext: 2480 176
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_ext: 2576 176
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_shaded: 2496 192
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_shaded: 2592 192
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_32: 2496 224
:geoo/sandstone/arc_small: 2464 240
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_32: 2592 224
:geoo/sandstone/arc_small: 2560 240
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_ext: 2432 272
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_ext: 2528 272
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_shaded: 2448 288
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_shaded: 2544 288
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_ext: 2624 272
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_top_shaded: 2640 288
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_32: 2448 320
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_32: 2544 320
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_32: 2640 320
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_bottom: 2448 352
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_bottom: 2544 352
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_bottom: 2640 352
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_bottom_ext: 2432 384
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_bottom_ext: 2528 384
:geoo/sandstone/pillar_bottom_ext: 2624 384
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32rb: 2416 128
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x64lb: 2512 96
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/32x64rb: 2576 96
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32lb: 2640 128
:geoo/sandstone/32x32: 2480 96
:geoo/sandstone/32x32: 2608 96
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32rb: 2480 64
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32lb: 2576 64
:geoo/sandstone/32x32: 2544 48
:geoo/sandstone/32x32: 2544 16
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32rt: 2480 0
:geoo/sandstone/slopes/64x32lt: 2576 0
:matt/marble/04a: 2720 160
:matt/marble/04a: 2752 160
:matt/marble/04a: 2784 160
:matt/marble/04a: 2816 160
:matt/marble/06a: 2768 208
:matt/marble/01a: 2792 288
:matt/marble/06a: 2768 272
:matt/marble/06a: 2768 336
:matt/marble/05a: 2752 176
:matt/marble/05a: 2784 176
:matt/marble/02a: 2816 176
:matt/marble/02a: 2736 176
:matt/marble/01a: 2848 160
:matt/marble/01a: 2864 160
:matt/marble/01a: 2872 168
:matt/marble/01a: 2880 176
:matt/marble/01a: 2888 184
:matt/marble/01a: 2896 192
:matt/marble/01a: 2912 192
:matt/marble/01a: 2920 200
:matt/marble/01a: 2936 200
:matt/marble/01a: 2952 200
:matt/marble/01a: 2968 200
:matt/marble/01a: 2976 192
:matt/marble/01a: 2992 192
:matt/marble/01a: 3000 184
:matt/marble/01a: 3008 176
:matt/marble/01a: 3016 168
:matt/marble/01a: 3024 160
:matt/marble/01a: 3040 160
:matt/marble/04a: 3056 160
:matt/marble/04a: 3088 160
:matt/marble/04a: 3120 160
:matt/marble/04a: 3152 160
:matt/marble/06a: 3104 208
:matt/marble/01a: 3096 288
:matt/marble/06a: 3104 272
:matt/marble/06a: 3104 336
:matt/marble/05a: 3088 176
:matt/marble/05a: 3120 176
:matt/marble/02a: 3152 176
:matt/marble/02a: 3072 176
:matt/marble/01a: 2704 160
:matt/marble/01a: 3184 160
:matt/marble/04a: 2808 288
:matt/marble/04a: 2840 288
:matt/marble/04a: 2872 288
:matt/marble/04a: 2904 288
:matt/marble/02a: 2888 304
:matt/marble/02a: 2840 304
:matt/marble/01a: 2936 288
:matt/marble/04a: 2968 288
:matt/marble/04a: 3000 288
:matt/marble/04a: 3032 288
:matt/marble/04a: 3064 288
:matt/marble/02a: 3048 304
:matt/marble/02a: 3000 304
:matt/marble/01a: 2952 288
:matt/marble/06a: 2856 320
:matt/marble/06a: 3016 320
:matt/marble/14a: 2872 256
:matt/marble/14a: 2904 224
:matt/marble/16a: 2968 224
:matt/marble/16a: 3000 256
:matt/marble/10a: 2936 208
:matt/marble/12a: 2952 208
:matt/marble/14a: 2704 128
:matt/marble/14a: 2736 96
:matt/marble/16a: 2800 96
:matt/marble/16a: 2832 128
:matt/marble/10a: 2768 80
:matt/marble/12a: 2784 80
:matt/marble/14a: 3040 128
:matt/marble/14a: 3072 96
:matt/marble/16a: 3136 96
:matt/marble/16a: 3168 128
:matt/marble/10a: 3104 80
:matt/marble/12a: 3120 80
:matt/marble/13a: 2768 64
:matt/marble/13a: 3104 64
:matt/marble/11a: 2784 64
:matt/marble/11a: 3120 64
:matt/marble/17a: 2736 32
:matt/marble/17a: 2704 0
:matt/marble/15a: 2800 32
:matt/marble/15a: 2832 0
:matt/marble/17a: 3072 32
:matt/marble/17a: 3040 0
:matt/marble/15a: 3136 32
:matt/marble/15a: 3168 0
:matt/marble/01a: 2864 0
:matt/marble/01a: 2872 8
:matt/marble/01a: 2880 16
:matt/marble/01a: 2888 24
:matt/marble/01a: 2896 32
:matt/marble/01a: 2912 32
:matt/marble/01a: 2920 40
:matt/marble/01a: 2936 40
:matt/marble/01a: 2952 40
:matt/marble/01a: 2968 40
:matt/marble/01a: 2976 32
:matt/marble/01a: 2992 32
:matt/marble/01a: 3000 24
:matt/marble/01a: 3008 16
:matt/marble/01a: 3016 8
:matt/marble/01a: 3024 0
:matt/marble/01a: 2872 152
:matt/marble/01a: 2880 144
:matt/marble/01a: 2888 136
:matt/marble/01a: 2896 128
:matt/marble/01a: 2912 128
:matt/marble/01a: 2976 128
:matt/marble/01a: 2992 128
:matt/marble/01a: 2920 120
:matt/marble/01a: 2936 120
:matt/marble/01a: 2952 120
:matt/marble/01a: 2968 120
:matt/marble/01a: 3000 136
:matt/marble/01a: 3008 144
:matt/marble/01a: 3016 152
:matt/marble/20a: 2944 136
:matt/marble/01a: 2944 128
:matt/marble/10a: 2936 272
:matt/marble/12a: 2952 272
:matt/marble/10a: 2768 144
:matt/marble/12a: 2784 144
:matt/marble/10a: 3104 144
:matt/marble/12a: 3120 144
:matt/marble/13a: 2768 0
:matt/marble/11a: 2784 0
:matt/marble/13a: 2936 0
:matt/marble/11a: 2952 0
:matt/marble/13a: 3104 0
:matt/marble/11a: 3120 0
:geoo/steel/dark_64x64o.S: 2704 336
:matt/marble/04a: 2856 304
:matt/marble/04a: 3016 304
:matt/marble/02a: 2888 384
:matt/marble/02a: 2840 384
:matt/marble/02a: 3048 384
:matt/marble/02a: 3000 384
:matt/marble/04a: 2856 384
:matt/marble/04a: 3016 384
:amanda/forest/leaves_02: 496 80