How to use VS Code? The plugin allows you to enable VS Code's Python debugger. Install VS Code and its "Python" extension (Microsoft). In FAR2L, load the udebug plugin with the command "py:load udebug", then you can configure the connection to VS Code. In the "Python udebug" plugin configuration dialog (F11 or F9+o+u) enter: - the directory (default: /tmp) where debugpy should log its informations - address or name of the computer you work on (default: localhost) - the port on which debugpy will listen (default: 5678) Run VS Code, and fill in the same information in launch.json (host, port). You can provide additional information in the settings.json file. It's time to activate the connection between python and VS Code, that is: - run debugpy with "py:debug" command - FAR2L will "hang" and wait for VS Code connection. - in VS Code run "Attach" configuration Now you can start the debugger at any time with the following commands: - "py:breakpoint" in FAR2L or - import debugpy; debugpy.breakpoint () # from any python plugin