Package ij

Class ImageJ

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ActionListener, ItemListener, KeyListener, MouseListener, WindowListener, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Runnable, EventListener, Accessible

    public class ImageJ
    extends Frame
    implements ActionListener, MouseListener, KeyListener, WindowListener, ItemListener, Runnable
    This frame is the main ImageJ class.

    ImageJ is a work of the United States Government. It is in the public domain and open source. There is no copyright. You are free to do anything you want with this source but I like to get credit for my work and I would like you to offer your changes to me so I can possibly add them to the "official" version.

    The following command line options are recognized by ImageJ:
         Opens a file
         Example 1: blobs.tif
         Example 2: /Users/wayne/images/blobs.tif
         Example 3: e81*.tif
      -macro path [arg]
         Runs a macro or script (JavaScript, BeanShell or Python), passing an
         optional string argument, which the macro or script can be retrieve
         using the getArgument() function. The macro or script is assumed to 
         be in the ImageJ/macros folder if 'path' is not a full directory path.
         Example 1: -macro analyze.ijm
         Example 2: -macro script.js /Users/wayne/images/stack1
         Example 2: -macro '1.2 2.4 3.8'
      -batch path [arg]
        Runs a macro or script (JavaScript, BeanShell or Python) in
        batch (no GUI) mode, passing it an optional argument.
        ImageJ exits when the macro finishes.
      -eval "macro code"
         Evaluates macro code
         Example 1: -eval "print('Hello, world');"
         Example 2: -eval "return getVersion();"
      -run command
         Runs an ImageJ menu command
         Example: -run "About ImageJ..."
      -ijpath path
         Specifies the path to the directory containing the plugins directory
         Example: -ijpath /Applications/ImageJ
         Specifies the port ImageJ uses to determine if another instance is running
         Example 1: -port1 (use default port address + 1)
         Example 2: -port2 (use default port address + 2)
         Example 3: -port0 (don't check for another instance)
         Runs ImageJ in debug mode
    Wayne Rasband (
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • VERSION

        public static final String VERSION
        Plugins should call IJ.getVersion() or IJ.getFullVersion() to get the version string.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • backgroundColor

        public static Color backgroundColor
      • SansSerif12

        public static final Font SansSerif12
        SansSerif, 12-point, plain font.

        public static final int DEFAULT_PORT
        Address of socket where Image accepts commands
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int STANDALONE
        Run as normal application.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EMBEDDED

        public static final int EMBEDDED
        Run embedded in another application.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • NO_SHOW

        public static final int NO_SHOW
        Run embedded and invisible in another application.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageJ

        public ImageJ()
        Creates a new ImageJ frame that runs as an application.
      • ImageJ

        public ImageJ​(int mode)
        Creates a new ImageJ frame that runs as an application in the specified mode.
      • ImageJ

        public ImageJ​(Applet applet)
        Creates a new ImageJ frame that runs as an applet.
      • ImageJ

        public ImageJ​(Applet applet,
                      int mode)
        If 'applet' is not null, creates a new ImageJ frame that runs as an applet. If 'mode' is ImageJ.EMBEDDED and 'applet is null, creates an embedded (non-standalone) version of ImageJ.