Package ij.process

Class StackConverter

  • public class StackConverter
    extends Object
    This class does stack type conversions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StackConverter

        public StackConverter​(ImagePlus imp)
    • Method Detail

      • convertToGray8

        public void convertToGray8()
        Converts this Stack to 8-bit grayscale.
      • convertToGray16

        public void convertToGray16()
        Converts this Stack to 16-bit grayscale.
      • convertToGray32

        public void convertToGray32()
        Converts this Stack to 32-bit (float) grayscale.
      • convertToRGB

        public void convertToRGB()
        Converts the Stack to RGB.
      • convertToRGBHyperstack

        public void convertToRGBHyperstack()
        Converts the stack (which must be RGB) to a 3 channel (red, green and blue) hyperstack.
      • convertToHSBHyperstack

        public void convertToHSBHyperstack()
        Converts the stack (which must be RGB) to a 3 channel (hue, saturation and brightness) hyperstack.
      • convertToLabHyperstack

        public void convertToLabHyperstack()
        Converts the stack (which must be RGB) to a 3 channel Lab hyperstack.
      • convertToIndexedColor

        public void convertToIndexedColor​(int nColors)
        Converts the stack to 8-bits indexed color. 'nColors' must be greater than 1 and less than or equal to 256.