$BUILT 2011-07-15 08:06:44 $AUTHOR phil #INTENDED_NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS 3 $ENGLISH Race to the depths (3P) #SIZE_X 2192 #SIZE_Y 1040 #TORUS_X 0 #TORUS_Y 0 #START_X 0 #START_Y 0 #BACKGROUND_RED 0 #BACKGROUND_GREEN 0 #BACKGROUND_BLUE 0 #SECONDS 1 #INITIAL 1 #REQUIRED 1 #RATE 1 #WALKER 30 #JUMPER 30 #NOTHING 0 #NOTHING 0 #NOTHING 0 #BUILDER 30 #PLATFORMER 30 #NOTHING 0 #BASHER 20 #MINER 20 #DIGGER 20 #NOTHING 0 :matt/goldmine/shovel: 485 295 :matt/goldmine/minecart: 569 141 :matt/goldmine/minecart: 120 572 :matt/goldmine/shovel: 1205 295 :matt/goldmine/minecart: 1289 141 :matt/goldmine/minecart: 840 572 :matt/goldmine/shovel: 1925 295 :matt/goldmine/minecart: 2009 141 :matt/goldmine/minecart: 1560 572 :matt/goldmine/Hatch.H: 42 134 :matt/goldmine/Hatch.H: 762 134 :matt/goldmine/Hatch.H: 1482 134 :matt/goldmine/Goal.G: 604 798 :matt/goldmine/Goal.G: 1324 798 :matt/goldmine/Goal.G: 2044 798 :matt/goldmine/03: 89 220 :matt/goldmine/04: 290 154 :matt/goldmine/06: 330 308 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 208 236 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 144 240 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 80 240 :matt/goldmine/01: 136 294 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 310 260 :matt/goldmine/01: 376 280 n :matt/goldmine/03: 372 300 n :matt/steel/16x32.S: 186 192 :matt/goldmine/02: 40 182 n :matt/goldmine/05: 48 190 n :matt/goldmine/03: 38 238 n :matt/goldmine/01: 172 234 n :matt/goldmine/02: 150 312 :matt/goldmine/02: 338 320 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 330 318 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 394 318 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 458 318 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 164 358 :matt/steel/16x16.S: 204 444 :matt/steel/16x16.S: 268 444 :matt/steel/16x16.S: 330 444 :matt/goldmine/02: 380 421 rr :matt/steel/32x16.S: 381 370 :matt/steel/32x16.S: 413 370 :matt/steel/32x16.S: 445 370 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 414 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 430 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 446 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 462 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 478 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 494 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 510 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 526 356 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 522 318 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 586 318 :matt/goldmine/03: 495 310 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 510 371 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 526 363 :matt/goldmine/02: 501 420 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 510 435 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 510 499 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 401 485 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 401 549 :matt/goldmine/planksupport: 548 190 :matt/goldmine/planksupport: 58 312 rrrn :matt/goldmine/01: 522 452 n :matt/goldmine/00: 583 584 :matt/goldmine/01: 500 684 :matt/goldmine/crate64: 370 711 :matt/steel/32x16.S: 401 613 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 274 663 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 274 733 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 151 756 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 151 687 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 151 825 :matt/steel/8x8.S: 266 771 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 274 797 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 274 861 :matt/goldmine/planksupport: 32 731 rrrn :matt/goldmine/02: 91 602 rrr :matt/goldmine/04: -29 578 rn :matt/goldmine/06: 513 645 :matt/goldmine/02: 510 547 :matt/goldmine/06: 538 676 :matt/goldmine/10: 514 628 n :matt/goldmine/02: 597 613 n :matt/steel/32x32.S: 542 509 :matt/steel/64x64.S: 370 775 :matt/goldmine/10: 252 894 n :matt/goldmine/06: 319 990 :matt/steel/32x16.S: 151 889 :matt/steel/32x32.S: 151 911 :matt/goldmine/plank: 274 1000 n :matt/goldmine/07: 326 990 :matt/goldmine/02: 83 994 rr :matt/goldmine/06: 409 218 :matt/goldmine/02: 444 164 :matt/goldmine/04: 413 943 :matt/goldmine/08: 530 839 :matt/goldmine/07: 452 935 :matt/goldmine/02: 591 833 :matt/goldmine/09: 623 833 :matt/goldmine/07: 535 956 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 500 707 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 564 707 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 628 707 :matt/goldmine/crate16: 40 775 :matt/goldmine/crate16: 61 775 :matt/goldmine/crate16: 48 759 :matt/goldmine/02: 28 592 n :matt/goldmine/02: 98 622 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 0 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 64 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 128 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 192 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 256 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 320 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 384 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 448 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 512 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 576 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 640 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 704 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 768 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 832 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 896 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 960 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 720 1024 :matt/goldmine/01: 88 1004 :matt/goldmine/07: 537 905 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 794 :matt/steel/8x8.S: 225 750 :matt/steel/8x8.S: 200 750 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 730 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 858 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 922 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 986 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 474 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 410 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 538 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 602 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 666 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 282 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 218 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 346 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 90 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 26 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 154 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 0 -38 :matt/steel/32x32.S: 48 240 :matt/steel/16x32.S: 32 240 :matt/goldmine/03: 809 220 :matt/goldmine/04: 1010 154 :matt/goldmine/06: 1050 308 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 928 236 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 864 240 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 800 240 :matt/goldmine/01: 856 294 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1030 260 :matt/goldmine/01: 1096 280 n :matt/goldmine/03: 1092 300 n :matt/steel/16x32.S: 906 192 :matt/goldmine/02: 760 182 n :matt/goldmine/05: 768 190 n :matt/goldmine/03: 758 238 n :matt/goldmine/01: 892 234 n :matt/goldmine/02: 870 312 :matt/goldmine/02: 1058 320 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1050 318 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1114 318 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1178 318 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 884 358 :matt/steel/16x16.S: 924 444 :matt/steel/16x16.S: 988 444 :matt/steel/16x16.S: 1050 444 :matt/goldmine/02: 1100 421 rr :matt/steel/32x16.S: 1101 370 :matt/steel/32x16.S: 1133 370 :matt/steel/32x16.S: 1165 370 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1134 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1150 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1166 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1182 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1198 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1214 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1230 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1246 356 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1242 318 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1306 318 :matt/goldmine/03: 1215 310 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1230 371 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1246 363 :matt/goldmine/02: 1221 420 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1230 435 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1230 499 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1121 485 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1121 549 :matt/goldmine/planksupport: 1268 190 :matt/goldmine/planksupport: 778 312 rrrn :matt/goldmine/01: 1242 452 n :matt/goldmine/00: 1303 584 :matt/goldmine/01: 1220 684 :matt/goldmine/crate64: 1090 711 :matt/steel/32x16.S: 1121 613 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 994 663 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 994 733 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 871 756 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 871 687 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 871 825 :matt/steel/8x8.S: 986 771 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 994 797 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 994 861 :matt/goldmine/planksupport: 752 731 rrrn :matt/goldmine/02: 811 602 rrr :matt/goldmine/04: 691 578 rn :matt/goldmine/06: 1233 645 :matt/goldmine/02: 1230 547 :matt/goldmine/06: 1258 676 :matt/goldmine/10: 1234 628 n :matt/goldmine/02: 1317 613 n :matt/steel/32x32.S: 1262 509 :matt/steel/64x64.S: 1090 775 :matt/goldmine/10: 972 894 n :matt/goldmine/06: 1039 990 :matt/steel/32x16.S: 871 889 :matt/steel/32x32.S: 871 911 :matt/goldmine/plank: 994 1000 n :matt/goldmine/07: 1046 990 :matt/goldmine/02: 803 994 rr :matt/goldmine/06: 1129 218 :matt/goldmine/02: 1164 164 :matt/goldmine/04: 1133 943 :matt/goldmine/08: 1250 839 :matt/goldmine/07: 1172 935 :matt/goldmine/02: 1311 833 :matt/goldmine/09: 1343 833 :matt/goldmine/07: 1255 956 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1220 707 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1284 707 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1348 707 :matt/goldmine/crate16: 760 775 :matt/goldmine/crate16: 781 775 :matt/goldmine/crate16: 768 759 :matt/goldmine/02: 748 592 n :matt/goldmine/02: 818 622 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 0 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 64 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 128 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 192 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 256 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 320 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 384 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 448 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 512 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 576 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 640 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 704 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 768 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 832 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 896 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 960 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1440 1024 :matt/goldmine/01: 808 1004 :matt/goldmine/07: 1257 905 n :matt/steel/8x8.S: 945 750 :matt/steel/8x8.S: 920 750 :matt/steel/32x32.S: 768 240 :matt/steel/16x32.S: 752 240 :matt/goldmine/crate32: 688 640 d :matt/goldmine/crate32: 688 672 d :matt/goldmine/03: 1529 220 :matt/goldmine/04: 1730 154 :matt/goldmine/06: 1770 308 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1648 236 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1584 240 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1520 240 :matt/goldmine/01: 1576 294 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1750 260 :matt/goldmine/01: 1816 280 n :matt/goldmine/03: 1812 300 n :matt/steel/16x32.S: 1626 192 :matt/goldmine/02: 1480 182 n :matt/goldmine/05: 1488 190 n :matt/goldmine/03: 1478 238 n :matt/goldmine/01: 1612 234 n :matt/goldmine/02: 1590 312 :matt/goldmine/02: 1778 320 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1770 318 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1834 318 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1898 318 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1604 358 :matt/steel/16x16.S: 1644 444 :matt/steel/16x16.S: 1708 444 :matt/steel/16x16.S: 1770 444 :matt/goldmine/02: 1820 421 rr :matt/steel/32x16.S: 1821 370 :matt/steel/32x16.S: 1853 370 :matt/steel/32x16.S: 1885 370 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1854 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1870 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1886 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1902 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1918 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1934 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1950 356 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1966 356 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1962 318 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 2026 318 :matt/goldmine/03: 1935 310 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1950 371 :matt/steel/16x8.S: 1966 363 :matt/goldmine/02: 1941 420 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1950 435 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1950 499 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1841 485 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1841 549 :matt/goldmine/planksupport: 1988 190 :matt/goldmine/planksupport: 1498 312 rrrn :matt/goldmine/01: 1962 452 n :matt/goldmine/00: 2023 584 :matt/goldmine/01: 1940 684 :matt/goldmine/crate64: 1810 711 :matt/steel/32x16.S: 1841 613 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1714 663 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1714 733 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1591 756 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1591 687 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1591 825 :matt/steel/8x8.S: 1706 771 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1714 797 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 1714 861 :matt/goldmine/planksupport: 1472 731 rrrn :matt/goldmine/02: 1531 602 rrr :matt/goldmine/04: 1411 578 rn :matt/goldmine/06: 1953 645 :matt/goldmine/02: 1950 547 :matt/goldmine/06: 1978 676 :matt/goldmine/10: 1954 628 n :matt/goldmine/02: 2037 613 n :matt/steel/32x32.S: 1982 509 :matt/steel/64x64.S: 1810 775 :matt/goldmine/10: 1692 894 n :matt/goldmine/06: 1759 990 :matt/steel/32x16.S: 1591 889 :matt/steel/32x32.S: 1591 911 :matt/goldmine/plank: 1714 1000 n :matt/goldmine/07: 1766 990 :matt/goldmine/02: 1523 994 rr :matt/goldmine/06: 1849 218 :matt/goldmine/02: 1884 164 :matt/goldmine/04: 1853 943 :matt/goldmine/08: 1970 839 :matt/goldmine/07: 1892 935 :matt/goldmine/02: 2031 833 :matt/goldmine/09: 2063 833 :matt/goldmine/07: 1975 956 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 1940 707 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 2004 707 :matt/steel/64x32.S: 2068 707 :matt/goldmine/crate16: 1480 775 :matt/goldmine/crate16: 1501 775 :matt/goldmine/crate16: 1488 759 :matt/goldmine/02: 1468 592 n :matt/goldmine/02: 1538 622 n :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 0 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 64 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 128 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 192 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 256 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 320 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 384 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 448 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 512 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 576 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 640 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 704 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 768 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 832 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 896 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 960 :matt/steel/32x64.S: 2160 1024 :matt/goldmine/01: 1528 1004 :matt/goldmine/07: 1977 905 n :matt/steel/8x8.S: 1665 750 :matt/steel/8x8.S: 1640 750 :matt/steel/32x32.S: 1488 240 :matt/steel/16x32.S: 1472 240 :matt/goldmine/crate32: 1408 640 d :matt/goldmine/crate32: 1408 672 d