Testing and reporting


Testing is what helps making applications rock stable. Since we a re a community project, we rely on you, yes — you, our dear users.

We don't really encourage you to compile the most unstable cutting edge source code, but in case you find some bugs in the latest released version, do not hesitate to point them out to us.


So you found a reproducible way to crash Fontmatrix. If you are on Linux, please use application called gdb to create a report which in programmers lingo is called backtrace. Here is how you do it:

  1. Install gdb via package manager
  2. Open terminal
  3. $ gdb fontmatrix
  4. gdb's console appears
  5. > run
  6. Fontmatrix starts, a little slower than usually
  7. Reproduce the crash
  8. Go back to terminal
  9. > bt
  10. Copy the output using mouse and paste it somewhere
  11. > quit

If you are on Windows or Mac or simply do not have time to fiddle with gdb, at least own up and tell us exactly what you did.

Reporting bugs and requesting features

You can submit bugs reports to our bugtracker (no need to register). Don’t worry about the "Undertype" name, as Fontmatrix originally belonged to this bigger project.

A good, useful bug report contains:

  1. List of actions that led to a bug
  2. Backtrace, if the application crashed (see above)
  3. Information on your system

Typical information on your system we would appreciate:

If you want to request a new feature, use the very same tracker.