TRAM - Testing Release Archive Maker (c) 2006-2007 by v1ctor o Usage: tram [-root=base_path ] [-date=yyyy/mm/dd ] [-time=hh:mm:ss] [-file=output_name] [-dist=win32|linux|dos|compiler|rtlib|gfxlib] o Notes: If -date is omitted, all files in the distribution are included. If -root is omitted, "../../.." is assumed. If -dist is omitted, "win32" is assumed. o The file lists are pulled from [root]/manifest/current If -file is omitted, it is constructed as follows: FB-v[FB_VER_MAJOR].[FB_VER_MINOR]-[monthname( month( now ), -1 )]-[day( now )]-[year( now )]-[dist].[zip|gz] o Example: tram -date=2006/05/01 -dist=win32 ./tram -date=2006/05/01 -dist=linux